Dark side P1

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Thomas' pov
"FUCK SAKE THOMAS WE HAVE PROBLEMS TOO!" Y/N yelled. Ever since we started dating a month ago, she had been so calm, I never thought she yelled. This shocked me, I flashed my eyes upon her and stopped moaning about the time and my job for a moment.
"OKAY?! SHUT THE FUCK UP! I'M TIRED OF STAYING CALM, I'M TIRED OF HOLDING IT IN! I HAVE A SHORT TEMPER TOO, I CAN'T ALWAYS BE THE GOOD GUY," Tears ran down her face, first time I had saw her cry. She broke down into sobs and ran to the door. My family watched her in shock, I couldn't close my jaw I was so suprised.
"Y/N, whats wrong?" I asked but she had already slammed the door. What the fuck was that?
I sighed and text her.
Thomas- I know you wouldnt pick up if I called so here. What's wrong sweetie? Who's troubling you? I have a shovel. Well, I can find one. Sorry for moaning so much. Thank You so much for staying calm and putting up with me so far. People break. It's okay, just tell me what happened. ♡♡♡♡
She saw it immediately, bare in mind she a few streets away, not too far. She was probably text walking.
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Finally about 2 years later I got a text back.
Y/N- I need alone time. Sorry. Thank You for not freaking out about that.

Alone time? Whats that s'posed to mean?

sorry for being inactive! thanks for your support, ilyasm. that's why I whipped up this piece. Its small. Theres more. Sorry if I used the same pic twice btw, ily.

Thomas Brodie-Sangster ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now