New Job! Part 2

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Y/Ns pov.
The movie was starting so I quickly went to get some coke.
Thomas' pov.
If she keeps drinking all that she'll miss half the movie. She came back and sat down. "Want some?" She asked.
"No. Relax."
I placed my hand on hers making her quickly pull away and put hers in her lap.
I shrugged and waited.
Finally. As she watched, she looked so into the movie that when they met Newt she didnt say anything.
Oh wait, shes opening her mouth.
"Newt is hot! I'd love to be stuck in the glade with him!" She said, leaning forward. I blushed even though I tried my best not to.
She glanced at me.
"Why are you blushing?" She asked. Not rudely just politely.
I rolled my eyes.
"Look at Newt. Then look at me."
Y/Ns pov.
They had the same features.
"YOU'RE NEWT?!" I asked. He smirked and nodded. It was my time to blush and I sat back a little.
"So you wouldnt mind being stuck in the glade with me?" He smirked. I blushed.
"How did you not notice?" He laughed. I shrugged.
"I dont know." I mumbled, finding it a little awkward my boss was an actor.
"Who knows your a-"
"Ava. Thats it, only my sister at work but my whole family knows, my fans know, Ava knows and now you do too. I trust you, dont you dare tell anyone." He hissed. I shrugged and sank into my seat, a little embarressed.
I watched the movie and I'm pathetic because I always comment in movies and never shut up.
"Wait this is the complete oppsoite of the book. Poor Chuck doed with a knife in the book!" I whispered.
"Shush!" He said.
"I cant! Hes saying the complete opposite stuff from the book, Gallys been took in the book, Alby sacrificed himself but this is the opposite. And that bloody inspiring pep talk-"
He sighed and kissed me.
"Shut up." He said again. I sighed and sat back.
After the movie, he tried speaking to me. I didnt say a single word back.
"Whats wrong? Oh, hold this for me I needa go toilet." He placed the popcorn in my hands and ran to the opposite direction.
When he came back, he must of took off his jacket. He walked over to me, placed his jacket over his shoulder, holding the popcorn and joint our hands. As soon as we walked outside it was freezing which was a big difference since it was sweating in there. I hadnt bought a coat and Thomas had parked quite a long way away.
"Here." He placed his jacket on my shoulders. "Feel free to put it on."
I strugged to get the arm.
"Oops, sorry. Here." He put it on me.
"Thank you. Arent you cold?"
"I dont mind." He said.
I hugged him. He laughed.
"Looks good."
"Why thank you. You talkin' about the jacket or me?"
"Eh, both." He smiled. I laughed and he entwined our fingers.
As we arrived at the car, he looked like a frozen dirty blonde haired lolly. I laughed and took off the coat.
"Thanks again." I said. He quickly got in the car and waited for it to get warm. He smiled and sighed in pleasure. I grinned.
"So, good movie?"
"Yeah. Thank you so much for paying, I'll pay you ba-"
"No. No, it's okay."
"Sure? You're really sweet."
"Yeah uhm, can I ask you something?"
"What?" I asked he turned to look at me.
"Can I have my jacket back?"
I looked at my lap.
"Oh! Yeah." I handed him. He chuckled.
"I was gonna ask if you wanna go out."
"Out where?"
"Out. On a date."
"Oh! Yess!!!" I said.
He smiled.
"Not because I'm an actor or your boss, right?"
"Do I seem like Gracie."
He looked at me as if to say that I was being rude.
"Sorry." I looked out the window.
I peered back at him. He shook his head, sighed and started up the car. I probably just ruined my chance.
He stopped somewhere. I peered at my watch. 10:27pm. I sighed. He had stopped at Local Hero. Restuarant. I stayed in the car. He opened my door making me nearly fall out the car.
"Sorry." He said. I undid my belt and sent a smile his way before waiting for him. He looked under my seat.
He grabbed his phone and sat in my seat for a few minutes.
Thomas' pov.
I had so many mesages. Most from fans from twitter but these stood out.
Ava: What are you doing? x
Mum: Where are you? Dinners ready xxx
I sighed and text back.
First to Ava.
Me: Took Y/N cinemas. xx
Then Mum.
Me: Having dinner at Local Hero. Sorry xx
I said. I got out.
"Whats wrong?" She asked.
"Mum and Ava text me."
"Okay." I noticed she was shivering. I threw my coat in the back, locked the car and put my arm around her instead. I smiled at her and lead her in.
As Y/N burger came with fries, I realized how big the portion is.
"Havent you been here before?" She asked.
"No. You?"
"As a kid." She smiled.
"You arent shy are you?" I asked as she bit straight into the burger.
"Why? Do you want me to be? Okay. Oh Tommy, I'm shy. I cant eat." She said in a baby voice.
"No, carry on." I smiled. She smirked and carried on. I just ended up eating a salad.
"What the hell? Tom, you're making me feel bad. Dont just order a salad." She pouted at me.
I sighed.
"Wait for desert." I said. She sighed and there were a ton of chips left on her plate.
"Eat them." I said.
"Cant so I left them for you." She smiled, pushing the plate towards me. I picked one up.
"Open wide." I told her.
