How you Meet. Part 2

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Thomas' pov.
"Y/N!" I yelled up the stairs.
"What?!" She said.
"Come on sweetie!" I said. She sighed and came down.
"What was you doing?"
"Marking the place in my book."
"It's not all about books, you know."
"You wont be saying that when I'm reading on our honeymoon."
"Well we arent married yet, now are we?" I kissed her forehead.
"So, were are we going?"
"I heard you. We're going to get our wedding stuff. Kaya's in the car with Ki hong and Dylan. You'll be with Kaya who's gonna drop us off at the shop so I can look for me, and you and her will pick up my sister and go look for you."
She rolled her eyes.
"Its just, you always decide everything with everyone and never tell me. Dont get me wrong, I love the cast and your sister but next time ask me. I really wanted to decide stuff with you. So we both know. Not just you."
"Well sorry love but you always wait last minute."
She scoffed.
"You never ask! I didnt even know until today, what if I made other plans? With my family?"
"Sorry but this is for our wedding."
"So? Doesnt matter-"
"Doesnt matter?" I pushed her away and walked outside. I got in the car.
"Weres Y/N?" Kaya asked.
"I dont know. She said that I should plan with her and that this doesnt matter."
"I'm sure she didnt mean it like that." Dylan said.
"I honestly dont care anymore. Guys..."
"What?" Ki asked.
"You know uhm.. Dyl, that wedding? Your wedding? Ages ago?"
"Yeah! You met Y/N!"
"Uhm yeah... I had a little vision..."
"A vision?"
"How do you know it wasnt a dream?"
"The next day, 'cos she was on my phone screen, when I turned on my phone I got another vision. How I would propose. I forgot all about the vision until now. The vision was right. I proposed excatly how the vision said I would. I dont think the weddings going to be like the vision... what if this changes everything? The future? We was supposed to have a future but we changed it all so its all jumbled up?"
"Thomas, what'll happen will happen. Theres a reason for everything." Kaya replied. "You can either go with the flow or change the flow."
"What was the vision?" Ki asked.
I explained the vision of our wedding. "You had that vision the first day you met her?" Dylan asked. I nodded.
"Thats how I knew I had to ask her out. When I did, I was happy I met her, even though she did scream Maze Runner in my face."
"l'll go check on her." Kaya got out the car and walked inside.
"So, tell us about the conversation in there..."
Kaya's pov.
"Y/N! We're going!" I called.
"Hey, Kaya." She smiled from the living room.
"Should I?"
"Yes! It'll be fun. Ava and me are gonna make your wedding awesome! So awesome you'd wanna relive the moment everyday of you life." I said. She grinned.
"Okay." She came with.
Y/Ns pov.
As I went to get in the car, I realized that Kaya was driving, Ki in the passenger seat, Dylan in the back left, Thomas in the back middle. I sat near Tom.
"Excited?" I asked him. He looked up at me, no smile. Straight face.
Then he looked down.
"Thomas?" I asked. "Whats up?"
"It 'doesnt matter'." He rolled his eyes at me.
"Tom, I didnt mean the wedding or you. They matter more than anything. I meant the fact you planned it without me and that you should ask."
"This is for our wedding!" He yelled, "What do you want me to ask?! Do you wanna get married again?!" He spat.
I looked outside the window.
"Thomas!" Kaya yelled, "Stop yelling at her!"
Everything went quiet.
"Y/N are you okay?" Ki asked.
"Yeah." I sighed. I didnt really feel sad or bad. He knows excatly what I meant, hes yelled enough times so you just kinda get used to it.
"Sure? Tom apologize." Dylan said.
"I don't need an apology. Just lets get this over with. Then we can do whatever until the wedding comes."
I heard a sarcastic laugh as if he was angry. Thomas.
"Mhhm, sit around. We wont do a single thing, wont plan or anything, 'ey Y/N?" He said.
"Just shut up Thomas! For goodness sake! Why the hell do you want to do everything so quick! Its in three months!" I shouted at him.
"Because I aint lazy like you!"
"Stop the car." I said to Kaya.
"What? Y/N, I cant!"
"Please, Kaya, stop the car."
"No, we're getting this over with." Thomas said.
"Dont even look at me you. Kaya!" I said.
She sighed and swerved to park up. "Thank you." I got out but Thomas was pulling my arm. I looked back at him, I could see the ball of fire slowly being put out in his eyes. I yanked my arm away.
"I'm having second thoughts on marrying you." I hissed. Thats when the ball of fire dissapeared all together and was replaced by a river. I saw his chin wobble. He kept quiet and let go before looking down at the floor.
"Bye, Kaya Ki and Dylan." I said.
The car was full of silence. I sighed and shut the door before looking around. I was far from home. I didnt even know where I was. I sighed and saw a guy coming up.
"Excuse me can you tell me where I am?" I asked.
He told me so I called a taxi.
Thomas' pov.
"Stop." I whispered.
"What?" Ki asked.
