Not anymore Part 2

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A week had passed and I decided to get out and go shopping.
As I strolled inside, I bumped into Thomas. Wait Thomas? Whys he here?
"Oh hey, Y/N." He said miserably.
"Why are you here?" I asked as politely as a could, even forcing a smile.
"Shopping with Cale." He sighed.
"You said it was over..." I looked down.
"It is! I sware! But me and her agreed to be friends, her actual boyfriends here." He said, pointing at a tall guy standing next to a thin, actually pretty blonde.
"Oh, is that why you're upset?" I questioned.
"No, I'm happy for them. Its just my life has turned to a wreck ever since you moved out. You should see the house! But... I guess I just miss you. I miss Newton crying at night and you giving me hugs and...and...I messed up big time." He looked up and I saw tears rolling down his cheeks, little sobs escaping. "Y/N, I even miss you being mad at me so I could kiss your cheek and hug you. I wish I never even met Cale or anyone else! I just want my family back!" He was full sobbing, his knees shaking as if he was going to fall to the floor any second. Newton saw his father cry for the first time and he burst into tears. I had tears rolling down my cheeks, too.
"Tom, please." I said.
"What?" He sobbed, "What do you want me to do?"
"Just stop crying." I said.
"I cant." he sobbed. Frustration clawing me, now I cant escape. The crying, the noise, Thomas pretending to care 24 7; it was all too much. I screamed inside myself.
"Thomas stop it!" I yelled, "Pretending to care, acting like you didnt want to date those girls- it all happened, Tom! Just shut up and face it!"
I picked up Newton as Thomas quietened down.
"Sorry, Y/N, I sware to god, I really am. I do care and I do miss you. I wouldnt blame you if you didnt take me back or moved on but... But I want you to know I love you. I always have. And Newton. But please, I beg of you- dont mention me to Newton. I dont want him to treat girls the same way I did. I want him to be a good boy. Please, dont say anything about me. Tell him your new boyfriends his father or something but I just want whats best for my son. And if thats a new dad, then so be it." He gently took Newton and rocked him. Newt immediatly shut up. Ah, well, thanks Newton. *note sarcasm*
I sighed as I saw my ex cry into his sons shoulder, telling him he'll be okay. Now sadness took over and that feeling will always make me give in.
"Tom- I havent got a new boyfriend. I miss us. I miss my family, not the one including other girls. Just me, you and Newton. But Tommy, I know that if I trust you again, you'll mend my heart then throw it again. And... that feeling kills. You will always be Newtons father. Tom, I love YOU." I said before gulping. Newts and Thomas face both shot towards me in unision. I smiled a little.
"Y/N, I've learnt my lesson- I, I sware! Please!! Please just one more chance, I love you to pieces." He said. I sighed and hesitated before nodding. Wait, Y/N, think about this. If I'm not sure then wait...
But I had a debate in my head which travelled down to my heart to make its choice. The power of every other man against Thomas. Thomas' obviously over powered then. My heart felt empty, just Newton owning half. I looked up. I nodded again to clear everything up. He grinned and kissed me. I felt complete but Cale was staring.
Tom looked at me before looking at Cale, sticking his finger up and smiling at me, holding his hand out. I smiled and took it as we shopped. I loved shopping with him, he made it fun.

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