Story time!

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"So there is a vampire girl- no- wait yeah. Her best friend is a werewolf. His name is Tony. The Vampire is called Marceline. Okay, and this werewolf likes her sister who takes after her dad and is also a werewolf. Her sisters name is Deckory. The werewolf kinda feels himself falling in love with the vampire girl instead though. What was her name? Marceline.
So one day, Marceline and Tony are hanging out. Tony is in his human form. Basically, there doing werewolf things. As Tony runs quickly down the hill, flying behind, Marceline laughs and takes a look at th view. She see's her sister in the distance, laughing and howling with her boyfriend.
"Tony-" she begins but
"I know." Tony says miserably.
"Stop being so sad and come play!" Marce laughed.
As his tongue flew behind him, Tony chased Marceline back to the high point of the mountain.
"Can you see our old school?" Tony said, switching back to his human form where he had dark blonde hair and dark brown eyes which made his pink lips stand out. Anyway,"
As Thomas started on his story, my mind wandered to imagine this. It seemed alot like him, liking my sister who already has a boyfriend,
"Marceline sometimes got jealous of her sister because she thought she was ugly and her sister was gorgoues but damn," he whistled, making my neices who he was telling the story to laugh. Hes so good with kids and so funny. He chuckled and I giggled too. He faced me,
"She was perfectly fine but she didnt believe Tony everytime he told her. Truth is, Tony loves her more than anyone or anything in the world. As Marceline snapped out of her trance, she replied to werewolf boy.
"Yeah. We used to love that place until my boyfriend bit me..."
She was human and her mum was vampire but her mom wanted her to stay human, she didnt want her to suffer like she had too. But her boyfriend bit her by accident and caused their break up. It was night time by the way as they spoke.
"It's fine just dont bring him up. We can do whatever we want now. And you really thought I'd let everyone think you're wierd because you're a vampire? I dont think my friends knew I was werewolf until then, probably why they screamed and never texted me again." Tony laughed. Marceline smiled and switched to her human form because you kids know vampires turn into bats right?" Thomas asked.
"Yes!" My neice laughed.
"Duh!" Her friend giggled. I smiled at him and he smirked,
"What you smiling at?" He asked.
"Whos this story based on? Whos Tony? Whos Marceline?" I asked. He patted the seat next to him on the chair. As I took a seat next to him, he answered my question but not with a helpful one, "They're made up. Fake."
I know they arent. Guess I gotta pick up the clues.
"Dinner time!" My sister called. Ohhhhh...
"We'll finish it later. Go eat!" Tommy said. My neice, as a pleasent suprise, bought us our dinner.
"Aww thank you." I said.
"Thanks mate." He smiled.
"Can I call you uncle?" She asked him.
"Do you want me to be uncle?" Tom asked.
"Yeah." She smiled widely.
"Then sure." He grinned. Only Thomas and I ate outside and my sis closed the door for us as she wiggled her eyebrows at me.
"Shut up!" I giggled.
"Huh?" Thomas turned around.
"Nothing." I said quickly.
"Okay, so, nice neice you got there. She wants me to be her uncle. I'm your best friend, so yeah she can call me uncle right?" He asked.
"Uhm yeah. Hows your dinner?" I asked.
"My fish and chips? Nice. So, wanna go inside?" He asked.
"Uhm, do you?" I asked.
"Yes or a No, Y/N." He said, knowing my unsureness.
"Um no. Tell me what else happens in the story? Like the plot? Guessin its romantic?" I asked.
"Wait for after dinner. And maybe." He said as he came to the end of his and so did I.
"It's really great that you did this for my neice's birthday. It's really kind off you. Thanks." I smiled.
"Yeah, it's okay." He said. Thomas stood up and took my hand, obviously noticing I'd finished. He put music on his phone, slow music.
"What are you-"
"You said the other day that you didnt know how to slow dance and I was busy so I didnt get the time. But now we do." He said, straight face as he looked down and started.
"But we just ate-"
"Stop moaning and just follow my lead." He said, smirking as he stared into my eyes.
Smiling and a tiny blush appearing.
"I made you blush." He smiled, lifting my head to face him.
"Yeah. You still give me butterflies even though you're my best friend." I laughed. Chuckling with a smirk, he pulled me closer. Thinking he was gonna kiss me, i closed my eyes.
"What are you doing?" He asked.
"What are you doing?" I asked, puzzled.
"Trying to get the freakin' smushed chip of your cheek! Stay still." He laughed.
"Oh." I said, laughing nervously.
"You thought I was gonna kiss you." He said, looking at my cheek as he whiped the chip of with his sleeve.
"No. Do you want some tissue...?" I asked.
"Nah. Im good." He said, scrubbing harder with his sleeve.
"Ouch!" I said. Thomas' button on his sleeve scratched my cheek.
