Thinking About The Future P2

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3 Months Later
Y/N's Pov.
"Thomas. Thomas!" I shooked him as he drooled.
"What?" He mumbled, turning over and pulling me down to nuzzle his head in my neck.
"Wake up please." I mumbled, twiddling my thumbs.
He sat up, hair a mess as he glared at me, crossing his arms.
"What for?" Tom asked grumpily. I grinned and kissed his cheek.
"I-You- So, it's uhm..."
"Christmas soon? If you're worried about what I got you, dont worry I have it all covered." He said in a tired morning voice. I grinned but then guilt crept over me and I shook my head.
"No... It's actually about what I got you... Please don't be mad..." I said, a tear escaping.
"Babe? What is it? What's wrong?" He placed a hand on my back, trying to sooth me.
Next thing I knew, I was in the bathroom puking up. He held back my hair and yawned.
"Is my baby ill?" He asked in a little child voice.
"T-T-Tom, I want spaghetti. No meatballs though."

Thomas' pov.
"It's like 5am and you want spaghetti? Y/N, wait. Are you sick? Maybe you should lay in bed. Do you have a fever?" I started to panick but I heard her giggle weakly.
"Tommy don't stress. I'm fine." She grinned at me.
"Oh, okay. Are you sure?" I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her closer to me in bed.
"Yes." She leaned in to peck me but I stopped her.
"Sorry lovecake, but you've just puked." I raised an eyebrow and she smiled whilst playfully rolling her eyes.
"Stubborn." She mumbled.
I chuckled but wonder held onto my brain.
"Y/N? Why would I be mad at what you got me? You didn't get me a Spider right?" A shiver ran down my spine at the thought.
"WHAT? SPIDER?! WHERE?!" She jumped onto me and screamed.
I rolled my eyes but kissed her cheek.
"Was you listening?"
"Hm? Oh, yeah." Y/N said before changing the subject.
"So, about the spaghet-"
"Nope. Wait."
"What why?" she whined.
"What did you get me?" I asked a bit more demanding but still out of love.
"Demanding too huh?" She knew she was pissing me off. I tickled her so much that tears came out of her eyes.
"T-T-Thomas pl-please STO-OP!" My little lovecake looked so cute as she was rolling around laughing.
"Tell me."
"Just w-wait okay? 4-4-4 more days until yo-u SEE! STOP P-PLEASE!" She laughed so loud the house shook. I sighed and gave in.
"So, about the spaghetti..." She trailed off.
"On it." I chuckled. "You're so cute, lovecakes. I love you."
"I love you too, Tiger. Promise me something though, please." She said, looking down.
"What is it, love?" I smirked.

Y/Ns pov.
I knew what he was thinking. I really wanted to roll my eyes. Typical Tommy. I kept my cool.
"Sware to always love me, no matter what. I mean, you do right?" I bit my lip, looking up to find an answer in his eyes. At first his brows furrowed in confusion and suprise, but then he smiled and shook it off.
"Of course baby. Why?" He came closer again.
"Dude you was gonna go make the spaghetti!" I moaned.
"It's early in the morning, you and your pal can wait." He rolled his eyes but kissed my forehead, "But why anyways?"
"Cos I'm hung-"
"The promise." He huffed.
"Oh. I was wondering." I pecked his nose.
"Just wondering my ass. You always say that!"
I broke down into tears. I don't even know why.
"What's wrong?!" He glanced around in shock and panick. I shook my head.
"P-please don't be mad at me!" I sobbed, "An-and I'm so hungry!"
"Asshole." He flicked my head gently before chuckling. I couldn't stop crying though. "Hey, come on now. You gonna come down with me or stay up here?"
"I-I-I'm coming." I stuttered.
As he made it, I stood under his arm, face in his chest about to fall asleep. I drooled and blacked out a few times but he didnt mind. First, he took the food up.
"Aren't we-?"
Before I could finish, off course he had swept me off my feet and took me upstairs. Bridal Style.
"Smooth move, Romeo." I smirked. He grinned.
"I do try." Tiger winked. Tiger was my pet name for him. I liked it.

Y/Ns pov.
I paces the floors, up and down, up and down. As the front door slammed closed, a familiar voice spoke up.
"Hey, Y/N. We haven't talked in forever." My ex boyfriend yet my still friend (wierd I know) walked in.
"Dylan O'Brien! Where the hell were you for the past 4 years?!" I shrieked and jumped into his arms.
"Doesn't matter. I hoped that I could win you back, Y/N. I missed you like crazy." He mumbled and was about to kiss me when I put my hand on his mouth.
"Stop the roll. I-"
"I forgot shit. You're still dating Sangster?" Dylan rolled his eyes, "You can do better."
"First, we're married. Have been for about 3 years! Second, he's all I want. So get the fuck out, Dyl." I rolled my eyes and pushed him back.
"Married?!" O'Brien's eyes nearly shot out off his head. I checked my watch. Sangster should arrive any-
"DYLAN?" I heard the thick british accent yell in shock.
"You're married?!" Dyl yelled in suprise.
"Well yeah. Merry Christmas by the way." Tom was always so sweet. If only he knew that Mr O'Brien tried to kiss me.
"Merry Christmas my ass-"
"No, thank you." Thomas mumbled making me giggle a little. He flashed a wink at me before Dylan carried on his little outburst.
"I came back to win her heart but-"
Tom's head span 180 degress as the daggers he shone landed on Dylan.
"Win her heart? Back the fuck off bro. She's mine. Leave. Now."
After all their drama, I heard Dylan's car door close. I missed him so much... No, I love Thomas' more. I know I do. It's just the way Dylan used to put his jacket over my shoulders or over puddles and his scent and his funny jokes- I blinked a few times. Thomas did all off that and more. What am I talking about? Thomas' has the key to my heart.
Anyways, I felt a breath fan itself against my neck. Mint.
"Hey british boy, back up." I hissed. He laughed gently in my ear.
"Fiesty and demanding... I should really kiss you right now... or maybe more." I felt kisses moving up my neck with his soft lips.
"No. I-I can't."
"You love Dylan, don't you?" He moved away as a tear drove down his cheek.
"No! Babe, I think it's time I gave you my present..."

Thomas' Pov.
I sat there on the sofa, nuzzling into the couch when someone tapped my shoulder. I opened one eye to see Y/N nervously rubbing the back off her neck and holding a card out to me.
I read it.

What is a Dad?
You is a Dad.

It made more sense when I heard Y/N speak up.
"I'm pregnant... Yay?"

P3? Hmm... Jk, ofc, I'm not that evil. We all need Thomas' reaction to Y/N being pregnant!
Tbh I saw that joke on a card somewhere on Instagram and I had to put it in. Like,
how else are you going to tell him?
Anyways, hope you enjoyed this. I may or may not be active tomorrow, so if I'm not, sorry but you might have to wait a long time for a P3... Oh and also I think I spelt 'Panic' wrong alot. Sorry! I may have put 'panik' or 'panick' instead lmao.
Ly guys,
Stay Strong my flowers xxx ♡

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