Misses their daddy Part 2

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Thomas' pov.
It was midnight. She had ignored me all day but was now cuddled into my arms. I grinned down at her and kissed her sleepy forehead. She groaned and turned over. I sighed and snuggled into her back. She turned around again, hitting my head by accident.
"Ouch." I whispered.
"Sorry." She mumbled.
"You spoke to me!" I laughed and squeezed her.
"Tom....breathe...speak..." I let go, realizing she couldnt breathe. She smiled. She lightens up at night.
"So, Y/N, please support me on this choice."
She sighed, "Look, Tom, I will miss you and I love you loads! I'm just worried about the kids... If they grow up without a dad for a year or two, who knows what they might think of you. They'll probably think you didnt care and left them on their first birthday. They'll miss their daddy, Tommy."
I looked down. "But Y/N, I really need this part. I could get payed tons."
"But Tom, they need you more."
I sighed and looked up at her.
"Thomas, you are a unique, special little boy. You can hit another role like this which wont take as long to shoot."
I fell silent before pulling her into a kiss.
"Fine." I said. She grinned and kissed me. I got out of bed.
"Were ya going long legs?" She calls me long legs.
"Check on my munchlins."
She laughed and followed. They were fast asleep and Newt was clutching the toy I brought him at birth. It was a blue blanket. Teresa was clutching the pink one Y/N brought for her at birth.
***Year Later***
I'm so glad I didnt leave my family for that role. That movie was crap and went down hill. Anyway, it was their first birthday yesterday and oh my gosh, the party was perfect. Our families got together, they loved it and Newt said his first word! Daddy! Teresa said hers a second before though which was Thanks when Ava gave her a present. We all freaked and I am so glad that I stayed.
"Y/N, I'm so glad you made me stay babe." I said. She smiled.
"So are the kids obviously."
"What do you mean?"
"Yesterday? Concidence that after Teresa said Thanks Newt said Daddy? Dude, they said Thanks Daddy. They're thanking you for staying!"
"What? Oh my gosh I love those guys." I said, swerving Teresa up in one arm and Newt in the other.
"They love you too, long legs." Y/N laughed.
"Daddy." Newt said again. He had the accent like me.
"Yes! Thats me, daddy! And daddy loves you. So much. Y/N, he has my accent! I love you!!!" I rubbed my nose on his making him giggle.
"Da-do-du..." Teresa tried.
"Come on, sweetie. You can do it. Da-ddy."
"Da-ddy." She said. I grinned and kissed her. She giggled and so did I. These kids are my life. Well, Y/N too.
"I love you too." I smiled at Teresa. I put them down and walked to Y/N.
"Well you're getting all the attention so-"
"I'm sorry but you got my attention." I grinned. She smiled and kissed me.
"Thank you, Y/N. I love you."
"I love you too."

That one was crappy :/ Sorry lol

Thomas Brodie-Sangster ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now