He pulled away to see the scratch and some blood.
"Damn maybe I do need a tissue." He said.
"You think?" I said, tears welling in my eyes. My cheek was burning as well as the embarressment in my stomach.
"Dont cry, wimp." He said with a soft voice even though he was trying to joke around with me like a best friend should.
"Move." i said, pushing him away.
"Y/N." He said.
"Go away!" I yelled, knocking on the door. They had locked it.
"Y/N!" He said again.
"Get away from me!" I said to him, crying in my words. As my sister opened my door, she didnt let me in.
"Let me in!" I said.
"No. You two make friends again. You might want a tissue for..." she pointed at my cheek.
"Yes." I sniffled. She passed me a tissue and I sat down on the chair outside as she closed the door. I felt her watching through the window. I knew it.
"Y/N, I'm sorry. Come here, let me have a hug." He said gently, "I didnt mean to hurt you."
Forget butterflies. It felt like they had suffered in my stomach and the survivors flew away, leaving the dead ones to rot.
"But you did." I said.
"Dont you wanna know what happens to Marceline and Tony?" He asked.
"No! I want them to die alone and rot like my heart!" I said.
"Dont speak like that." He said, "Be careful what you wish for."
"Why? It'll come true?! I wish you moved away and we never met!" I yelled.
Thomas put his phone tohis ear.
"Who are you ringing?" I asked.
"My dad. Oh hey dad, that house you said needs an owner near you, is that still up?" He asked. I could hear his dad- it wasnt fake. His dad lived on the opposite side of the country. Kinda it was like 3 hours away, Tommy took me once.
"No! Thomas no! I'm sorry!" I said, reaching to his shoulder. Ignoring me, he carried on.
"How much...? Yeah, I can afford that. Wait can I have 50 more dollars?" He asked.
This cant be happening. Standing up and running towards him, I hugged him from behind. He groaned as I hit him in the stomach by accident.
"Uh, okay. Fine." Putting the phoen down, he tried unwrapping my arms.
"Let go." He said. Letting go, I smiled, happy to have him staying as my next door neighbour. As Tommy turned around, he picked me up and hugged me.
"See? Careful what you wish for." He said, placing me back on the ground.
"Okay but please never try moving from me." I said.
"Deal." He smirked. My butterflies appeared again, as if his smirk brought them back to life. I could just stare into his eyes forever.
"Story time!" My neice interupted.
"Uhm yes." Thomas pulled away and I saw his cheeks turn a tiny red colour. I giggled to myself as he looked embarressed. As he sat down, the story began again.
"Where was I? Oh yeah.
"Sorry about that." Marceline whispered.
"Oh its fine! You'll always be my friend right? You know I give you butterflies." Tony smirked-"
Now I'm thinking Tonys Thomas but Marceline cant be me.
"Thomas?" I interupted.
"Yeah?" He asked.
"Can you tell us their likes and dislikes? What they look like?" I asked.
"Yeah!" My neices friend said, smiling.
"Fine. Marceline has uh these beautiful hazel eyes and long dark brown hair. She is gorgoues,mouth watering damn. She likes Tony and likes make-up-"
Not me then. I hate make up.
"Dislikes spiders even though shes a vampire and gets jealous easily. Tony-"
"Marceline sounds like Y/N." My neice said.
"These charcaters are fake." Thomas put in quickly.
"Forget it just carry on the story." I said.
"Okay fine. "Maybe. You got no proof." Marceline said.
"Fine. Spider!" Tony said, pointing. Marceline squealed and instead of turning into a bat, she jumped in Tony's arms. She blushed.
"Now I have proof." He smirked before kissing her. As Deckory watched, she grew a tiny hint of jealousy but her boyfriend showed her that there was no need to be. Marceline thought she had the world right then but Tony felt like he had the absoloute whole galaxy in his arms. As Tonys love grew, heart telling him to tell her, Marceline felt so guilty for not telling him. As they pulled away, Marceline looked at him.
"Tony, I love you." She whispered, looking down.
"I love you too." He smiled, turning into a wolf again and as Marceline stroked him, he smiled.
"Marce, I cant do this to you. You need a normal boy to love you." Tony said.
"Do you love me?" Marceline asked.
"Yes." Tony replied.
"My lifes never gonna be normal, never has been anyway so why change it now? I love you so just stop fighting against it." Marceline said.
"Good that." Thom-Tony I mean, smiled.
The end.
Good?" Thomas asked.
"Eh." My neice said.
"Awesome!" Her friend said, making him smile.
"So one eh and an awesome?" He asked.
"What about me?" I asked.
"What do you think?" Thomas asked.
"Romantic, gross yet relatable at the same time. I would say pretty good at that." I said. He laughed and smiled.
"Kids inside!" My mum called. We was about to step inside when,
"Thomas go get her please." My sister pointed to my neice and her friend who was ignoring her. As I walked in, I watched Thomas.
