I'm here part 1

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(Y/D/N is your dads name)
Thomas' pov.
Y/N had been sad and crying all day. Atleast I think. I went to hers and thats when I saw her crying.
"Whats wrong?" I asked.
"The fact I'm a fangirl-" shes my bestie by the way so I hoped this wasn't going the way I thought, "And I've just read page 250 in The Death Cure. Newt dies!" She sobbed.
"And I wouldnt know why? Of course I know. How do you think I felt?" I asked.
"But-you just acted him! You've had tons of acting roles! I'm actually like the person living in it. Newt my best friend in life and the book! He died! He cared about everyone but himself! He tried to kill himself in the maze!" Y/N threw her book at the wall and she pulled me down on the bed and pulled me in a hug, signaling I should have done it earlier.
"I kinda get you but I'm not gonna pretend to know how you feel. Know that I'm here and I'm real. I'm okay. The real life living Newt is fine. I'm here. Always." I whispered, looking directly into her eyes with a small smile. She smiled gently too.
"If you knew what was gonna happen then why read it?" I asked.
"Because readings so relaxing." She sighed.
I laughed."Seriously?"
"Read once in a while." She said, "You'll understand. But it's still not fair and... sad." Tears came again.
"Oiy, no. Not again." I said.
Y/Ns pov.
His accent was so soothing but it couldnt stop me crying.
"I cant stop! Its depressing! Stupidly stressing! Help!" I said, flopping on the bed.
"Teen wolf? You like Dylan O'Brien right?" He asked.
"Yes!" I smiled, "But I dont wanna watch Teen Wolf. What about The Internship?" I asked, thinking.
"Wanna watch that?" He asked.
"Nah. Wait... yes! No! I cheer myself up more than you!" I burst out in angry stress.
He looked taken back before shaking it off.
"Wanna watch The Maze Runner?" He asked quietly, knowing what would probably happen.
"Seriously?" I growled, "Really Tom?"
"I'm trying!" He said hurt.
"Well what should we watch then?!" I yelled.
"Up to you!" He shouted.
"Well put The Internship on then!" I snapped.
He put it on.
Thomas' pov.
Soon it came to where Stuart was featured. She fangirled. I was pretty sad, she has a bloody crush on my friend. She screamed in excitement and as I laid near her, she wrapped her arms around me. I smiled I looked down at her.
"Still pretty sad that my favourite character ever dies; Newt." She said. I sighed and pushed her back, leaning over her.
"Are ya blind? Right bloody here mate." I said. She looked up and gulped. Her arms found themselves around my waist.
Y/Ns pov.
The british boy watched me. I'm English but dont have the accent. I watched what would happen next.
"By On the line do you mean online?" Stuart. He lifted up and and I sat up.
I turned around to face the door after that awkwardness. Arms wrapped around me and a head rested on my shoulder.
"That was awkward. Dont act like I'm not your best friend. Freakin' hug me, bloody do something." He said gently in my ear.
"What do you want me to do? Just go home." I said.
"No." Thomas replied.
"Thank you I hoped you'd say that." I turned around to see a shirtless boy. Nevertheless, i hugged him, half watching tv, half trying to sleep.
Soon though, sleep over took.

I woke up. My bloody real life Newt was gone. Left his shirt. I sighed and decided to call him.
"Wheres my phone?" I whispered to myself. I groaned and decided to go downstairs to my parents who should've arrived over night. They had went on a 2 week holiday. Stumbling downstairs, I caught sight of my phone. Darting to my phone, someone appeared.
"Young lady, put that down." My dad said.
"Why?" I asked.
"We found the british boy in your room, shirtless, asleep. You are grounded. No phone. And keep away from Sangster." He said.
"WHAT?! Dad! You dont understand!" I said.
"What?" He asked.
"I read page 250 in death cure! Newt dies-"
"Dont use book things on me." Dad said.
"Dont shout at me." He said.
"Fine! I'll tell mom!"
"She wont understand either!"
"Atleast she knows 'the british boy's name! Mom!"

"Mom! Listen. I read a page where Newt dies in a book and I was sad. I was crying and Thomas came in.-"
"Thomas?" She asked.
"The british guy!" I said, "Tall one!"
"Anyway, he hugged me and basically we was watching a movie and I'm sure we was gonna kiss but it was so awkward and we didnt! He laid down and hugged me! Then we fell asleep! Hes only my best friend you have to believe me!" I said.
"What was the movie?" Mom asked.
After all that I had to breathe a few times before answering.
"The Internship! Thomas wouldnt let me watch anything I'm not aloud to! He just wanted to show me that hes there and even though Newt died, the real Newts still alive." I said.
"Okay honey. Y/D/N shes fine! Go grab your phone sweetie." She said.
"Thanks mom. What did you do to Thomas anyway?" I asked. A look of ashame crossed her face.

