Calm down

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Y/Ns pov.
I had planned to watch a movie I had always wanted to watch. But this was better- I'm watching it with my best friend, Thomas, who also hasnt watched it. He came over and I squeezed him. He laughed and smiled. As I put it on, a minute or two past when my sister who came to visit walked in.
"No, not this crappy film. By the way, he dies." She smirked. I screamed.
"Shush, Y/N." Thomas hissed.
"And she-"
"NO GET OUT!! GET OUT!!" I yelled, covering my ears and quickly finding a hiding space which ended up as Thomas' tummy. He groaned and my head came in contact with his stomach.
"Now put something else on." My sister said.
"No! Get out! Go home, we're watching this!" I said.
"What, you and your boyfriend.." she wiggled her eyebrows and laughed.
"Friends." Thomas put in. I couldnt take it. I leaped on her and yanked at her hair.
"LADIES!" Thomas yelled as we stumbled backwards on him. We was on his lap, pulling and slapping each other. She bit me so I pinched her.
"Right, I'm going home." I heard Thomas sigh. I stopped fighting as my sister took her last punch.
"Thomas, dont go." I said.
He rolled his eyes, "So what, I'm supposed to stand here with two girls that wont shut up or stop fighting?!" His thick accent got louder and angrier by the second, "All i wanted was to watch a movie with you, Y/N. I didnt care which. I didnt care what snacks, or where or what we used. I-I just wanted to spend time with... you." His voice sounded upset.
"I-I..." I trailed off and jumped on him. "I'm sorry."
"Right, I'd better go home." My sister said.
"I bet you do." I hissed. She laughed and left.
"Still wanna watch this?" I asked him.
"Whats the point? He dies."
"Well, we dont know how or why, now do we? So come on!" I said. He laughed and sat near me. Little did we know it was a horror.
I screamed and hid my head in his chest.
"How is a dog scary?" He laughed.
"Because hes a zombie." I said.
"Wimp." He said.
"Really? Okay. I'd watch these as a kid."
"Then why scream?"
"Because I didnt expect it. Now I do."
"Puttin your big girl panties on now?" He asked, grinning.
I watched TV, laying my head on Thomas' lap.
I watch TV. As it came to the end, just as it was going to the credits, I shut my eyes. I shut them tightly before sleep overtook and I dissapeared into darkness.
When I woke up, my head rest (or Thomas' legs), werent there. My head shot up. Thomas was sitting near me and my best friend that was a girl was chatting to him. Wait, how the fuck did she get in? I watched them.
"Hey, Y/N." She smiled.
"Oh, hey. Who uhm, let you in?" I asked.
"Me." Thomas smiled. He had her hand ontop of hers. How could he? He said he wanted to spend time with me.
"Oh great! That means you can both leave." I scowled.
"What?" Thomas asked.
"Out." I hissed. He sighed and stood up.
"Right, call me when you wanna be nice or wake up in a good mood, Y/N." He said, "And, you, call me." He winked at my friend.
"You're flirting with my best friend?!" I yelled.
"I thought I was your best friend!" He yelled.
"Yes. Yes I am flirting with her. Anything else you want to ruin?" He said.
"Yup." I said.
"Whats that?" He spat.
"Our friendship." I said, crying as I ran to my room, not caring who the hell was in the house and who was out anymore.
Thomas' pov.
Well that burnt.
"I can replace her." The girl said, her friend.
"Ha,you call yourself her friend? Get out. I dont wanna see you again." I said. She shrugged and dissapeared.
As I walked upstairs, I sang OUR favourite song. I have my fave, she has hers but we decided to make our own favourite.
" I ain't never met a girl, like you
And you'll never find a man, like me
Walking out the door, with you on my arm
You can hit me on my phone anytime you want
Got me going mad, when you dress like that
Girl, it's a trap when you act like that
I ain't even mad when you dress like that
I know you know you bad when you act like that
Oh yeah." I sang as I knocked on her door. I heard her silent. Silent...?
I opened the door. There she was. Reading. Headphones on. That'd always calm her. Music and books. I smiled and sat near her. She looked ul at me and refused to speak. She still let me sit next to her though.
"What are you listening to?" I asked her.
She clicked on her screen. Like That. Jack & Jack.
I smiled.
"I'm sorry. When you said that, she wanted to replace you. She isnt your friend. I am. I hate her, I love you." I said before shutting my mouth. She dropped her book and tore her headphones off.
"You what?"
"I uhm... I like you." I sighed.
"I LIKE YOU TOO!" She shrieked.
"Y-you do?"
I grinned and hugged her. "I'm sorry for anything I've done to piss you off."
"I'm sorry for not doing enough to piss you off." She said. I glared at her playfully. Trust her to say that. She laughed and pulled me towards her, wrapping her arms around my neck as she giggled. I grinned and snaked my arms around her waist until they touched each other. I smiled and rubbed my nose against hers. She pecked my lips. I pecked hers again. We stole little kisses between giggles. Finally she pulled my down to her and we shared the most passionate kiss ever. I grinned when she pulled away.
"I love you." I whispered.
"I love you too."

Thomas Brodie-Sangster ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now