Thinking about the Future P4

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I have some free time so here bc Ik how much you guys wanted this. It's the last yet a pretty long part. Anyways, Ilyasm. OH AND 50K VIEWERS AND OVER 1K LIKES ILY GUYS SM! SAVE ME ITS SCHOOL TOMORROW.
Ava's Pov.
"Ava?" Mum called.
"Yeah?" I walked up to her in the kitchen.
"Thomas was supposed to arrive an hour ago. Where is he?" She asked.
I checked the time.
6 PM.
He should've been here at 5 PM.
I squinted my eyes in thought.
"Maybe he's just held back or forgot." I muttered to her.
"He never forgets Christmas dinner!" She gasped.
I decided to call Y/N first.
I heard her voice and I started to hope she was picking up. Instead, it was her voicemail.

"Hey! This is Y/N! Sorry if I haven't picked up, I'm either busy, dead or dieing, or I just hate you. Have a good day! Oh, and leave a message after the- BEEP."

Typical Y/N.
I smiled a little, recalling her words.
"Or I just hate you! Have a good day!"

I tried Tommy.
Nobody was there either. I sighed and decided to watch some TV. Immediately, the news came on.

"-car crashed into a tree." I decided to keep watching.
"Suspects are barely breathing as the ambulance rushes them to the hospital. We have noticed them as Y/N Sangster and the famous british actor, Thomas Sangster."

My eyes widenned.
"MuuUUUMMM!" My scream got louder as I pushed my shoes on.
"WE NEED TO HEAD TO THE HOSPITAL RIGHHHTTTT NOW! COME ON!" I pulled the laces up and started to search for the keys.
"Why?!" She started to panic.
"I'll explain on the way just come on!" I pulled her in the car.
As I explained, mum started to cry. I sped up but mother yelled at me for "going over the speed limit".
"Your son and daughter-in-law is barely breathing mother, I wouldn't worry about the fucking speed limit!"
I didn't mean to sound rude, but the anger just built up.

When we finally found their room, they had wires coming from everywhere.
We stayed for 2 hours until they had regained breathe and Y/N had awoken. She was the first, Tommy was still out. I was constantly checking his pulse in fear.
"Y/N! What happened?! Are you okay?"

Y/Ns Pov.
I couldn't stop crying. I cried so much I lost my air again. I started to gasp over and over as I couldn't gain breathe or oxygen.
"Calm down, calm down." Tasha said gently, but I literally couldn't breathe. That's when Ava called the nurse.
Whilst she calmed me, she told me they ran a scan, realising I was pregnant. Tasha and Ava stopped and froze, their gazes landing on me.
"Sorry to say, from the impact off the crash, one of your children died." She mumbled, placing a hand on my shoulder, "We managed to tell it was a boy."
I felt numb as tears fell down my cheek.
"Wait, one?" Thomas popped up. Ava and Tasha pounced to hug him.
"Breathe..." He reminded.
"Yes, Mr Sangster. You had triplets... Now you have twins." She shone a gentle smile to try to reassure me. What's reassuring about this?!
"W-what genders?" I stuttered.
"Female and male."
I didn't even have to look at Thomas to see he was stressed.
"I'm sorry Y/N... This is my fault..." He started to cry.
"No, if I didn't want a fucking Subway after pizza, I wouldn't have got us into this." My blood started to boil. I looked at Tommy and calmed down when I realised he had a black eye, cuts and blood everywhere. While the nurse informed everyone it was time to close and that all visitors should leave, I sighed.
"Merry fucking Christmas." I groaned.
"Babe, stop swearing." He chuckled.
"No! Why's it always us?! I just want to fucking die!" I yelled in anger, but made sure not to raise my voice too high incase the doctors or nurses rushed in.
Sadness filled his eyes as he glanced at me.
"Don't say that, we nearly did."
The doctor passing reminded me that people next door (or down the corridor in fact) could hear me and to keep quiet. Holding my tongue, I was ready to burst at the fucking asshole.
I kept cool, deciding that perhaps I should be abit more relaxed.
I took deep breathes before closing my eyes. Soon, the lights went off and gentle music filled the Hopsital. They play it all day and every night, each time taking sensible suggestions from patients.
I could make out the figure off Thomas. He was laying and looking up.
"So... What shall we call them?"
"We decided on the names. Grayson and Brooklyn."
"I know but what about the lil guy who took one for the team? He's still our son. I have a name for him, if you don't mind."

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