44. pertunjukan drama part terakhir

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Setelah para Princess dan Prince Rain pergi, Duke Maurel Prince Louis & Prince Lion pun bersiap melawan Princess Charlotte sedangkan Prince Bryce hanya menatap mereka yang sedang bertarung.

"I want to help Bella but it will digress to a part that shouldn't be the storyline. What should I do?" bingung Prince Bryce(Daniel) bergumam pelan.
"Hey Prince Bryce! Come help us!" suruh Prince Lion mendesak.
"Ck I'm fine sorry" decak Prince Bryce, ia menghunus kan pedangnya.
"Don't use violence especially if she's a girl" larang Prince Louis bijak.
"You have a good plan Crown Prince?" tanya Duke Maurel.
"Prince Bryce must marry Princess Charlotte" jawab Prince Louis enteng, wajahnya tenang.
"You're crazy?! I don't know him well enough, why marry him??" tanya Princess Charlotte.
"Because I love you" jawab Prince Bryce datar, biarlah cerita ini sedikit berubah karena dia.

'Gawat Daniel akan mengacaukan ini!' panik Prince Lion(Daven) dalam hati.

'Wow, even though it's not part of the story, this is really great. Daniel immediately wants to propose to Arabella, right?' batin Duke Maurel(Riordan)

"Princess Charlotte sorry I was a little presumptuous I like you would you be my wife?" tanya Prince Bryce.
"I really want to!" jawab Princess Charlotte.
"If this is the case I can have Princess Nana" ucap Prince Louis.
"No wonder you are great, twins" puji Prince Lion.
"I've always been great, where have you been? Just realized that I'm great" sombong Prince Louis.
"I take back my words when I praised you earlier" malas Prince Lion.
"Words cannot be taken back" kekeh Prince Louis.
"My handsome and brave bodyguard, today there is a birthday party for one of my friends, you have to come and be my partner" rayu Princess Sweetie.
"You are good at seducing me, Princess Sweetie, okay, I will be with you and supervise" balas bodyguard Tian.
"Wait, your clothes have to be cool first, don't you get bored of wearing those clothes?!" tanya Princess Sweetie berkacak pinggang.
"This is all that Princess Sweetie likes" jawab Tian terkekeh kecil.
"You have to borrow my clothes, Tian Just pick it up or Sweetie will help you choose it" ucap Duke Maurel.
"Is it true? Is it okay Duke Maurel? This won't be a hassle?" tanya Tian ragu, Princess Sweetie menyela.
"Don't worry, Tian, ​​my bodyguard, there's nothing wrong with my brother, if he doesn't want to approve of our relationship, it's better if we run away from this palace" sela Princess Sweetie dengan gayanya yang centil.
"Coquettish! Of course, Tian, ​​like the sassy Princess Sweetie said earlier, don't worry, I approve of your relationship, otherwise there's no way you'd get engaged" jawab Duke Maurel.
"Thank you, wise Duke Maurel" ucap Tian menghela nafas lega.
" I told you, because I'm there, we definitely can't be together. Tian, ​​I love you, my bodyguard!" bisik Princess Sweetie.
"I am also your sweet daughter, your love will last forever until the end I close my eyes" balas Tian lebay.
"Come on, you two are so stupid" cibir Prince Bryce,wajahnya tampan jutek.
"You are so handsome that Princess Sweetie is crazy about you!" kagum Princess Charlotte, Prince Bryce cemburu mendengar itu.
"Don't praise him too much or the bodyguard will get a big head from Princess Charlotte" datar Prince Bryce.
"If you're jealous, just say so" santai Tian.
"I'm not jealous!" elak Prince Bryce.

"Where are they, what's taking so long?" tanya Princess Nina.
"Don't worry, the future Lion will be fine, I'm sure" jawab Prince Rain.
"I'm worried about Prince Louis, is he okay or not? If he gets hurt I will never forgive Princess Charlotte and Prince Bryce!" lesu Princess Nana.
"Somehow I thought this story would change its plot" pikir Princess Sani.
"Rather than think so there's a dance party tonight for one of our friends' birthday" beritahu Princess Ariana.
"Remember we have to bring a partner to the dance I'll take the handsome Prince Louis with me!" peringat Princess Nana.
"Then what about your fiancé?" tanya Princess Nina.
"Don't worry, Nina, I have a feeling that Prince Bryce will marry Princess Charlotte, not me" jawab Princess Nana yakin.
"Okay, it's up to you because I'm not the one who's engaged, by the way, I'll invite Prince Lion in case he wants to pair up with me" pede Princess Nina.

Love school children[end]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang