You calling me a liar? Part 1

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Y/Ns pov.
I sighed and stared up at my new school. It was tall, wide and seemed to have tons of rooms. I know I'm gonna get lost in here once or twice. The building looked old but had obviously been took good care of. As I entered the hall, students were everywhere. I felt so nervous! I looked down and kept walking. My siblings and parents told me to stay away from one boy; someone called Thomas Sangster. He apparently had dirty blonde hair, a british accent, was quiet tall and has a motorbike. I've never met him. No one in my family has but my sibling sees him smoking and riding bikes, leather jacket and apparently hes a bad influence, always getting in trouble in class. As I thought about what to remember, what class I have first and blah blah blah, I bumped into someone.
"Sorry." I said, "It's just that I'm new and I'm pretty nervous and-"
"Its okay," he laughed, "It's my fault. Here, let me grab your books." I looked up. Dirty blonde hair... quite tall... British accent... Leather jacket. Oh come on, it doesn't have to be him. He handed them me.
"So, what class do you have? Maybe I'll show you around. If you want." He added.
"Uhmm...." I got out my books, "History."
"That old bore? Ah, dont worry. I have that too. I'll sit next to you." He smiled sweetly.
"So, Thomas-" I put my hand on my mouth. It blurted out!
"How do you know my name...?" He raised an eyebrow. It is him!
"Do you have a motorcycle?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Thomas Sangster?"
"Yes but please call me Thomas Brodie- Sangster."
"Sure? Can't I just call ya Thomas?"
"Well yeah but- don't change the subject." He said.
"I'm sorry, my family said you were a bad influence because my siblings see you and apparently you get into trouble in class, smoke, ride bikes-" He looked hurt.
"Your bloody using me to see if I'm a bad influence?" He asked before turning around and storming the other way.
"Thomas! Look, just listen! Hear it all!" I said. He stopped dead.
"What?" He asked.
"Here it all before you assume things!" He turned around and started to talk.
"HEAR IT ALL?! HA A LITTLE GREEN BEAN IS ASKING ME TO LISTEN TO HER TELL STORIES! I aint got time for this greenie! I need to get to class." He turned around and started to walk, "And I'm only a bad influence when newbies like you start to piss me off!"
I was literally struck by shock...And sadness. I thought he was actually nice. I grabbed my books tightly, kept my head down and kept walking. He isnt a bad influence until you set him off. As I entered class, the teacher looked at me.
"You're a little late." She said. I looked up.
"Sorry, I'm new and got a little lost." I said.
"Oh! Yes. Meet our new student, Y/N, everybody say hi." She said.
There were a few hi's, hey's and hello's. My eyes caught Thomas'. He was carving something into the desk. The teacher must have been watching me because as I looked at Tom, she did too.
"Spare seat next you Thomas, Y/N. Go sit down."
I looked around. That was the only spare seat. I shakingly sat near him and moved on the edge of my seat.
"Tom, stop drawing on the desk!" The teacher yelled. Thomas rolled his eyes and put down his pen. I saw my sibling give me a 'told ya' look. I rolled my eyes. There was like an invisible wall between me and Thomas.
Thats when we had to do a school project.
Everyone was paired except me, Thomas and a girl names June.
"June, Tom, Y/N, come here please."
We walked to the teacher.
"June, I'll pair you with someone else so Tom and Y/N can get used to each other and Thomas can finally make a friend who isn't scared of him." The teacher raised an eyebrow at Thomas.
"But... excuse me, ma'am-"
"Ma'am? Good two shoes much?" Thomas spat. I whiped my face.
"Thomas! Say sorry!"
"Sorry." He rubbed the back of his neck.
"Yes, Y/N?" the teacher asked as June paired up with two people.
"Can I have maybe a partner who's a girl?"
"You and Thomas will get along fine, Y/N. Okay, sit down. CLASS!"
Everyone quietened and we sat down.
"The projects due next week so work together. Its a team project."
I face palmed and my sibling rolled her eyes.
So, after the worst day ever, I was going to go to my mum when someone grabbed me. Tightly on the arm.
"So we were partnered together, 'ey?"
"Thomas let go off me!" I pulled him off and he grabbed me again but my hands.
"Well, we have a fiesty one here. What do you say, guys?" Some guys came up and started to laugh.
"LET GO!" I elbowed him in the stomach, pushed him back and ran.
"I MAY BE NEW BUT I CAN FIGHT!" I shouted behind me. Boys grabbed my arms.
Ten. Theres one of me but ten off them. I sighed. Thomas came up to me, nose bleeding.
"Good catch guys." He said, "Y/N, when are we gonna do the project?"
"You know if you asked maybe I wouldnt off had to hit you." I hissed.
"I trust you why?"
"You are a bad influence, you idiot. I thought my family was wrong, that you're just short tempered!"
"Yeah, right." He scoffed.
"You calling me a liar?"
"Well I ain't calling you a truther!"
"Get lost. I hate you. I hate this school! Good luck on the project, mate. You'll need it."
"I aint doing crap with you."
"Haha! You think you have a choice? If I had a choice as to where to be and what to do right now, I'd be at home. Atleast then I can watch tv and have some friends."
"Whos ya friend? Your mom?"
"No. My sister, actually."
"What, your sisters a badass too?"
"See for yourself. Yo, Ava!"
A girl came up.
"What Thomas? We need to get- what are you doing?" She sighed. She had long blonde hair, a lovely dress on like a good girl... she seemed kind and really pretty. She looked a bit like Tom. I looked back and forth at them.
"What?" Ava smiled.
"You... You actually like your brother?"
Thomas looked a little hurt and so did Ava.
"Uhm, Yeah. Hes my uhm brother."
"Oh, I'm sorry. I meant, you're not scared? He doesnt hurt you?"
"We have plauful fights now and then."
Thomas grinned at her and smirked at me.
"I don't hurt my family."
"You-I STILL HATE YOU!" I shrieked.
"Wait, is he hurting you? Tom, let her go!" Ava yelled.
"Thomas.." she raised an eyebrow.
"I'm the older sibling." Thomas said.
"Woah really?" I asked.
"You, shut it."
"Thomas, let her go or I'll tell mum!" Ava said.
"Boys. Release."
They pushed me to the floor.
"I hate you." I hissed at him.
"Ava, wait in the car-"
"Hurry up."
"Tell mum I'll take a minute or so." He smirked. She left. The only one on my side left. Tears glossed my eyes.
"Look, you ruined my first day, okay? Congrats." I said, "Now just let me go. Look see? You can see the tears, you win."
He narrowed his eyes and got to the floor immediately.
"Sorry. I-I didnt mean to make you cry. Please don't cry." He placed a hand on my shoulder. I booted him away and he was on the floor, clutching his stomach and groaning.
"Get away. All off you." I couldnt get up. I hadn't got the strength. I used it to boot Thomas. I crawled into the corner of the school and sobbed my eyes out. I heard shuffling and looked to my side.
"Hey, you okay?" Thomas asked, still holding his stomach as he sat near me.
"Why are you mean to me?"
"Look, I was just angry that everyone thinks I'm a bad influence."
"Well acting like that doesn't help."
"I know and I-I'm sorry. I guess I'm just lonely. The only friends I have is my family."
"What about your girlfriend?"
"Girlfriend?" He glanced at me and back at the floor.
"I told you. Only my sister is my friend. I dont have a girlfriend. Not only are they annoyed at my attitude but they like 'cute' boys."
"Hey, don't get any idea's, but I wouldnt say your ugly."
"Well thanks." He said.
I shrugged.
"Anyway,you fine?" He whiped my tears with his bony thumb. I laughed a little.
"I'm great. You? Sorry by the way."
"It's okay. After what I did, I don't really blame ya."
"So, the project?"
"Your or mine?"
"My family has something against you. Sorry. I dont really you know, have anything against you. Anymore."
"So mine."
"Yeah. Your sisters really sweet."
"Yeah. I know. She always talk me out of suicide and stuff like that."
"You thought of suicide?"
"Huh? Oh... I'm sorry, yeah."
He rolled up his sleeves.
"Thats why I wear my leather jacket. I dont try and act like a bad boy. Oh and I do try and stop smoking. I chew on toothpicks."
"Tom... promise me you wont..." I rubbed his cuts, "You know.."
"No, no." He snatched away his hand.
"And I just enjoy riding motorbikes! And the attitude is judt because I stupidly let everything at home that makes me angry build up and take it out on my school."
"Thomas, you are a very unique, wanted boy. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise."
"I won't." He smiled.
"Y/N! Mums waiting! What are you doing?" My sibling came over.
"Thomas isnt a bad boy. Get to know him. Hes the only boy who cares that I'm not okay."
"Well he made you cry. Am I right?"
"Well... yes..." I scratched my neck.
"Hey, I wouldn't ever in my life hurt your baby-"
"Little," he corrected, "sister, okay? I'm not a bad influence."
"Then why do you wear the jacket?"
"I... I don't wanna say."
"Then take it off."
"Y/N, we're going. Now."
"I cant take it off!"
Thomas took off his jacket.
My sibling stared at his wrists.
"You tried-"
"Don't tell anyone. Only my family know."
"It's a habbit. I try to stop by chewing on tooth picks."
"Of course." My sister scoffed.
"You calling me a liar?" Tom asked.
"I aint calling ya a truther!" My sister said. Tommy smirked.
"The ways of Drake and Josh, I see." He said.
"Yeah, whatever. What about the Bike?"
"I like riding a bike."
"Hmm... fine. But Y/N, we gotta go."
"We gotta work on the project." I said.
"Yeah so shes gotta come with me."
"UGH! I' go tell mum!"
Thomas gripped my hand.
"Tom, don't put it back on. Your family knows and no one else is here. Your cuts are beautiful but stop it."
"I stopped last year, love."
I smiled and butterflies took an adventure in my stomach.
He text Ava to tell mum about me coming. As we got to the car, Ava musn't have saw the text.
"Thomas, leave the poor girl-"
"It's okay. Tom told me to come for the project."
"Right, okay. Get in." His mum, Tasha flashed me a smile.

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