Truth Or Dare?? Part 1

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Y/Ns pov.
I was on set of The Maze Runner. Being the only girl is hard. The guys were dancing to 'SexyBack- Justin Timberlake' and as much as it was funny, it was kinda a hint of gross how they were dancing yet awkward. I sat and watched. It was gross because they would like lick their lips and act like they want a kiss or be dirty.
But, it was pretty cute. My eye caught Thomas. I didnt think he came out of himself- I think he hides himself a lot. He was trying to act cool- act like someone else who hes not. I think hes cool in his own way, and pretty adorable...
As I watched my crush dan- Did I just say that? Oh nevermind, only in my head. Ha. Anyway, as I watched him dance, I realized he was kinda getting the dance wrong. I giggled and went over to the food.
Thomas' pov.
Forget this, I'm doing most of it wrong anyway. As I went to walk away, I fell on my face. I TRIPPED OVER MY OWN BIG TOE. DA HELL DOES THAT WORK?!
I groaned.
The music stopped as Dylan realized and tuned it out. Everyone stopped dancing.
I stood up.
"You okay?" Dylan and Ki hong asked.
"Yes." I said. I noticed Y/N saw. Damn. I walked over to the food.
"You fine?" Y/N asked.
"Uh huh, why?" I asked.
"You fell on your face." She shrugged, giggling.
"Hey!" I said.
"Thomas, I watched and you got most of the dance wrong anyway."
"Sorry I aint a cool kid,okay? Sorry I dont know how to dance like that off by heart, sorry I have flaws. Sorry." I said and walked off, pissed at the fact she judged me.
She likes Dylan. Its obvious, every girl does. Who cares anymore?
Okay, maybe me...
Y/Ns pov.
I felt guilty.
As I fast walked past the still dancing boys, Dylan called me over.
"Watch this dance." He said.
"Sorry Dyl, maybe later?" I asked.
"Fine." He sighed even though I hardly heard. As I finally was able to sit near Thomas, I looked at him.
"What was that about? I didnt say that. I was just thinking that you act like someone your not. Maybe you should come out yourself more and be more... well yourself." I said.
"I only act cool because some people think I'm a geek." He sighed.
"You dont have to act cool, you are cool but in a geeky way. We appreciate that." I smiled.
"So your saying that everyone will like me for me?"
"I cant promise..."
"Well then."
"But, Thomas, I've saw YOU, the real one! Its really the best person ever so will you do me a favour and show me him?"
Then Kaya arrived. I was happy because she said she was sick but James called her over to learn her lines. But I was sad when she joined our private talk.
"What ya'll talking about?"
I missed her.
"Nothing much." I said. Tom smiled and me and nodded.
"I'm gonna go, okay?" I smiled at Tommy.
Thomas' pov.
"What happened? Your smiling as if your in love! Did she kiss you?" Kaya asked, excitement filling her eyes.
"What?! No! We just had a tiny chat. Not a big deal."
"Yes it is. About what?"
"And what did you discuss about yourself?"
"Look, Kaya, please." I raised an eyebrow at her.
I knew she wont give up. She would finally get it out. As I walked away, the break was over. It was the scene were in The Scorch Trials, we met Ratman. Brenda-Y/N-didnt come in.
After the two hour filming, I walked over to Y/N.
"So, I see you took my advice." She smirked.
Y/Ns pov.
I watched him. Insteead of acting like he would and say,
"What? For goodness sake, explain." To Wes and James about the script, he said, "Pardon? How do I-uhm- can you show me an example maybe?"
It was freakin adorable and sent me crazy.
"Yes." He smiled.
"Truth or Dare!" I heard.
"Oh, heres another after shooting game." I groaned. Dylan enjoyed this and loved doing the games and sometimes they were fun. Thats why we all took part like Dylan wanted.
"So yeah?" Dylan came over, "Truth or Dare?"
As we put ourselves in a circle, Dylan was full of pure excitement and happiness.
"Me first!" He said. "Okay, Ki, Truth or Dare?"
"Dare." Ki obviously answered with.
"I dare you to tell Thomas you love him." He smirked.
"Oh really? Is that it?" I blurted out. It was pretty lame.
"Fine, what dare do you say?" Dylan said.
"Ki, I dare you to put your head under the cold water machine." I smirked.
He shakingly turned on the machine. His high pitched screams filled the air.
Everyone laugh.
"Ki, your turn." Dylan said.
"Fine." He shook his hair. "Y/N," he smirked, "Truth or Dare?"
I would pick truth but they might make me spill out my crush.
So, I decided I'd rather have cold water on my head.
"Dare." I finally answered.
"I dare you... Hmmm..." he glanced at Thomas and then back at me. Then his eyes flickered back at Thomas and a smirk came to his face.
