Wriothesley's Trial

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"Priest!!" Little Diluc called as you walked down the long drive to leave the winery.

"Careful." You pivoted as he scampered towards you on the uneven road. You smiled warmly at the maid who followed him, tired from doing her best to keep up with the small child. "Do you need a refill on tea?" You said softly to her. She nodded as she caught her breath. "Help yourself to the cupboard in my cabin."

"Why does she need tea?" Diluc looked back over his shoulder as he continued towards you.

You chuckled. "Because chasing you around is hard work, young master. We get achy as we get older."

He crashed into your legs to hug them. "Are you leaving?"

"Just for a little while."

He pouted up at you, then buried his face into your leg. "Okay. I'll practice the sword drills you taught me really hard while you're gone."

"Or... you could play and explore and read-" You tried to encourage.

"But! But it makes daddy so happy when I do them right..."

You lowered to one knee. "Your father is happy to spend time with you every day. And he's very proud of you. No matter how your sword form looks." You rustled his hair.

He hugged you over your shoulders. "Be safe."

You pulled back and bowed, before you resumed your walk to central Mondstadt.


You stopped at the Northland Bank to report you would be moving locations, when you were surprised to see the beginning stages of construction at the perimeter of the building.

You shifted to your female form as you walked through the doors.

"Priestess!" A young Fatui named Maria greeted enthusiastically.

"Maria..." You held her shoulders as you kissed both of her cheeks. "How are you, dear?"

"Good, Priestess! I got a promotion! We're expanding here." She bounced a little in her pride.

"Congratulations! Well-deserved indeed." You praised, and she blushed at the kind words from someone of such high rank. "We'll have to go out for a drink to celebrate."

"Might I recommend the local vineyard?" Crepus's voice offered from behind you. You tensed.

Maria smiled. "Oh! Priestess, this is Crepus Ragnvindr. He's the reason we're able to expand so in Mondstadt." She glanced him up and down.

You blinked a few times but maintained your smile. "Is he?" What the hell have you gotten yourself into now, Crepus...

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Priestess. I've heard so much about you." He peeked around you to Maria. "All good things from every Fatui I've met."

The hell you mean 'every Fatui you've met'?? You turned around to face him. "Master Crepus." His eyes widened at your familiar red gaze, hair texture, black clothes... "Your reputation precedes you as well."

"... Do you have a brother by chance? Of a... similar profession?"

"Hm? No, I'm afraid I do not. Why?" You taunted.

He clicked his tongue. "Maria, I insist. You two must celebrate your promotion at my tavern. On the house."


Crepus was a charismatic and suave bartender. You listened to Maria giggle at his sweet compliments as you finished your third glass of wine. She knew 149 ways to kill a man. And she was giggling.

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