School Fight

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Y/Ns pov.
I watched as everyone ran outside. I sighed and put my books away. Everyone was so exciting for lunch today. Why?
I walked outside and saw a guy, dirty blonde and attractive guy with the most popular kid in school. No offence but this guy looked like he would loose against Jacob. I took in his figure. Everyone liked Jacob-not me. Hes just evil. I sighed and got out my phone.
"Fight!" Cheers filled the air. I put my phone below my face and watched them. Jacob took one hit. The kid held his eye. No one should be treated like that. Do something Y/N... What if I get hit? I put my phone away. The guy took a hit but Jacob dodged and punched his nose. I ran in.
"JACOB!" I yelled. " Stop it! Stop the fights! For goodness sake, yes we know your the strongest but obviously not when it comes to knowledge."
"What? Get out of the fight, Y/N." He pushed me and I fell on the floor near the blonde guys feet.
"So you hit a girl? Very strong." I heard a thick british accent say sarcastically and the guy leaned over and helped me up.
Is that his voice? Woah. His voice is as attractive as himself. He must of saw the shock on my face.
"What? Oh, I'm Thomas Sangster." He smiled and shook my hand. I smile.
"Y/N Y/L/N." I said. Thats when Jacob took a hit at Thomas, the back of his head. Thomas fell on me, unconcious. I placed him on the nearest chair and walked up to Jacob, slapped him and pushed him. Of course he pushed me back.
"Behind someones back? Your just a weakling. Gosh, get a life! Go back inside, now before the head teacher comes out!" I yelled.
"Hows he gonna know?"
"I will tell him."
"Then Thomas will get into trouble too."
True. Uhm...
"Just go away! Fights over!" I yelled.
"I won again!" He said.
"You're a sore winner." I hissed.
"Yeah right, midget." He laughed. I walked to Thomas and sat with him. Bell for class went. I cant leave him- I dont know what class he has next.
"Thomas, wake up." I whispered. Then the head teacher came.
"Missy go to class."
"Jacob knocked out Thomas! I'm not leaving!" I said.
"Go to class!" He barked.
"No!" I yelled. My mom was called and I got yelled at for talking back. I didnt leave. Soon, Thomas woke up. I smiled.
"Thomas? You okay?" I asked.
"Huh? Y/N? Yeah." He groaned.
"What class you got after lunch?"
"History I think."
"After that?"
Since that class was ending.
"What?! Same!" I said.
"No, just thought it'd make you feel better." I said.
"Oh." He chuckled.
"If you need anything heres my number and I'm not flirting." I said. He smiled before blacking out again...
Thomas' pov.
I woke up and was holding a sheet of paper with Y/Ns number on and was in the nurses office. I looked around. Then the time. 2:45pm. No point going class. I waited 15 minutes and then Y/N came to visit me.
"Hey, wheres your car?" She asked.
"My mom had to bring me today because I left my car at the set." I replied.
"Do you wanna ride? And set?"
"Thanks and please. I'm an actor, acting set."
"Actor? Well, dude, you might wanna be careful, you had a huge nose bleed."
"Yeah." She helped me to her car.
"Where'd you live."
I told her.
"What?!?! Thats opposite my house!" She said.
As she drove, my eyes felt heavy and my head was droopy. I felt my head hit something hard yet soft but I couldnt be bothered to see what it was.
Y/Ns pov.
He fell asleep on my shoulder. I felt bad for him- how much blood he lost and how tired he seemed, I was worried.
As I arrived at his, I put my cheek on his hair, relaxing for a few minutes. Then he yawned so I moved quickly.
"Thanks for the ride." He yawned.
"Get some rest okay?"
Soon it was the summer holidays. Thomas was my only friend, me him. He called me.
"Yo!" I said.
"Hey," he laughed, "I have to go to a wedding today, please come its so boring."
"Sure." I laughed.
As I headed to his to take him there, I saw him in a suit. He looked so normal and handsome in it. He was doing his tie as he stepped out the door. No jacket. Woah. He realized I was staring and blushed, getting in.
"Right so turn left." Tom said. "Oh and beautiful dress you have on. You look gorgoues."
I blushed like crazy.
"So sweet." I giggled.
"So forward, forward... right." He said. I accidently turned left.
"No, go back." He said.
"You should drive." I said.
I parked up and he scooted over the controls to the drivers seat as I went round to the passenger seat. I nearly tripped over my dress. He held my hand as I got into the car, just making sure I didnt fall.
"People actually call you a geek at school?" I asked.
"Yup. They dont know I'm an actor though and dont know I wear suits like this. I'm better than that Jacob." Tommy said.
"I know you are." I said. "You uhm know I dont like you just because your an actor right?"