"Fine pass my water, Y/N." He said.
"Here." I handed him a bottle.
"Thanks, love." He winked. My butterflies are coming back!!!!! Damn...
Thomas' pov.
"Come on in." I said.
"No! Not until you marry Y/N!" She said.
Spitting out my water, I looked at her and whipped my mouth.
"What? Why?" I asked.
"You like her dumbo and i want you to be my uncle!" She said.
"I think your drunk come on." I threw her and her friend over my shoulder. As I put them on one sofa, I sat near Y/N on the other.
"So you spoke to her? About what?" She whispered.
"Nothing." I laid myself back on her legs.
"What do you mean? You said somethin." She said.
"Nothing!" I said angrier.
"Well calm down then!" She yelled. Breathing and closing my eyes to calm down, I felt sleep taking over.
"Wake up." I heard gently in my ear.
As I woke up, I saw her. Waking up to her was awesome. She smiled.
"Y/N? Where are we?" I asked.
"We're still at my sisters." She smiled, "But you're in their bed because the kids were planning to attack you. My sister and her boyfriend carried you up and I had to keep watch. I also fell asleep for a moment too but ya know." She shrugged.
Grinning, I held my arms out; If we're alone no-one can see us cuddle.
"What?" I asked.
"Cuddle." I whined.
"Dude, no. Everyone will think we're going out and then all the drama crap happens." She said.
"But no one shall know." I smirked. Smirking back, she cuddled close to me. I stroked her hair.
"You are the bestest best friend ever. Makes me feel like I have a girl to myself." I smiled.
Y/Ns pov.
"Well you do. All because we arent dating doesnt mean I cant be hugging you. Friends." I said.
"Well duh-"
"Sshh." He shushed me. We heard footsteps. We turned TV on quickly and pretened to be sitting up and watching TV.
"What was happenin? Really want me to believe this?" My sister asked.
"Nothin." I replied.
"Jacob!" She called her boyfriend, "Check CCTV." She smirked. As Jacob showed us the room, we blushed. It looked as if I got in bed with him and we cuddled. When he went to say something it looked like he kissed me.
"You kissed?!"
"No! We swear! Cuddling yes but no kissing!" Thomas said.
"Are you datin-"
"No!" I said.
"Well you should." She said.
We should....?
"No! Just stop getting involved!" I growled loudly in anger.
"Woah, Y/N." Thomas whispered.
"What? You fine with them freakin' telling us to make babies and get married flippin' 24 7?!" I said.
"No one said anything about babies!" He said.
"What about marraige?" I asked.
"Someone actually mentioned it?!" I asked.
"Look it was just your neice. Shes little. She said she wouldnt come inside unless we got married. I told her she was drunk." He sighed.
"You-?!" I pushed him back, "You said she said nothing!"
"I lied!" He said.
"YA THINK?!" I yelled.
"Just shut up okay?!" He yelled.
His face looked so sad, angry, hurt, in pain, scared and worried all at the same time. Not a single good emotion showing. He looked depressed and stressed.
"Look I'm sorry but seriously I cant anymore." I said.
"Cant what?" He softened.
"Cant listen to everyone telling us this." I placed my head on his shoulder.
"Than dont. Ignore them. We can uhm stay in the friendzone." He said. I laughed.
"Yeah." I smiled. I didnt notice my sister had gone downstairs or out to the park for that reason.
"I've still not watched TFIOS." I said.
"Seriously?! Stay here, lemme go grab it." He said.
"Return quickly oh and Thomas!" I said as he walked out the door.
"Yes?" He asked.
"Here, use this to buy chocolate." I said.
"Bloody hell, Y/N put that away. The man will buy it." He said.
"Thats what I'm saying." I replied. He gasped playfully. We laughed.
"Joking. Aww thanks. I'll pay you back." I called after him.
"No need." He called back after dissapearing. I left the door open as I sat on the sofa downstairs waiting for Tommy. As he arrived, we went upstairs together.
After we watched it, I was sobbing on his freakin shoulder. I felt so embarressed!
"Ssshhh." He whispered. As he faced me, he smiled.
"What?" I sniffled.
"I-We should," he coughed, "Maybe go back home."
"To get cleaned up. You look like you crawled from a pit of sadness." He said.
"Wait til my sis gets back." I said.
"Fine." He sighed.
I stared into his deep brown eyes.
After silence, I decided it was time.
"Thomas, I uhm need to tell you something. It's been buggin' me for a long time now..."
"What?!" He seemed eager.
"I love you."
He looked shocked. He was silent. He pulled me to him.
"So, we dont have to stay in the friendzone?"
"Nah." I laughed. He chuckled and pressed his lips on mine.
"Thank gosh for that.'

Thomas Brodie-Sangster ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now