Crepus / Immortality

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"Where are you going?" Scara asked as you pulled your plain, dark, wool cloak over your shoulders and shifted to your male form on your way out of the frozen palace. La Signora looked you up and down as she crossed your path. You winked at her. She tried to look offended, and you didn't try to hide your amusement. "I thought you were staying through the end of the month?" Scara continued, sounding slighted.

"The Ragnvindrs are passing the torch."

He caught up to you. "Again? Human lives are so pitifully brief." He scoffed.

"Oh? Is an old man's failing health an inconvenience to you personally, Scaramouche?"

He clicked his tongue and looked away from you.

"Keep an eye on my office while I'm gone, will you?"

"Yeah, yeah." He turned his back to you and waved you off. He often slept in your office while you were away. You kept your awareness of this fact to yourself, so as to not discourage him.


A few weeks later. Scara returned to the palace with a short sword he'd discovered in an underground cave in Natlan. As he rounded the corner towards your office, he saw Dottore standing outside, his thumb and forefinger against his chin, as he studied the glowing sigil on the wooden door.

"Ha!" Scara scoffed. "Burn yourself?"

The doctor looked down at his singed glove and mangled hand. "Nothing I can't fix."

Scara slid past the Doctor and opened the door narrowly, closing it quickly behind him. He placed the short sword on your desk next to a few dragon scale tipped arrows another Harbinger must have left for you. He stepped back out into the hall, and walked towards his own sterile room.

Unfortunately, the doctor followed. "Curious. It seems only those of you marked with her sigil may enter. But how does one acquire such a mark from our generous Priestess?"

Scara shrugged. "You can ask her next time you see her."

The doctor smirked. "I get the sense that she's avoiding encounters with me. I try not to take it personally. But, it does leave me all the more curious about her work. How her little spells and charms work... How she has so many of you digging up old weapons for her... Does she not go underground herself?"

"I was in the area." Scara lied. "She pays me well for the weapons."

"Hmm." The doctor didn't believe him. "Her magic is beyond ancient. It's been fun to research. She didn't tell you anything about your mark?"

"She doesn't have to explain her magic to anyone." Scara dismissed. "She's higher rank than both of us."

"It binds your body to hers, and vice versa. It requires blood, tears, or a variety of other bodily fluids. The lewd variety seems to be her favorite offering to sustain these dark contracts. Signora, Pierro, even the Tsaritsa enjoy her company from the sounds of it, but you... You I didn't expect. I didn't think you were to her taste."

He'd successfully crawled under Scara's skin. He remained silent.

"Oh? Were you unaware of her company with other Harbingers? With our Archon? Strange, you seem so close. I figured she'd tell you."

Scara opened his bedroom door and shut it in the doctor's face. Dottore sauntered away, amused with the continuation of one of his favorite puzzles in the palace.

Scara collapsed on his small bed, and though he was exhausted from his long journey, was unable to sleep soundly.


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