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The walk on the scarcely marked dirt path was dark, quiet, and mildly treacherous with hidden patches of ice. The wind's whistle was blocked by the fur hood of your long cloak. The pilgrimage was mostly quiet and peaceful, with minimal interruptions from your companion's complaining, but you prepared for that before you invited him along for this Yule's blessings.

"Who even lives all the way out-" Scara grumbled.

"Shh!" You held out an arm to stop him. "Do you hear it?" You whispered at the first hint of festival music in the distance. You smiled, and extended your hand before you. Small lights flew from your palm, and drifted into the sky towards the town over the next hill.

He leaned in towards you, but his eyes remained fixed on the glistening lights. "... Isn't that a bit ominous? Small fires hovering overhead from an approaching Harbinger?"

A cheer erupted in the distance with a crescendo of the music. Your heart warmed with genuine happiness. "No. Not to them."

As you step foot into town, you were swarmed with cheerful greetings and warm drinks.

"Fire Priestess!"


"Ivanna! Good to see you! How's your business?" You greeted with a beaming smile as you accepted a warm spiced fruit drink with unknown alcohol content.

"The wool's been so popular in Fontaine!" She chirped.

"As it should. There's no finer quality than your flock's, Ivanna."

"I wove a cloak for you! With the other offerings..."

"Thank you, dear." You bowed your head to her.

"Thank you, Priestess."

A few young ladies batted their eyes at Scara. "Who's this?"

You laughed, unsure if his look was terror, panic, or disgust. "He's a friend."

His head snapped to you once he realized you'd not referred to him as just a colleague. But you'd moved on ahead with the crowd as they shuttled you towards the music and your offering table.

While he hadn't met them all, Scara had never seen an Archon be as adored and revered by their people as you were in this moment.

You were given food and time to rest, as you listened to the music and watched the festivities. You showed Scara to the spread of food and pointed out a few things. "That's too sweet for you, you won't like that, but you may like that, and that... That's my favorite."

"I'm fine." He looked around at the lights and decorations.

"... Is this your first time at a festival, Scara?" You queried at his overstimulated wonder.


You raised an eyebrow.

"... First one like this."

"Try to enjoy yourself, will you? Don't be so... stiff..." Your daze became distant as your speech trailed off.


You and Menogias attempted to dress the Archon down for the festival. He looked plain enough to pass. "Ready? No powers, no glowing tattoos or eyes. You'll fit right in." You coached.

"Mhmm." Morax hummed skeptically.

"You'll love it. I promise you, as your adviser." You bowed to him with an inflated formality to your voice. He chuckled a little. "And if nothing else, it will be educational for you. This festival is celebrating the spring." You explained as you led him down the mountain. "The paper lanterns are beautiful, you can see some now-" You pointed over the water. "There's food and music and dancing!" You turned back to him with an elated smile.

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