Tomb (Pt 2)

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Your eyes snapped open instantly with a violent gasp.

The Melusines jumped back, startled, with a squeal.

You coughed on the dust you inhaled, reacclimating yourself to normal breathing.

Neuvillette's shoulders rocked as he tugged his jacket off quickly to offer it to you. "You're safe. You're safe. You've been asleep for a very long time." He covered your shoulders as you sat up.

You gripped your pounding head, before you looked to the grave marker, and then to your dissolved clothes. "So it would seem..." You replied solemnly.

Neuvillette tried to maintain his professional decorum, but there was an excitement in him he wasn't used to. With that one touch, that one glimpse of your red eyes with pupils like his, he was certain you were like him. The first dragon he'd ever met.

He cleared his throat. "My lady. I am Iudex Neuvillette of Fontaine. I'm here to help you."

You finally turned to look at him, and your eyes widened. You were quite certain that he was the most beautiful man you'd ever seen. His silver and blue hair tied back perfectly, his stunning purple eyes... He seemed unaware of your awe, and bowed his head to you.

"Hydro dragon..." You whispered, tears forming in your eyes. His head snapped back up to look at you. "There's no need for that. Your predecessor was a dear friend of mine. A long... long time ago. You seem to be equally as kind."

Neuvillette bowed again out of habit and gratitude for the kind words. "May I ask your name?"

"Y/n." You replied. "Or, that's been my preferred name." You snapped a small flame in the corner to light the cave, allowing him to get a better look at you. "Pyro Dragon." You bowed on your knees, your head nearly touching the stone floor. "And it is I who should be bowing to you, Sovereign."

"How... did you know?" With your head down, you couldn't see the perplexed and novice expression on his face, but you could hear it in his voice. He was... so young. So new. "Please-" He extended a hand down to bring you up from your deep bow.

You resisted his plea for you to rise. "If what was left of my power wasn't so pitiful, I'd offer my service to you." Your hushed pained voice trembled. Your flame flickered in the corner. Your hand balled slowly into a fist in the dirt. "Even after all this time asleep... this is all I've recovered."

His eyes darted around you in concern. In the firelight, he could see light traces of faint scars across your body that almost resembled freckles in their size and prevalence, with darker scars around your fingertips, healed slash wounds on your shoulder blades, and a large puncture wound scar at your core. "...Your power was taken from you." He stated delicately.

"Yes." You looked up at him with distant tear-filled eyes.

He had so many questions, so much he wanted to learn about you, and to learn from you. But more than anything, he just wanted you to feel safe, especially in his company. "It-" he cleared his throat. "It would be a pleasure to have you in my service in Fontaine." Your eyes locked with his, present, and focused. The little spark of passion in your warm deep red eyes nearly distracted him from his words. "For- *ahem* for as long as you wish and as long as it serves you to do so." He wanted that caveat to be clear.

No contract... you were free to come and go as you pleased... he just wanted to help you... "What-"

"And, only once you feel recovered and reacclimated after your long rest. There is no rush." He gestured back to the Melusines. "We only wish to help you." He soothed. The Melusines nodded in agreement.

"I-" Your eyes watered as you looked between the kind creatures and the Sovereign. You bit your lips closed, trying not to cry, and nodded to accept his terms.

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