New job! Part 1

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Y/Ns pov.
I drove to work, a new job, first day at the library and I was already late. I arrived and I saw a guy, dirty blonde hair, perfect chocolate eyes, smooth, fresh pink lips... was I staring? Oh gosh, I was staring! I looked away but he was putting down his book and coming up to me.
"Hey," he said.
"Hey. Who are you?" I asked a little too rude.
"Well thanks for being polite!" He rolled his eyes, "I'm your boss but you can call me a friend, a fellow librarion or just simply... Thomas!" He smiled.
"Oh! You're Thomas Sangster? Okay. Sorry." I laughed nervously.
"No need to be nervous," he said picking up the tone, "I'm kind, I dont bite and everyone here is really sweet. You're one of the three girls that work him now." He smiled.
"How many people work here?"
"7. Me, 3 boys who are Jake, Simon and Darren. 2 girls and you. Ava who is my sister-"
"Aww thats sweet. Brother and Sister relationship!" I smiled in aww.
"Yeah okay. Right so theres," I saw his grin widen, "Gracie and you. Y/N."
"Gracie! Ava, Jake, Darren! Simon!" He called, waving his hand. They all came over.
"This is Gracie," he smirked, pointing to Gracie who was really pretty. Long blonde hair and blue eyes. She smiled.
"This is Ava." He said.
"Aww you look alike!" I laughed. Ava smiled.
Thomas gave me a look as if to say No, newbie. Just no.
I shrugged and he rolled his eyes.
"Jake, Simon and Darren." He pointed. Ooh, Jake wasnt bad. But Thomas was better.
"Guys, this is Y/N." He said. They smiled faintly before dissapearing. Ava smiled and hugged me. You can tell that shes the only nice one.  Thomas sighed, "You'll be reading to the kids. Gracie does that, too. Jake works behind the desk for two hours, then swaps with Simon. me, Ava and Darren put away books and Ava reads to them a little too. Right, you're reading from 2-4. Dont worry, they have a 30 minute brake at 2:45pm bringing them back for another 45 minutes at 3:15pm. Got it? Okay." He began to walk away.
"Wait! Were do I read and what book?"
"You read just over there," he pointed a playroom, "You read whatever book  they want. You read on Thursdays, Fridays and Wednesdays," he said, "Gracie reads on Mondays, Tuesdays and Saturdays leaving Ava reading on Sunday."
"Wait, when do we get a brake?"
"Its not really a long job so you dont have a day off unless your.." he put his belly out.
"Fat? Well thats a little evil, dont you think?"
"Pregnant!" He groaned.
"I know, just wanted to hear you say it. What if your a boy?"
"If your lady is pregnant then the lucky guy gets a few weeks off and the day shes born off."
"Dont you think people will just...?"
"No! Y/N, just follow the rules and you'll be fine. The job is 1:30-6pm. Then we close.
"4 hours, 30 minutes? Okay." I smiled. "Wait, what do they do from 4-6pm then after reading time?"
"Play around, read. Whatever."
"Okay." I smiled. He smiled back.
"Todays Wednesday so go! It's 1:55pm!" He rushed me in. I sat down a little awkwardly.
"Wait, your uniform! Go change! Quick!" He said, handing me uniform and pushing me in the toilets.
As I came back, I saw a little kid sitting on Thomas' lap and everyone laughing. I smiled.
"What did I miss?"
"Oh, everyone, this is Y/N. I want you to be extra nice to her because shes new." He smiled at the kids- a smile so friendly it can kill. I had a huge grin stuck on my face.
I replaced Thomas but the kid sat on the floor and they looked a little scared of me.
"Kids, i dont bite. Can I learn your names?" I asked. They seemed to lighten up and someone swung their hand up.
"Yes?" I asked him, smiling sweetly.
"I'm Jacob!"
We went around the circle.
I repeated their names afterwards and the kids were proud I remembered.
They picked a book called Maze Runner and said Thomas promised to read it to them.
"Okay." I said. I started to read the big book.
It was really interesting. So interesting I forgot about 2:45pm.
Thomas came back and told the kids it was brake before placing himself near me as I put a page number in my phone to remind me.
"Interesting book?" He smirked.
