The Advisor

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You were bored.

"Monsieur?" You asked politely at the Iudex's desk.

"Yes?" His warm voice replied as he looked up at you.

That voice. You rolled your lips between your teeth. Would you read me the encyclopedia? "Is there anything else I could do today to help you? I'm afraid I once again find myself quite idle."

"Well." He placed his pen down and leaned back. "You are welcome to attend the trials."

You looked displeased with that repeat answer. "You asked me to stay out of your courtroom, Monsieur." You replied sweetly.

"Hm," He chuckled. "As a defendant, yes. I can book you some tickets for upcoming operas and shows."

"I'd rather attend those with you, Monsieur. Not while you're still working."

"Mm." He looked down at his desk calendar. "I have noticed you prefer orchestral and dance performances to theater."

"I do." You nodded with a slight smile. You cleared your throat "I want to be productive. Not just entertained." You placed a hand on your hip.

"You don't know how to rest, do you..." He sighed.

Your hip bumped out. "Oh. You're one to talk, Monsieur. I slept for quite a while, actually."

"Right. Apologies." He reached for paper on his desk. "Lady Furina asked me to look into this matter later. Perhaps you could look into it for me?" He handed over the parchment. "Field work is not my specialty, nor is it hers-"

You snatched the paper out of his hands. "I'm on it. Thank you, Monsieur. You're so good to me." You sang as you strode out of his office.

He cleared his throat before he looked back down at his work.

Despite Vautrin's offer to give you a lift, you walked down the hill from the capital to the shoreline. The stone streets faded to wooden boardwalks. They had swollen in flood waters and dried and bleached in the summer sun so many times that the whole path looked like driftwood. Wooden homes were crowded on stilts, nearly on top of one another. Without proper airflow between the homes, the whole place felt humid. However, the stilted homes were alive with bustling trade and neighborly conversation. The smell of spiced meat and seafood stews, dark root brews, and powder dusted fried dough filled the air.

You had to try one of the pastries.

As you happily munched on your fluffy pastry, unconcerned with the powdered sugar that dusted onto your black clothes, you studied the letter for a meeting address.

An older woman with silver curls, in a long, layered skirt and a collection of talismans around her neck watched you from above as you moved about their little district.

You made your way to a small structure that looked more like a workshop than an office, where you met with a local construction team. They led you to the far edge of the stilted district, and showed you a collapsed home, its ruins still in the water.

"If we don't get some help with materials, we're afraid this will happen to the whole first row of homes." The boss said. "... We waited over a year to get an audience with the Archon to ask for her help."

You looked down the row at the damaged, aged support beams. No shit. "Yes. I understand the concern. In the future, I implore you to bring these concerns directly to me in the Palais. I will get this addressed immediately." You returned your attention to the ruins. "Was everyone here alright?"

"Oui, madame. Their neighbors let them move in until we can get them a new house. There's, ooo, 8 or so of them in there now?"

You looked up at the small home. "8?"

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