"Please?" I asked. She sighed and opened wide. I put a chip in her mouth. She wouldnt bite down. I laughed and put her chin up and held her nose, pushing her nose down making her chew. She laughed and swallowed.
"Your turn." She said.
"Nope." I grinned. She laughed and tried to make me open wide. Soon she had me cornered so I quickly opened my mouth. She put a chip in my mouth. I chewed it myself. Then we ate the rest, chatting.
"Whys the movie so different to the book?"
"I dont know. It would be boring to watch and read the same thing so James probably changed it so you dont expect it."
"So you do know?"
I smiled and nodded. We soon finished and I waved to someone.
"We have a new ice cream for couples."
"We are- well..." I looked at Y/N. She just awkwardly looked down.
"Maybe next time. Rocky horror, Y/N?"
"Yeah." She sighed.
"Dont mind sharing or want one each?"
"Dont mind sharing." She said.
"Rocky horror, please." I said to the guy. He nodded, took our plates and walked away. I turned to Y/N. Tonight was quite a bust.
"You okay?"
She looked up at me and nodded.
"Whats up?" I asked, seeing a tear.
"I dont know. I'm just tired. And when I'm tired I get stressed and I just start crying."
"This ice cream'll wake you up." I smiled. Did she really think I believed that? The guy came with the Rocky Horror.
"Thank you." I smiled. We shared and I left some for her since I was full. As I licked my fingers, she smiled weakly.
"Have some." She said. I shook my head.
"I've had enough. Its huge!"
"Yeah, I know. Please."
I sighed and put some on my spoon and ate a few more spoonfulls. It soon had just a little left but if I had it I would puke and seeing her facial expression, I know she felt the same. I payed and she was attached to my arm. She wouldnt let go because she was tired. She looked worried. I looked to where she was looking. Oh my gosh. My eyes felt like theyw ould explode. GRACIE. She spyed on us. I turned Y/N around.
"Dont worry about her." I said. She looked scared. I payed and let her in my car and drove her home.
"Th-thanks." She smiled in the cold.
"Hey doesnt the taxi driver get a kiss?" I asked. She laughed and pecked my cheek. I smiled.
"Goodnight." I smiled at her. It was like 11:46pm. She smiled.
"You too."
The next day I heard a scream at work. Saturday today right? Yeah. Gracie reads on Saturday. I ran to the area where they get read too. Y/N was on the floor, Gracie laughing and a few kids sniggering, the others crowding her asking if she was okay. I peered over her.
"Kids, well done for being nice to her. Right, everyone sit down, let me sort this out. Y/N?" I asked as everyone sat down.
"What happened?"
"G-gra-" she yawned and placed her head back on the floor.
"Gracie..."she trailed off.
"Kids did Gracie do this?"
"Yes!" James yelled. I can tell he likes Y/N like some auntie.
"What did she do?"
"Tripped her!"
"Accident or?"
"Purpose!" Dash yelled.
"Thats it- Gracie get out! You give everyone death glares even my sister, you spyed on us on our date last night and now your injuring everyone! Thats a bad example to kids-you're fired! GET OUT!" I yelled at her. She walked out. The kids looked terrified off me. Some were crying of fright.
"No, kids, no need to be frightened. Not off me. I wouldnt hurt you. Uncle Thomas!" I said. "James?"
He shakily stood up and sat on my lap like he always did.
"Its okay, I wont hurt any off you, okay? Not a single hair on your head. James, do you trust me?" He nodded. I smiled and hugged him.
"So a date?" James smirked. I laughed. "Oh! Y/N, you okay?" I asked. She stood up and I noticed she had some blood on her neck.
"What?! Come here." I said. "Lift up please J."
James sat on the floor. Y/N walked over. I licked my finger and put some blood on it. Was it blood or just colour? I tasted it and nearly chocked.
"Blood." I nodded. I tried to find the source. "You have sweet blood."
"Uhm... thanks?"
"Here. You must of hit your head and it made a tiny cut which is bleeding which dripped down your neck. Lets fetch you a tissue." I said.
"Whos gonna read to us?" Lily asked. I sighed.
"Ava!" I called. She headed over.
"Gracie tripped up Y/N so I fired her. Do you mind reading on Saturdays and Sundays now?"
"Sure. Y/N are you okay?" She asked. I smiled as Ava checked her and offered to fix her up. I smiled and nodded. As they dissapeared, Chelsea asked me who would read to them on Monday and Tuesdays.
"Me, I guess." I smiled. I needed time with the kids anyway. They cheered making me smile.
"Who enjoyed Maze Runner?"
Everyone put their hand up.
"They have 4 more books in the series. Fever Code, Scorch Trails, Death Cure and Kill Order. Should I order them to read?"
"YES!!!" A few screamed others nodded.
"Shush." I laughed.
Ava came back and Y/N had a plaster on the back of her head. I smiled. Ava read a book to them whilst I ordered the books online.
"What you doin?"
"Ordering the other books in the maze runner series." I smirked at her, sending a wink. She smiled.
Y/Ns pov.
"Thanks for uhm sticking up for me."
"No worries." He pecked my lips and carried on. I smiled. This job was probably the best I've ever had.

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