You're what?!

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Y/Ns pov.
I'm pregnant. As I was only a few weeks in, I was scared to tell Thomas. As he came back from filming TST, he bought Dylan, Kaya, Will and Ki hong with him. I walked downstairs.
"You okay babe? Why you holding your tummy?" Thomas asked.
"Tummy ache." I lied.
"Aww sweetie." Kissing my forehead, he gave me a hug, a TIGHT hug making me groan.
"I love you." I said.
"Love you too." He smiled.
"How was filming guys?" I asked.
"Pretty good." Dylan said.
"Fun, especially when Will fell over a twig." Kaya laughed.
"Will? I thought you died in TMR." I said, confused.
"Yeah James and Wes let me stay back with them." Will said.
"Cool. You, Dylan?" I asked.
"Awesome." He smiled, spinning me. He always does things like that, I think it's adorable.
"Dude, no." Thomas said.
"Hey shut up, I think it's sweet." I smiled, "So, you Tom?" I asked.
"Great." He smiled.
"Kaya, come up here." I said. Thomas followed us.
"Thomas seriously please go downstairs." I whined.
"Fine." He grumbled.
"So whats-"
"I'm pregnant." I whispered.
"Aww my gosh! I wondered how it felt to be a mother, now you can tell me." She quietly freaked.
"I cant do this alone, Kaya, I'll give you the next best thing after a father, do you mind being the babys auntie?" I asked.
"Yes! I'd love too!" She smiled, hugging me gently yet full of joy.
"I want Will, Ki hong and Dylan to be the uncles." I whispered.
"Does Tom know?" She asked. Shaking my head, I asked her to bring Dylan, Ki hong and Will up one by one.
First was Will.
"Will, I'm pregnant-"
"She wants you, Dylan and Ki hong to be the uncles." Kaya interupted excitedly.
"Awh my gosh!" He freaked like a happy girl but I didnt mind. I was happy he was happy. He held my stomach. Hugging me, he kissed my cheek sweetly.
"Yes! Uncle to Thomas' kid?! Sure!" He said.
"Keep it down!" Kaya said, "Tom dont know and he aint gonna know yet. Get Ki hong up here, just say we want him. Dont mention anything."
We explained to Ki hong and his face made me laugh. Pure shock..
"You okay?" I asked.
"Yes just oh my Thomas had a child. Sure, Of course I'd be an uncle!" He said, hugging me.
"Shush!" Kaya explained.
Then came Dylan. He had a smile on his face. Then we explained and it fell to a shocked face.
"Uncle? Yes! I cant believe innocent little Tommy did this." He chuckled quietly, knowing Tom didnt.
He span me around and rubbed his nose on mine. I giggled. As me, Kaya and Dylan made our way down, Thomas looked at me.
"Can I know this secret now?" He seemed pretty pissed that he didnt know first. Hugging him and sitting on his lap, I kissed him and placed his hand on my stomach. You couldnt feel anything yet but he realized the sudden small tad of smooth roundness.
"What is that?" He asked. As I stood up and walked in the kitchen, I grabbed something he wanted: noodles.
Shapping the noodles out into:
Im pregnant
It was pretty dodgy. Now I became nervous. As I handed him the plate, he ate the t.
"Thomas!" I hissed.
"What?" He asked.
"Oh my god, read it!" I said.
Thomas' pov.
I didnt want to. The roundness, the groaning, the secret. I think I figured it out this morning when she was rubbing her stomach.
"I-I dont wanna." I said.
"Dont wanna what?" Kaya asked as a tear came to Y/Ns eye.
"Read it." I whispered.
"Dude do it." Will patted my leg.
"You'll be happy!" Dylan said.
"And suprised." Ki hong said. Shakingly, I looked down.
"Im pregnan." I looked confused, "T?"
"You ate it." Will laughed.
"You're pregnant, Thomas?" Dylan laughed.
"Shut up, this is serious!" I said.
Standing up and facing her, I crossed my arms.
"How long in?" I asked.
Y/Ns pov.
"A few weeks like 3." I whispered.
"I should've known first! Why didnt you tell me?!" He yelled.
"Dude, calm down." Ki hong said.
"No! Y/N?!" He yelled.
"I'm sorry! I knew you'd freak out! Do you even want our baby?!" I shouted, running upstairs, sobbing.
