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Your expression fell. "Lady Furina?" You asked Menthe gently.

"Yes." She nodded. "Please follow me this way." You looked to Neuvillette with nervous hesitation, but he followed at your side until Menthe stopped him. "Lady Furina would like to speak to Y/n alone."

Fucking hell. Your anxiety flared, and Neuvillette noticed. "Hm. I can at least escort her." He stated, mostly for your benefit, as he remained at your side. Menthe nodded in agreement and led you both up the stairs. "Is this the first Archon you've met?" He whispered.

"No." You replied with a shake of your head.

"There's nothing to be afraid of here." He reassured, though he was suspicious as to why Furina would send for you, especially without him, and concerned why your knowledge of other Archons made you fear his.

As you arrived at the top floor of Palais, you could see Lady Furina seated in her office on a similar blue velvet couch to the one in Neuvillette's office. The ornate room had massive arched windows overlooking the city. Her subjects looked like little dolls below her view. "Lady Furina." Neuvillette bowed his head as he stepped inside to announce your arrival.

She looked up from her tea, but didn't stand to greet you. "Ah! Iudex. No need for you to trouble yourself with this meeting, I know you are double booked."

"I'll reschedule." He stated dryly, clearly less than amused.

Oh. You glanced to him, then down to the floor.. You liked his assertive side, especially on your behalf. "It's alright." You whispered to him before you bowed to the Archon, well accustomed to catering to the egos of these usurping gods. "Lady Furina, it's an honor to meet you." You maintained a neutrality in your voice, ready to shift your personality as needed to best fit this situation. Would you need to play timid, awestruck, nervous, naïve, composed, logical? Your mind rattled through a dozen or so scenarios as to why you'd been called here, but the one your mind kept repeating was: 'Does he know? Did he contact her? Did he send for me? Is he coming here?'

"Yes." She tipped her head. "It is."

You closed your eyes to prevent you from rolling them.

"Please have a seat miss- uh-"

"Y/n." You introduced yourself, even though you were quite certain she was aware of your name. You handed the clipboard to Neuvillette politely. "Your last meeting of the day should be an easy one, Monsieur."

He bowed his head to you, and glanced to Lady Furina before he left.

Once he'd descended a story or two, she began. "He's very polite. Awkward, though." She sighed.

"Mm? I find him quite charming, as do the Melusines." You replied sweetly.

"Hm. I hear you live with the Melusines?" She asked as she continued to drink her tea. She had yet to offer you anything from the impressive spread of drinks and desserts on the table.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"They seem quite fond of you."

You bowed your head. "That's very nice to hear. I'm quite fond of them in return. And, well, they're nice to everyone. I don't think a Melusine has ever met one of your subjects that she didn't hope she could befriend."

"Yes. True." She replied. "But then why is Neuvillette so fond of you? He's not fond of anyone, really. Besides the Melusines of course. And now, you." She looked your black attire and serious demeanor up and down. "And you're certainly not a Melusine."

A timid take on a truthful answer, you decided. "Fond? I- I wouldn't say he's-"

"I've never seen him so much as chat with anyone in this city for longer than what was required for etiquette. And yet in his free time, he seeks out your company, and now wishes to have you more present in the Palais during his work."

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