"2 hours ago." Dad said.
"If he really is your friend, he'll still love you." She said.
"Better hope so." I sighed. I got in my car and drove down the street to his house. He lives alone. I opened up with the key he gave me and shut it quietly. Walking upstairs, i saw him, standing there looking outside the window, smoking. Tears were drizzling down his cheeks, he looked seriously stressed. I tapped his shoulder. He spun around, his elbow hitting my face.
"What?" He spat.
"Seriously? Smoking? Put that death stick down." I said.
"No." He hissed.
"Tommy, I'm sorry it was- they thought that er, what we learnt a dew summers ago had happened." I muttered.
"DONT SAY IT!" I said.
"Sorry. So they really though that?" His british accent is so perfect I melt a little when I hear it.
"Yeah." I said. "But we didnt. I explained. Where'd my dad slap you?" I asked.
"Butt." He said.
"Ouch. Did it hurt?" I asked.
"Turn around and I'll show ya."
"Dont make an excuse to touch me. If you wanna hug just say." I said, laughing.
He threw his cig out the window.
"Ha ha." He rolled his eyes.
"Whats wrong?" I alid on his bed.
"I had one chance to sleep near my best friend but it all got wasted. And the fact I cant ever come back." He sighed, "As every parent says, I'm a bad influence. Better of not seeing me anymore." He said.
"No! You cant take Newt away again! Please! Tommy! Please-"
"Not funny." He said.
"Please, Thomas." I said.
"PLEASE WHAT?! GET OUT!" Thomas yelled.

Its all my fault he left.
"Moving houses. Sorry." I got a text from him like a week later. I screamed and literally got no sleep that night. The next day I rushed to his door. A random person opened up.
"Y/N!" He said.
"I'm sorry if this sounds rude but who the hell are you and wheres Tommy?!" I asked.
"I'm Tommys dad. Thomas!" He said.
"Oh sorry." I said.
"Hey." He looked me up and down, "Tired much?"
"Moving?!" I asked.
"Parents said I could live with them near my old friends." He said.
"Old?! What about me?! You said you'd be here. Always Tom."
Thomas' pov.
Tears rolled down her cheeks.
My dad sighed and decided to leave.
"I'm sorry but... I have no friends here-"
"What am I then?!" She yelled.
"Well thats all I have here!" I yelled.
"Except for your family, thats all you'll ever have here. Isnt that enough?" She asked.
"It is but.."
"But what?" I asked. He whiped his tears and kissed me. Damn.
My hands slipped to his bare chest.
"Damn." He pulled away, groaning.
"What?" I asked.
He moved my hand. There was a big purple green bruise.
"What happened?!" I asked.
"Banged it this morning when I was packing." He said.
"Are you really leaving? And did we really kiss?"
"I- Dad! I'm staying! Sorry!" He called.
"Son! Fine!" He groaned. I smiled and kissed him. He picked me up and took me to his bed.
"What are you doing?" i asked, scared.
"Oh. Sorry. I Uh forgot you liked Dylan." he answered, obviously embarressed.
"Shut up," I laughed, "You'll always be my favourite."
I pulled him down to my lips. He smiled and put his nose on mine, literally laying, but not putting too much weight, on me.
"I love you. Newts here. Or shall I say Thomas?" He smirked.
"Which ever you fancy, Sangster." I smiled.
"Well I fancy you, Y/L/N." Tom said.
"Wait... We cant still be friends." I said.
"Well yeah we can. Just add 'girl' on the beginning of your 'friend' and I'll add a 'boy' on the beginning of mine." He said.
"Should have just said we're dating." I said. He playfully rolled his eyes and kissed me.
"I love you, Tommy." I smiled. He tickled me.
"Please, Tommy, please!" I said.
"Dont do that!" He laughed.
"Okay." I smiled.
"My dads gone back home." He said.
Thomas' pov.
Smiling widely, I turned over. She laid ontop off me and I kissed her neck, wrapping my arms around her. I kissed her passionately once more before turning on TV.
"Thanks Newt. You kept your promise. You're always gonna be here right? No matter what?" she asked.
"I'm never leaving." I smirked, gently placing a kiss on her nose. Her parents walked in as I kissed her.
Y/Ns pov.
Damn. I guess they noticed Tom only had his underwear on.
We were dead.

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