"Yeah. This James Dashner guy is talented! I wanna see this as a movie." I said.
"It is." Thomas said.
"You know how?" I asked.
"Because I've saw the movie."
"Is it good?"
"Yeah. Pretty good. I'd say the actors are better." He smirked.
I smiled, not getting the hint. I stood up and decided to have a sandwich from Starbucks which was next door. I had it in, checking my phone once in a while. Soon it was 3:15 and I forgot. Again.
Gracie came back.
"Hey! Stop slacking! You need to go read to them!" She yelled, spit flying everywhere.
"Okay, Sorry, I forgot." I said, a little fed up with the tone.
"Yeah well lets hope you forget more- then you'll be fired."
"Excuse me?" I turned to look at her. I shoved my middle finger up at her.
"All because I forgot once, doesnt mean its bricks up here." I said, pointing to my brain.
"Alright then, seems like it."
I ignored her and walked back to the kids, desperate to read the rest to them. We was already on chapter 10.
Didnt look at Gracie. Thomas didnt say anything to me, we didnt need too. Ava hugged me making me smile and Jake and Darren waved and Simon just didnt look. No one knew what happened but they was all- except Ava- acting as if I've worked here for years. I managed to get on chapter 24.
The chapters arent very long.
"One more chapter! It isnt long!" I interupted Thomas, desperate to read on.
"I dont wanna go," James said.
"I'm staying here until 6. Read until 6 Y/N!" Claire begged. I smiled.
"If its okay with Thomas?"
"Sure." He smiled and sent me a wink.
The moms went to go starbucks as I looked after the kids.
We managed chapter 40 by then.
They wanted to stay late again so we managed to finish! Thomas sat near me as they all cleared.
"So, nice book?"
"Yes! Oh my gosh! There needs to be another one!"
"There is. Scorch Trials. Coming out next year, September 18."
"How do you know all this?"
He groaned.
"Can i take you to the cinemas tonight?"
"Yes! Wait, as a date?" I asked, smiling.
"No! No, look, I need to show you something."
"L-like what?"
"Just please? It's the Maze Runner movie."
"I thought you saw that?"
"Yeah but your new. I wanna show you that I'm not nasty or horrible and I'm really just sweet. Plus, you seem pretty interested in it."
I grinned and hugged him.
"Thank you!" I said.
"No, thank you for reading that book to them. I wanted someone to do it but Ava would read it once every week which will be confusing from the other stories and Gracie wouldnt read such a long book and I cant read to them, I dont have time."
"I know why you wanted to read it to them."
"Whos your favourite character?"
"I dont know. In this book it seems like theres Newt whos kinda like the mother, 2nd in command. Then Alby, first in command like the grandfather. Then theres Gally, the trouble child, Thomas the little brother who gets picked on, Teresa the only strong girl and then theres Minho whos like the sassy father. Then Frypan, the cook and the doctors or med-jacks. Then Chuck the baby bro and-"
"Woah, woah I asked your favourite character."
"Probably Chuck, Minho, Newt or Thomas." I said.
He smiled.
"So what time?" I asked.
"9pm it's on. So 8pm. If thats okay with you?" He smiled. He seemed sweet. Really sweet.
"Yeah. Do I have to dress posh?"
"Thomas I'm going! It's closing time." Jake said.
"Yeah uh, just go and tell everyone to go out, I'll close up." Thomas said.
Gracie appeared.
"Thomas, come on! Drive me home."
"No, ask Jake or get a taxi. I'm busy." He sighed.
She groaned and left, giving me a glare.
"You saw-"
"Her give you the daggers? Yeah. She does that. Even to my sister. Anyway, what did you ask?"
"Do I have to dress p-"
"Oh! No. I'm not, just wear your sweatpants and a hoodie if you want." He smiled. I grinned.
"You know, your growing on me."
As I headed home, smiling like crazy, I got changed into leggings, a top saying Love Laugh & Pout with a picture of lips on and some converse. He picked me up at 8. He was wearing a white shirt, black leather jacket and some jeans. I got in.
"Isnt it Live Love Laugh?"
"Pout then. Show me."
I pouted. He smiled and placed his hand on my leg.
"So, excited?"
"Hell yeah!" I giggled.

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