Your First Year in Fontaine

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Your first year in Fontaine was quiet, peaceful.

You needed that.

You had much to learn about how the world had changed in your slumber, and much to learn about your new friend, the Chief Justice. He kindly invited you on walks in his limited leisure time, and you always accepted, even if you were silent for most of the early promenades through the town's art deco shops and limestone streets. You were both grateful for and comfortable in the quiet company.

"Neuvillette..." You spoke up for the first time on your walk together that evening. He turned towards you immediately with his undivided attention. "Are you injured?" Your voice was soft in your query.

He blinked a few times, and looked down at his clothes, searching for a mark of damage you perceived that he was unaware of. "Why do you ask?"

You nodded down to his cane.

"Oh. I see. It's mostly for aesthetics." He paused, and looked around to confirm that the two of you were out of earshot of any passersby. "But, on occasion, I experience pain in my leg with no visual or known injury. It's... strange, I'll admit. The Melusines haven't uncovered the reason as of yet."

You looked up at him, down to his leg, and then back up at him. "Hm. Were you injured in your other form? ... Sometimes, injuries I sustained in my other form ache in this one..." You pulled the long sleeves of your black turtleneck down on your wrists under your military trench coat as you returned your focus ahead.

He looked down at your expression, sunken from where it was at the start of this discussion. "I'm sorry." He offered first, then shifted back to your questions of him, as he didn't want to press you. "I'm afraid that I've never experienced any form but this one."

Your eyes widened as you turned back to him. "Really? Neuvillette..." Your voice was hushed.

"Maybe something happened to that form in the past, but if so, I have no memory of it, and no way to access it." He stated factually as he kept his focus forward.

You nodded, and were silent for a moment. "You know, there are many things that I find strange about this form, having experienced both. For example, the size and aesthetic difference between men and women. The idea that the human men here are bigger and stronger, and the women are prettier, took a bit to get used to. It felt so reversed. But..." You extended an arm to thread through his as you continued the promenade. "Truthfully, you aren't missing that much. And this form has so many benefits and perks that I hope you'll explore if you haven't already."

He looked down at your arm hooked with his, and then to the other pairs passing by, whose body language you had mimicked. "Thank you. That does make me feel a bit better. ... and what benefits would those be?"

"Well food, and tea! Tea's a big one." You leaned in towards him for emphasis. "And touch." You looked up at the cloudy sky. As a few small raindrops began to fall, you extended a hand to catch one. "Feeling how the rain can hit your skin like a gentle tap like this, or like stinging needles in a winter storm... It adds so much depth to experiencing the world. Scales would have never noticed the difference... What is it?" You asked with a smile in your eyes as his focused gaze lingered on you.

"I- I'm sorry. You're getting wet- should we get you inside?" He offered as he watched the pairs around you two either open umbrellas or scurry towards shelter.

"No, no. I quite like rains like this." You continued your stride, unbothered by the weather, with a soft smile.

"I do too. You know, in my experience, people don't appreciate the different types of rain."

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