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"Shit." You sighed at the piece of mail from Snezhnaya.

"What is it?" Alhaitham asked across the table.

"I need to go in for- work. It'll be a quick trip. I'll be back before we leave for spring break."

He raised an eyebrow. "They can just call you in like that?"

"Well, they do pay me." You stood.

"... To do what exactly?" Alhaitham asked.

"I'm assessing a new recruit." You answered vaguely, but honestly.


In the cold dining hall of the palace, you carried two cups of tea to where your colleague sat. "What's the fuss about?" You asked Scara as you handed him a cup of tea.

"We have a new harbinger."

"Mhmm. Her Majesty mentioned she wanted my assessment in her letter."

"Yes, well, not everyone is thrilled about it." He grumbled, annoyed.

"Huh. Well." You shrugged. "They'll get over it."

"Signora never gets over anything." Scara said deadpan.

You nearly snorted out your tea. He tried to hide that making you laugh made him smile. "Same could be said about me." You set your tea down. "And definitely about you."


Pantalone stepped into the dining area. "Miss L/n." He bowed and extended a hand toward you.

You placed your hand in his. "Always a pleasure, Pantalone. How are you?" He kissed it.

He tipped his head to the door outside. "You've been requested for the assessment, but remind me after that I have a gift for you."

Scara looked deeply unimpressed. "You're too kind." You flirted intentionally with a low giggle.

After you walked out. Scara crossed his arms. "She's not going to give you a blessing. You can stop trying. The second hand embarrassment is unbearable."

Pantalone smirked. "I'm not after a blessing."

You stepped outside to the training area. Through last night and into this morning, the harbingers were taking turns on the newest recruit. You weren't sure how many had gone already, but the snow was a mess outside. The young recruit wore a mostly gray suit-like outfit. You eyed his hydro vision, which hung from his belt below an unexpected peek at his abdomen. A red mask covered his face. He turned to you with a double take.

"You're- a harbinger?" He asked, hesitantly reaching for his weapon.

You held up a hand for a pause. "No. I just visit and consult here on occasion."

"I see." He panted, catching his breath.

"How many spars have you endured this morning?" You asked.

"6." He winced. "It's been a fun day." Despite his pain, he sounded genuine.

Sovereigns... you're so young... Your heart ached at the idea of someone his age being dragged into this life. "Any major injuries?"

"Nah, not really, I'll just be sore tomorrow. Are you the healer here?" He asked sweetly as you approached. He watched how you studied his body and movements to see if he was lying.

"I only know some basics."

While you scanned his body for damage, he looked you over, and his breathing halted as his eyes reached your belt. Around a small pouch was a leather band with a wooden charm of a firework.

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