The Witch, The Doctor, and the Puppet

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La Signora sat outside in the frozen courtyard of the Harbinger base, gazing out at the mountains. You brushed the snow off the bench to sit at her side. She looked down, anxious if she should even try to speak to you... If she would ever be able to apologize enough to you. Or, if you would just decide to kill her for her trespass-

"I'm sorry about what happened to your lover." You began sincerely with a low voice. "If the same tragedy would have befell me, I would have become so much worse than you."

Her head snapped to you in shock.

You continued, your voice gentle. "I understand your anger that the archons couldn't protect their people. That humans lost their lives so needlessly, when the gods should be able to handle matters among themselves. That was always what I advised, when I served a different archon..." You turned to her. "Were you in pursuit of the Anemo Archon when you arrived at the Ragnvindr estate?"


You brought your gaze to the mountains beyond the falling snow. "I see. I wasn't aware that he was on the grounds at the time."

"My informants told me that he shelters there often." Her eyes remained locked on you.

"Does he now?" You mused. "I did not know."

"In all of my studies... I'd never seen pyro magic like that..." She whispered, haunted by the cries of those burned alive for stepping foot on the protected grounds with malintent.

"Hopefully, you never will again." You offered.

"How does it work?" She asked gently.

"You cannot replicate it. Not from a lack of talent or dedication. You're just not the right species." You encouraged her to drop it.

"I've seen the little blessings that you give... but the estate-"

"The impact of the blessing scales to the impact of the offering."

Her eyes widened. "What did Ragnvindr offer you?"

You stood to conclude your conversation. "I will not interfere with your work as a harbinger. But the protection of those grounds will stand for centuries to come. I cannot control who seeks sanctuary there. I recommend you adapt." You smirked. "I'm territorial by nature. I protect what is important to me. I always have. I always will." You stepped away from her with a gentle crunch in the falling snow. "Good day, Signora."


You stepped back inside the Zapolyarny Palace of Snezhnaya from the courtyard.

"Pierro." You greeted with a bow of your head in the long hall. "Calling me in all the way from Sumeru? This new Harbinger must be quite the addition." You unhooked your cloak.

"He is. No need for your assessment in this case. His skills aren't in combat."

You refastened your cloak. "I see. Then why bother summoning me?"

"He's been ranked at number 2." Pierro stated.

"Number 2? Really?" You mused, intrigued. Pierro would occasionally ask you to spar the new promotions to aid in assessing their ranks. Yet this one ranked at number 2 even without your assessment. Many recruits were powerful, with lofty ambition, but this one was only one who truly scared you.

The doors at the end of the hall opened. "Il Dottore, the Doctor, this is the Priestess." Pierro introduced.

Dottore raised an eyebrow as he approached you. "We have a holy woman here?" He asked, amused.

You extended your hand to shake his, before you retracted it sharply when your eyes met. No. No no no no no. Run. Kill him. Get out. Run. Control your breathing.

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