Let me tell you a secret

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Y/Ns pov.
I grinned as I saw his suprised reaction when I pulled up infront off his in a limo. I payed for the limo to drive us to the cinemas and back. Tommy is my best friend; he needs something special for his birthday!
"Happy Birthday!" I giggled as he sat inside.
He grinned as I handed him a present.
He ripped off the wrapping paper.
"Damn that took so long." I muttered. He heard.
"Hey I know you arent a artist at wrapping but thanks anyway for trying." He smirked. "DVD?"
"Yeah!" I said excited.
"Off?" He asked.
"That movie we tried last week! About our lives and your famous lives all your celebrity stuff you gotta do and us together!" I said.
"An actual movie? No stopping?" He asked.
"Well no. Except when I got ready in the mornings, then I had to turn it to the wall." I said.
"Uh thanks?" He asked
"If you dont like it just say!" I said.
"No! No I love it." He put his arm around me.
"And yeah I do have one. Can we watch it tonight?" I asked.
"Sure." He laughed.
"I love your smile, y'know. You still got that baby face." I smiled.
"What happened?" He sighed.
"Let me tell you a secret; I forgot it was your birthday. The fans reminded me." I blurted out.
He looked a little hurt.
"Let me tell you a secret." Tom moved up a bit.
"What?" I smiled.
"I have a girlfriend..."
Thomas' pov.
"STOP THE CAR!" She yelled. The driver parked up.
"I-uh gotta go." She said.
"No! Dont do this to me on my birthday!" I whined. She giggled.
"Sorry." She said. I slumped against the chair.
"Drive me back home please." I said.
"She pre payed so dont worry." He said.
When I arrived, I got in my car and drove to hers. I walked in, using my keys.
There she was. Watching the movie.
I saw Y/Ns face light up as she watched us on TV.
"Uhm." I coughed.
"Huh? Gosh didnt you go cinemas?" She asked.
"Y/N you're making my birthday very hard to enjoy." I said, "Ditching me."
"You're making my life hard to enjoy." She grumbled.
"Great then why'd you smile when we come on this crap movie you made? Excatly." I walked to my car door, slamming it shut.
Y/Ns pov.
His accent rang through my ears. I ruined his birthday and probably my life. He-ugh I just dont want him to leave so soon. I decided to ring him.
The phone picked up.
"I'm driving who is this?" He asked.
"It's Y/N." I said sheepishly.
"Y/N? You're going to make me crash!" He yelled. I heard the sound of tyres swerving on the gravel.
He screamed.
"Thomas!" I said.
"Wha-AGH!" A loud crash, louder than his voice, rang down the phone. Then the line went dead.
"Thomas?! Tommy!" I sobbed. I grabbed my car keys and drove to his, somewhere along the way I would find him. I soon found him like 2 miles away from his house, emergency services surounding him. The other person was also injured.
"Please!" I interupted all the choas, "Let me come with him. Thomas. He was my best friend." After what just happened, I think he hates me.
"Fine." They allowed me.
"Tom." I said. He was unconcious, blood falling from a cut on his forehead.
"Hold that there." They said. I whiped his blood.
When we finally got there, I sat near him.
"Thomas please wake up." I said. He didnt wake up.
I slept there over night, too guilty to go back. He woke up the next day. All he saw was me.
"Wheres Pillow?" He asked.
"Pillow?" I asked.
"My girlfriend." He said, closing his eyes.
"I dont know. She hasnt come." I said. I felt bad for him yet glad at the same time.
"Thomas, I'm so-"
"Shush. Go home." He yawned, "Tell the nurses I'm just asleep."
"I cant! I feel too much guilt from what happened!" I said.
"Well you my friend are paying for my car and the damages to theirs." He said.
"Well thanks!" I said sarcastically, "Seriously, I'm sorry for ruining your birthday. It was just after the news. How did you meet Pillow?" I asked.
He shrugged, "Bumped into her in Starbucks."
"Same way you met me then?" I asked.
He playfully rolled his eyes.
"You dont get it?" He asked.
"What?" I asked.
"Nevermind. It's fine you didnt mean to ruin my birthday." He said.
"Tommy, look, name anything and I'll do it to remake for your birthday. Like take you cinemas." I said.
He had bruises on his face but I still somehow found him attractive.
He tried to stand.
"Good luck. I have headaches from standing." Thomas sighed.
"Tom! I have the urge to hug you right now." I laughed.
"Why?" He asked, a giggle escaping his lips.
"Aww see? Them little giggles and baby smiles." I said.
"I cant stand but you can lay right?" He asked.
"Duh." I said. He patted the bed next to him. I laid down.
"Wait what about Pillow?" I asked.
"Pillows supposed to be you, dumby!" He chuckled and squeezed me.
"I-uh-you.. But Pillow?!" I asked obviously in shock.
"You dont like me like that?" Tom asked.
"I-uh... Yes. I do. I love you but 2 years of friendship... Will it just ruin our friendship?" I asked.
"No. If you love me and dont cheat." He said, staring in my eyes.
"I wouldnt cheat on you if it was to save my life." I said seriously. Smiling, he wrapped his arms around me.
"So, yeah?" He asked.
"Yeah." I smiled. He leaned in.
"Wait I havent had my first kiss and dont know how to." I said.
Sighing dissapointedly, he looked in my eyes.
"Sorry I forgot." He said. He lifted my head and told me to just stick out my lips and close my eyes. I gulped nervously.
"Are you okay with this?" He asked.
"Mhm." I was shaking slightly. Tommy held me still.
"I know it isnt special." He said, "Sorry."
He gently placed his lips on mine. Sparks flew, butterflies appeared in my stomach. I couldnt of had a better fist kiss with a better person. He soon pulled back. I smiled excitedly.
"Nice?" He asked.
"Wonderful!" I said.
He chuckled and kissed me again.
Soon we lay there both asleep, my head on his chest and his hand on my back.

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