sickness part 2

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Y/N's pov.
I woke up to music blasting. I looked up and there was a blonde girl, same age as me, if not one year older, dancing and laughing. Next to her stood a red head girl doing the same. Next to her was a man and so on; I was surrounded by people. I went to find the music source and switched it off. Then I stood up on my sofa and yelled,
"We came for a party!" A girl back chatted
"Bitch did you just back chat? S'cuse me bitch, but I bet you live in a dump or your parents basement, am I right? So you come to others houses to party all the time BECAUSE YOU HAVE NOTHING ELSE TO DO. IF YOU WANT ME TO GIVE YOU SOMETHING TO CAUSE YOU TO STAY AWAY FROM YOUR DUMP OF A HOME FOR LONGER, I WILL. NOW, ARE YOU GOING TO LEAVE BECAUSE I ASKED YOU TO OR BECAUSE OFF THE COPS?"
"Ugh, you stupid boring bitch." She said as everyone left.
"Go back to your swamp, you monster." I glared at her.
She rolled her eyes but nevertheless left. I didn't know what to say. I needed to find Thomas, I knew that. But no fucking way would I forgive that son of a bitch. I walked upstairs, feeling better from the nap but drained from the yelling and saw Thomas. He lied there on the bed, asleep. I woke him up with a slap.
"Ouch, Y/N?!" He screeched.
"Why did you throw a party whilst I was asleep?!" I shouted.
"I didn't! What are you on about?"
"Then who did?!"
I looked behind me, getting the feeling I was being watched. No ine was there.
"T-Tommy, I'm scared."
"Go away, you just yelled at me! You're seeing things, there was no party."
"Really? Wanna take a look at the mess downstairs?"
I lead him downstairs, sticking close to him for safety. His eyes widened.
"Wow... Wait, I think I remember something... I remember telling you goodnite and then I went to have a glass off water... I went toilet, came back and drank the water and I felt sleepy so I fell asleep. But I fell asleep next to you, not upstairs..." He raised an eyebrow.
Then a evil cackle was given off.
He turned around, putting his arms around me for safety.
"Who is it?" He called bravely but I knew he was scared as shit.
Terenne, my next door neighbour stepped out into the light from under the stairs. She was around 8, but clever and creepy as fuck.
"Terenne? Why would you do this?" I asked. Ever since I moved in a year ago, she was evil to me. But this was just freaky.
"Decided to say a farewell before I left. And I thought I 'ought to ring a few people to wish me away too. By the way, Thomas, you really should put a lock on your phone."
"Shit! Well now I fuckin' will." He mumbled to himself, acting as if he was mocking her but he actually sounded defeated.
"Terenne, why are you horrible to me?"
"I'm not. I'm just clever."
I rolled my eyes.
"I'm telling your mother. You're cleaning this up." I walked outside.
"NO DON'T!" She started to cry. Ignoring her, I walked to her moms house and knocked on the door. She opened up.
"Do you know where Terenne is?" Her mum said worried.
"Yes I bloody do! She hosted a party at my house whilst I was asleep and theres a complete mess left behind!" I said, angrily.
"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. Is there anything I can-"
"Her to clean it. I am not cleaning up after a bratty little 8 year old who's been horrible to me since I've moved here!"
"I'm ever so sorry. I'll make her clean it right away and I'll chip in too."
"Thank you." I said gratefully, calming down.
After they forced Terenne to clean, I had to quickly arange a few things into place as she hadn't placed them where I usually do. I smiled gently and sat back, looking around.
"You okay? You aren't mad at me, are you?" Thomas asked.
"No. Thank gosh that little fucking brat leaves tomorrow, I don't know if I could last another week with her." I said relieved.
He chuckled, "Well, things aren't always as they seem. I can't believe you actually thought I betrayed you." Rolling his eyes, he got out his phone.
"Sorry for that. What are you doing anyways?"
"Putting a lock on my phone.." He muttered. I laughed and he smiled.
"Wait, what was actually in that water to make you fall asleep?"
"Probably a sleeping pill she put in whilst I was on the toilet. Shes a cunning little bastard, 'ey?"
"Tell me about it." I rolled my eyes, "One last question, how did you get upstairs? An 8 year old can't lift you, surely."
There was another laugh, sounding like a boy this time. His laugh was full off evil and jealousy.
"Lets save that story for another day." A loud, deep voice came from nowhere. Mine and Toms eyes looked at eachother in fright before the lights flickered out...

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