The Doctor. The Scientist.

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"What business do your harbingers have looking into draconic weapons in Liyue?" Rex Lapis demanded.

"Hm?" The Tsaritsa rested her head in her hand on her frozen throne. "The harbingers are looking for materials to make your decoy Exuvia form. It's been quite the taxing endeavor, but you insist on retiring with such ornate showmanship." Her regal composure was elevated by the moonlight reflecting off the ice, and the reverberation of her voice in the empty hall.

He approached her throne slowly. "Don't. Lie. To me."

"I would-" You cannot lie to a Geo Dragon. She recalled your guidance before she finished her lie. They can feel how your heartbeat vibrates through the earth. They can feel how it changes. "We are in an agreement. One of your beloved contracts. Why would I do anything to harm our mutually beneficial arrangement?"

"I will find out what it is you are hiding from me." He threatened. "And when I do-"

"What will you do to me, Morax? Hm? Without your precious gnosis?" The Tsaritsa dismissed, unbothered.

He smirked. "I lived for thousands of years without it. I rose to power without it." He leaned in closer to her, his voice was low and soft, but she could feel the rumble of it in her chest as the ground below her trembled. "I can tell you exactly what I've done to others... What'd I'd do to you."

"That won't be necessary, as there is no breach of our contract." She attempted to deflect. "You're welcome to peruse the halls of the palace, but you'll find no trace of draconic weapons here." She paused briefly, before she decided to add with sincerity in her voice but inability to meet his gaze "... I'd never allow my harbingers to use them."

She was telling the truth. His expression softened as he retracted from her, returning to his full towering height. "For now, our contract remains intact." The Geo Archon agreed. "But keep your subordinates out of Liyue." His back was to her as he offered his final terms. "I will make exceptions if they have a letter from you dictating exactly what resources they are in search of."

She swallowed as he left. Once the grand doors closed behind him, she let out a slow breath.


The Tsaritsa sent the following brief letter to Dottore and Pantalone:

"If you catch the attention of the Geo Archon again, I will freeze every last drop of blood in your heart."


Deep underground, 500 years ago.

You lay naked on the cold metal table, face down. Your left arm was raw from the harvest of scales before you were shifted back to your human form. As you lifted your head, blood dripped from your scalp, to your forehead, then splattered on the scuffed metal. In all of this, you found a small gratitude. At least you couldn't see your reflection.

Across the cavernous room where you were continuously harvested, the Scientist reviewed his notes from the day. His turn down after his workday seemed almost meditative as he aligned his cleaned tools and recording devices for tomorrow.

Your labored breathing steadied enough for you to open your mouth. "What- do you want?"

It was the first time you'd spoken.

He turned back to you. "Oh? You do speak?" He stepped towards you with intrigue lighting his red eyes. "Please tell me you are going to try to bargain with me."

"What do you want? Money? Power? Knowledge for the sake of knowledge? To hurt Rex Lapis? Or do you just enjoy this..."

"Hmm." He walked slowly to the far side of the sterilely lit room and retrieved a chair. He placed it down next to the metal table. He unfastened the restraints on your wrist, but long chains still held your ankles. He took a seat in the chair. "It began a few decades ago. Our crops, which are all grown underground, started to fail."

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