"Yeah, you was actually nice to me and didnt know." He said. "Why?"
"I was worried that you thought I was using you."
That sounded bad.
"You're not, right?"
"Of course not." I said.
As we arrived he got out and helped me out.
"I hate weddings." I groaned.
"Why'd you agree?"
"Because I know how boring it is alone."
"Dont you dare cause mischeif." He raised an eyebrow.
"I wont." I said. As we sat at our table, me, Tommy, his parents and sister, I felt a little awkward. I'd never saw Tommys parents or sister. They seemed like a great family. Thomas was drinking some water when his mom asked him to introduce me.
His eyes widened and he gulped the water, i felt the pain as it stuck in his throught and he made the groaning noise when it burns your throught. I gulped. My palms were sweaty.
"This is, uh, Y/N. There. Thats all. Y/N, shes my best friend. Done." He said simply. I smiled and blushed.
"Tell us about yourself." His dad said.
"Well I- we go to the same school." I said.
"Nah then." Thomas said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.
"Shush!" his sister hissed at him.
"Yeah well thats it."
"How did you become friends?"
"Him and Jacob were fighting and he got unconcious. I literally yelled at the teacher because he was telling me to go inside to class. I didnt go to class, well i did but I waited for an hour since by then he'd already woke up and blacked out again because he had a huge nose bleed so I carried him to the nurses office and drove him home at the end of the day." I rambled on.
"He was in a fight?" His mom yelled at him and he glared at me.
"Weres the toilet?" He interupted his mom.
"Down the hall." His sister said.
"Thank you, Ava." He said.
"Beautiful name, by the way." I said to his sister before following Thomas. Boys and girls shared the same toilet which was...gross. Thomas had his head on the sink.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"You had to mention the fight!" He snapped at me.
"No, Sorry doesnt cut it. Ava's gonna tease me, my mom and dad will probably yell at me, tell everyone and the head teacher will probably expell me! Dont worry, I have a career to fall back on!" He said.
"And you wonder why no one wanted to be your friend?! Thomas I came here to keep you company, not to get yelled at. You know what, whoevers getting married aint related to me so I'm off." I said before walking out. I walked to the table to grab my phone and bag.
"Were you going?" Ava asked.
"Home." I sighed.
"Thomas yelled at me and I'm not staying here if he hates me." I said politely.
"Hes just mad." She tried to convince me.
"Maybe your right but I'm still going home. Thank you for being so nice to me." I smiled at them before heading out.
Thomas' pov.
I splashed water on my face. As I headed to the table, I saw her phone and bag was gone. She was serious. I ran to the doors.
"Y/N!" I yelled.
"What?!" She snapped.
"Dont go! Please! I need you here!"
"Why?! I'm not here for you to yell at."
"I know, I-I'm sorry. I was just worried about the fight. Everyone at school thinks I'm weak because I lost."
"You only lost because he got you whilst you turned you back like a weakling does."
"Wait am I the weakling or him?"
"Him dumby!"
"Okay, I get your point and you should be mad but please. Please, please please."
"I'm scared, Tom. I look horrible in this dress and I told your family I was going, they'll think I'm stupid because I came back."
"No, they wont. Please?" I held out my arms, "Look, I'm a mess right now and it would really help if my friend gave me a hug."
Y/Ns pov.
Tears ran down my cheek. I ran back and tripped at the last moment, falling into his arms. He laughed and caught me.
Ava's pov.
I watched Thomas hug her. He placed his chin on her head and I could see her crying in his chest. Mom and dad watched too. I saw him kiss her hair. I dont think she noticed. Sneaky. My brothers sneaky hahaha. His smile as he closed his eyes. He looked like he really loved her and cared.
Thomas' pov.
I felt people watching, I opened my eyes and saw my mom and dad and Ava staring from the table. I glared at them, looking at them as if to say dont ruin this for me.
My mom smiled in aww, dad laughed and Ava smirked.
Y/N pulled away.
"Dont! Not yet..." I said. She smiled and hugged me. I picked her up so she wrapped her legs around my hip and I held her so she was sitting on my hip, using the other hand to whipe her tears. She moaned as my hand holding her caught her skin because the dress must have slipped under my hand. Embarressed, I put her down. She glared at me for touching her butt.
"It was an accident, I swear!" I said. She smiled.
"But Thomas, I-I cant. I cant stay here. Everyone will stare, your Sangsters, I'm a Y/L/N. I shouldnt be here."
"Look, no one will judge if you come with me."
"How? They'll take one look at me and think what a saddo. And maybe they're right."
"Maybe they are-"
She looked hurt,
"But to me your so much more." I said. "This is gonna look wierd but just know that we arent... you'll get it."
I sighed and got something out my pocket, turning around. A paper. Okay sure. Getting down to one knee, she laughed.