"Stop." I said louder. Kaya sighed and stopped. I got out the car and started to run. We was only down the road from where we last stopped. I ran faster, nearly tripping. Soon I got to the place we stopped. She was gone. There was a shop across the road. I ran into there. I walked to the person behind the til.
"Has a girl-"
"There. Shes the only girl here because theres only 2 people. You and her."
He pointed at a girl. She was different.
"No thats uhm... thats not her." I sighed. I walked out the shop. I heard a taxi. I looked up. A girl got in.
"Y/N!" I yelled. She got in quicker.
"Taxi, stop! I need to talk to her!" I said, quickly running to the man.
"Can I get in? I need to chat to her. I'll pay you for both of us."
"Right okay. Same destination?"
I sat in the back with Y/N.
"I'm not speaking to you." She said.
"Hey look, I'm sorry. But, sorry I cant get down," I said, putting my belt on quickly as he started to drive, I looked back at Y/N, "Will you make me the happiest man ever and uhm marry me?" I asked, rubbing my neck nervously. Silence. She was ignoring me.
I sighed.
"Fine. Don't marry me then. I'll wait for when you're ready."
As the taxi driver stopped, Y/N got out her money but I was three steps ahead.
"Here. For both. Thanks." I said, handing it him. Y/N sighed and started to get out as did I.
As he drove off, I realized this wasnt our house. Wasnt her moms or dad, her siblings, my siblings or my parents. I was so confused. Until I looked up. Airport.
"What the..." she walked inside.
"Where are you going?" I asked.
She stopped dead and turned around, handing me a ticket.
"I'd planned this a few weeks ago as a suprise, thats why I made a big deal about that. Because I wanted to do this. I booked us a two week trip to Portugal." She mumbled. "I didnt tell you because I know how excited you were to get the suits."
"So you was gonna go alone?" I grumbled. She shook her head.
"I knew you would get in. I know you more than you know you." She smirked.
"I...I love you." I squeezed her.
"Yes?" I smiled.
"When I said I was having second thoughts, I was lieng. I never had second thought but you looked so angry and I needed to make you go back to the you that cares. Of course I'm marrying you. And you cant back out now."
"I wouldnt want you." I smirked and kissed her.
She dragged me inside the airport and we went to buy candy.
"Wait," I said, "clothes?"
"Okay maybe I'm one step behind..."
"I'll call Kaya." I laughed.
Kayas pov.
"Yeah they aint coming back." Dyaln said.
"Great suggestion in waitin Ki." I said.
"Sorry!" Ki said.
"Oh wait, I'm getting a phone call." I picked it up. "Hel-"
"Hey Kaya, we're at the airport-"
"What're you doing at the airport?"
"Going on holiday. Do us a favour please and get our stuff. Y/N says shes packed them and they're in the suitcases near the toilet upstairs. I'll do you one back, I promise."
"Well thank you for running off. Fine! You'll have to do me, Ki and Dylan a favour though."
"We promise."
"Fine. Bye. Be there in a bit." I put the phone down.
"What was that?"
"Thomas is at the airport going on holiday with Y/N and we need to get the suitcases from their house. Thank gosh he dropped his keys in the car. I'll give it to him when he comes back."
"This us gonna be hard." Dylan sighed.
Thomas' pov.
As Kaya arrived, she handed us them.
"Thank you so so much." We hugged them all.
"You dropped your keys doofus." Kaya said.
"Keep it for now, okay? Incase you need to get anything."
"I'll give it to you after holiday."
As they left and we ran to get chacked in and waited for the plane blah blah blah, Y/N spoke up.
"I got the wedding all planned so we can have a rest the next three months. I'll tell you on the flight and anything you wanna change, we'll change. Just so we can relax. I've saved up the money for it." She whispered.
I glanced at her. Nope... dont get mad...
"Okay honey." I smiled. She grinned and looked up and pecked my lips.
On the flight, how she did the picture, drawings of everything matched the vision. I rubbed my neck viciously.
"You're nervous. Of what? The wedding?"
Thats when I blurted it out about the vision.
"Not gonna get angry here... so, you didnt tell me until now?" She said. She seemed angry. I nodded.
She pulled me down to her lips and kissed me passionately.
"Sorry I uhm just needed to cool down." She pulled away. I grinned.
"If we did that every time we was angry, boy would I love our fights." I laughed.
She giggled.
Wedding day
It was perfect. No matter what we did, it turned out like how vision said. Y/N must of noticed and would smile at me. Finally she whispered to me; "I knew about the vision from day 1, dumby. I had the exact same vision with the wedding and the proposal. Love at first sight I guess?"
Thats why I was struck with shock.
"You didnt tell me?!" I yelled.
"Wedding night."
"Right, sorry babe, but, now we're married! Yay! Now why didnt you tell me?"
"When you told me on the flight I thought it was wierd and that I had it too. I had made sure everything lead up to that perfect wedding. I was so glad you had it too that I had to tell you after the wedding incase you... wanted to leave me..."
"I wouldnt leave you. Never. I'm so happy you felt it too. Love at first sight it is." I smirked and kissed her.

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