The Archon's Ball

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The lavish decorations and flower displays overflowed the sparkling grand ballroom. The wall of arched windows looked out to the calm moonlit waves and stars on the horizon. Melodies from the string quartet reverberated through the hall, as guests waltzed across the floor under the candlelight chandelier.

"...Do you not dance?" You whispered at the Iudex's side, tipping towards him slightly.

"I do not."

"Hm." You straightened and were silent for a moment. You tipped your head back towards him. "Is it because you do not wish to or because you don't know how?"

He was quiet. "Both, but perhaps the latter influences the former."

A small smile touched your face. "The latter can be easily remedied."

He turned his head towards you. "You dance?"

"I do, and could discreetly teach you, if your concern is appearances. It would be good for you to do so. You are the only member of the Fontaine court who does not partake in this activity."

"I'm not sure I fully understand the purpose of this activity." He observed.

"Well, in this context, I understand. The Waltz can be lovely, but it's often stuffy and sterile. Yet another marker to assess and rank one's refinement against the other members of the court. But dancing can be a fun and beautiful form of human expression. A way to connect." You looked him up and down. "But even so, it's okay to just not like it. You have to try first, though, before you make that determination."

"You could teach me here, in front of everyone, and still have it be discrete?" He wanted to clarify.

"I most certainly could, Monsieur."

He took a small reassuring breath. "How would I begin?" He asked, apprehensive.

"You would step in front of me, extend a hand, and bow."

He glanced around the twirling room. "The steps seem... simple enough."

"Mhmm. It's just counting to 3 over and over. A little rotational motion. The key is to keep good posture and move in sync with the music and your partner. I'll read your movements, and adapt quickly. The man is supposed to lead the dance. The way the man leads is crucial to the flow and aesthetic of the dance. I'll make it look like you lead me expertly. I promise." You soothed.

"I would hold your hand and your waist?"

"Yes." You smirked at his nervous question.

He was quiet again for a long moment.

Which allowed you to reflect. "... Do you experience much physical touch, Neuvillette? I've never seen someone so much as shake your hand." Except for you, of course.

"I... no. No, I do not." He had a clear memory of each and every time you'd touched him, held his arm, kissed his cheek...

You looked up at him, saddened. "I see. Should you have interest, I would recommend it. It can be... very comforting... when it comes from the right person. I once discussed with a researcher at great length his findings regarding the benefits on the body's ability to regulate stress that could be directly correlated to the quantity and duration of hugs received. Truly fascinating."

"Hmm, I'll have to look into locating this research to share with the Melusines. I'm sure they'd enjoy studying it, though they seem to already be experts in the matter."

Your gaze up at him grew in admiration. He was so kind. So gentle. He deserves all the comfort in the world...

He looked down at your wider, adoring eyes. He took a deep breath, stepped from your side to the space in front of you, and bowed with a hand outstretched.

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