"I know you arent proposing so what are you doing?"
I heard screams from my family.
"They're gonna be here next!"
"Ignore them." I laughed and opened my hand.
"Y/N, will you make me the happiest man in this place that isnt getting married today and come with me to my cousins wedding?"
"Aww! Okay." She laughed and took the paper.
I dont even know whats wrote on there.
Y/Ns pov.
I read it.
That bikini chick gave me her number, here its for you. -Dylan.
Then he wrote the number. My heart broke.
"What?" He asked. He snatched the paper, read it and shoved it in his pocket.
"Ignore Dylan, hes my friend and he tries to hook me up with people." He sighed. I let it slip and walked in with him.
"Dude these heels are stupid. Can I take them off?"
"Even better." He picked me up bridal style. I laughed and looked up at him, placing my head in his chest as everyone watched us go to our table.
"So you proposed?" Ava asked.
"No. I asked her to come to this wedding with me." He stated.
"Okay." His mom said. I felt embarressed.
I slipped my heels off under the table.
"This dress is itchy." I groaned.
"Take it off then." Some wierd minded person came to our table,must off over heard and replied. Thomas was instantly on his feet.
"Fine." I walked to the bathroom and took it off. Of course I wore my t-shirt underneath. I had to get the leggings out my bag.
As I headed back, I saw Thomas and the dude in a fight. For goodness sake Tommy. Then he punched Thomas' nose. At this rate its gonna be broken. His parents try to stop him and his sister was yelling at him to sit down. He was fighting for me. Thats when I stepped in. The guy went to punch me so i bent back his wrist and punched him.
Thomas' pov.
Her body was so close to me. I looked down and gulped. My hand hovered over her butt cheek. No. I cant. Shes a girl, I cant disrespect her. Then I watched her knock the guy out. Everyone stared at her, either amazed looks, dirty looks or emotionless. I pulled her towards me.
"Are you okay?" She asked, whipinh my nose.
"Yes why?"
"Its bleeding."
I saw blood drip down my white suit. I groaned. She laughed and hugged me. She didnt care about the blood. She was handed a tissue and scrubbed my nose. It wouldnt stop so she screwed up the tissue and shoved it up my nose.
"Thats how I was told to do it." She smiled.
"So you had spare clothes?" A was abit suprised.
"Yeah." She said, "I knew I wasnt gonna be able to last long it that thing."
I laughed and placed my hand on her waist, pulling her closer as the wedding started. I placed my head on hers as she placed her in the crook of my neck. She watched and I watched.
"Ava, Thomas." Someone hissed.
"What?" Thomas replied to I think his uncle.
"Come here, you need to give them these."
I watched as Thomas was sent on the stage, everyone watching as he had a tissue up his nose and blood down his shirt. He rubbed the back of his neck which I thought was adorable. He handed them the gift then Ava did. Thomas was the first to run down, to frightened to stay up.
"I thought you was an actor." I laughed quietly.
"I am but I dont usually have blood down my top and a tissue up my nose." He hissed. We watched as they said their 'I do' and Tommy put his hand on my leg. I smiled at him, ignoring the tingles. He smiled back. As I turned to face them again, I felt a soft kiss on my cheek making me completely ignore the marrage. I knew who it was. Thomas. I smiled. Then I heard a whisper.
"I like you, Y/N. Maybe it will be us up there in a couple of years, only if you like me back."
"Of course, but-"
His face looled hurt, dissapointed and angry at himself,
"Sorry." He apologized.
"You didnt let me finish. But I dont like you-"
"That makes me feel better why?"
"Listen! I dont like you, I love you." I said. His face lit up and he blushed. I laughed and pressed my lips against his. His mom was videoing the marrage so I'm sure she caught the kiss. He smiled against my lips and deepened the kiss,pulling me closer. I messed his hair up before his hand placed itself on my cheek. I smiled and we pulled back.
"If I do anything wrong, hurt you in anyway, just tell me." He says.
I nodded and smiled at him. I'm so glas I came to the marrage.
"Oh and Y/N, I dont like you, either. I love you too." He said. I smiled and placed my head on his chest.
Later when we watched the video, we saw that when Thomas kissed my cheek, his mom put her whole attention on us and turned the camera to us.
"I thought you'd want your first kiss on camera."
I watched Thomas' face expression as we kissed.
It went from shocked to happy to smirking to needing more. It was so funny. Then theres just me with a happy face on.
Thomas' blushed. I laughed. He pecked my cheek.
"You going home? Drop me off maybe?"
As he got out, he thanked me and watched as I drove into my driveway opposite. I got out and waved.
"Have fun?" My mom asked. I smiled at her.
"Tons. I'm so glad I went."

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