"I dare you to kiss Thomas for 5 minutes including tongue. Breaths are aloud but you have to do it flirtily not scared. Like smirk at each other. Ya know." He said.
Thomas' pov.
Her face went pale and she looked freakin' shocked. Was I really that bad. Saying that, I was the same. The air filled with 'Ooooo's from Kaya and the boys.
Y/Ns pov.
"Truth!" I said.
"Nope! Too shucking late!" He smirked. I felt tears about to come. No.
I breathed in.
I looked at him asking permission. He shrugged and nodded. We scooted to the center of the circle. He placed his hand on my cheek and smirked at me like Ki ordered. I gave an unsure smirk back. He leaned closer and placed his lips on mine gently but not too gently. I kissed back obviously.
"Rougher." Ki said.
I stuck my middle finger up.
"Its a dare, Y/N."
I sighed and made it rougher. Like the dare said, I felt Thomas' tongue poke my teeth. He tugged my lip and asked me permission to enter. I allowed and my hands came to his hair. I kinda enjoyed it.
We pulled away for breath.
"How long left?" I asked.
"3 minutes." Ki said. I pushed my lips back and his tongue twiddled with mine. I smirked and pushed him backwards. He smirked and as I laid on him, he smiled up at me as we pulled away.
His hand carressed my cheek.
We didnt speak but I kissed him again. I accidently bit his lip. He grunted but our lips were still connected. His arms wrapped around my waist and his hands slid down to my butt. His thumb carressed it slowly and gently as he stared up at me, smiling.
"Ki hong, 7 minutes have gone already."
I heard Dylan whisper. He really cant whisper. I pulled away as I heard and Thomas and I cleaned ourselves up. He pecked my lips once more and slid back to his place. So did I.
"Well! That went on and was quite rough. And Thomas, your hands had a mind of its own." Ki said.
"You said rough." Thomas said.
"Excatly Ki, gosh we just followed the dares rules." I scoffed.
"Okay, Y/N, your turn."
I cant do Tom. Truth would be awkward and so would dare! Kaya knew about my crush- I knew hers on Dylan.
"Kaya, Truth or dare?" I smirked.
"After that, Imma pick truth." She said.
"Okay, who in this room that is a boy do you love as in more than friends?" I smirked.
"Uhm...." She glared at me and blushed violently. I shrugged. She scanned everyone. Everyone was watching.
"Fine! D-D..." Dylan looked excited and leaned forward a little to hear.
"Dylan." She grumbled. Everyone oooo'd. Dylan blushed and smiled.
"Oooo, Kaya!" I laughed.
"What about you and Thomas?!" She asked.
Me and Thomas blushed. I shoved Kaya roughly.
"Hey!" She yelled and pushed me back.
"Kaya! Your turn!" Dylan said, wanting the fight to stop.
"Fine! Thomas." She smirked. She dare says anything, does anything or asks anything she is dead.
"Truth or dare?"
Thomas' pov.
Dare would probably be kiss Y/N and Truth will probably be who do you like?
Probably dare because you cant repeat the same thing!
"You cant repeat the same dare right?" I asked Dylan.
"Yes. Thats a rule now. You cant repeat the same dare." He said. I'm safe.
"Dare then." I smirked at Kaya.
"I dare you to... hmmm... come here." She smirked. I gulped and sat near Kaya.
"No,here." She patted inbetween her and Y/N. Even Y/N blushed now.
"Put your arm around her, move really close so theres no gap and kiss or nibble her cheek every five seconds until the Truth Or Dare game is over." She said. Okay uh fine. I raised an eyebrow. Y/N looked shy. I put my arm around her and moved up.
"Closer." Kaya pushed. I groaned and moved even closer.
"Guys is this really fair? Making me and Y/N do flirty stuff?" I asked.
"Well yes. Was it fair to make me put my head under the wate-"
"We didnt make you kiss Kaya or Dylan, did we?!" I yelled.
"Thomas, just do the dare, okay? For us?" Dylan asked. I sighed and closed the gap between me and Y/N. Every few seconds I kissed her because I was scared to nibble her cheek.
Y/Ns pov.
It felt nice. I soon relaxed snd my eyes felt heavy.
Thomas' pov.
Her head fell on my chest and little snores escaped. I smiled.
"Shes asleep." Kaya awwwwed.
"You cant make me kiss her now, it'll wake her." i said.
"Fine. But you gotta hug her. Real close."
"Godsake Kaya." I said.
"Dont doubt it, you like each other." Kaya smirked.
"Is the game finished?" I said quickly.
"One more person."
As they asked the last person, I checked the time.
I need to get home.
"I need to get home! Its 8, my mum gets worried." I said.
"We're nearly done!" Ki said.
"No. Nononononono. I'm going and I'll take Y/N home."
Awwws filled the room.
"Cram it."

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