Thomas' pov.
"I didn't say that." I said to myself.
"Dude! She was so excited to tell you! She asked me to be the auntie and them to be the uncles!" Kaya yelled at me. They all rushed upstairs. I followed a few minutes later and as I knocked, I heard a faint reply.
"Go away."
"Honey, I'm sorry." I said.
"Just go away!" She yelled. Will opened up.
"Give us a few minutes." He whispered.
"Y/N, let him speak to you." Ki said to her.
"No!" She yelled, "Leave me alone! Go back to watching TV or whatever."
"How can I watch Tv when I know my girl is pregnant with hopefully my baby!" I said.
"Hopefully?! Of course their yours! Who else?!" She yelled.
"Babe, please." I said.
"No." She grunted.
Ignoring her and walking in, I sat opposite her on the bed.
"What?" She hissed.
"You okay? Need anything? Food, anything? Love, I'm always here okay? Your mine and so this baby. Of course I want them just as much as I want you but Y/N, you cant blame me for being angry at you for not telling me first. I'm the father and I'm so glad these guys are gonna be the auntie and uncles. I love you, cutie, please find a place in your heart to forgive me." I rubbed my nose against hers and kissed her gently. She smiled, looking at my lips and kissing me once more.
"I love you too." She smiled.
"You must of worked hard." Ki hong joked.
I laughed, "It was really fun actually especially when-" Y/N glared at me, "Y/N got angry at me and pushed me off the bed and then she fell off too, straight ontop off me." I smirked. As the room was full of laughter as Y/N playfully rolled her eyes.
"Any names? Boy or girl? Any?" She asked.
"Thomas junior?" I smirked.
Y/Ns pov.
"Really?" I asked.
"Fine, Ryder. Uhm... errrr.... Damn, help!" He said.
"Oh! Tony?" Will asked.
"Okay. Girls? Oh! Teresa Casey Sangster!!" I said.
"Great! Boys?" Tom asked me.
"Newt James Wes Sangster." I said.
"Great." He smiled.
"What gender do you want?" Will asked.
"Boys pretty cool but I'd love a baby girl." Thomas said. I grinned,
"Read my mind."
"Oh and Tommy?" Kaya asked.
"Yes?" He said.
"You'll have to quit smoking." She said.
"What? No. I cant. Sorry- I cant."
"Dude, I aint having that death stick near my baby." I said.
"Ours you mean?" He asked, "And I'll smoke outside."
"Then you cant kiss them or touch them."
"Their mine too, you know."
"Yeah maybe they are but you are NOT putting our baby in danger." I said, "Please Tommy, Please."
"Alright, who told her the script?" Everyone laughed as Thomas asked.
He chuckled but then came back.
"Fine,okay? I'll try for our new family." Pressing his lips on my forehead, he smiled. "Better have my last one now."
Everyday he would bite his lip and moan and sometimes cry because he couldnt have one. As he cried, I would hug him.
"I cant! I need one!"
Pressing my lips on his, I looked him in the eye.
"Hey, handsome? You're doing it for the good of yourself and your family. Dont cry, we appreciatte what your doing." I smiled. He smiled back and kissed me.
3 years later
Dylan and Kaya always always visit and we appreciatte it. Will and Ki hong visit as much as they can and its quite usual. I love it though. Anyway, shes 3! Today! Oh, yeah, we had a girl! Teresa Casey Sangster.
As they all came, James, Wes, Will, Ki hong, Kaya, Ava, My siblings, his parents and my parents, we realized Dylan wasnt there. An hour passed. Nope.
Dylan was her favourite uncle because he always visits but she loved Ki hong and Will just as much. She was literally cried.
"Oh, sorry sweetie but he had a funeral today, one of his relatives." Ki hong said.
I text Dylan.
She's crying and really misses you. Hope to see you soon xx
Abd got a text back.
Coming back from funeral, will be there after a shower
Shower took an hour apparently. Arriving took another 10 minutes. Atleast he came. He showered Teresa with kisses!
"6! Today!"
She giggled and he gave the presents. Meanwhile, the patio shut. I walked outside. There he was. Thomas. Smoking.
"You-uh-Selfish!" I yelled before going back inside.
"Babe-" he came back inside.
"No! How long have you been doing this?! You lied and put my family in danger!" I yelled.
"Look, I just started again literally yesterday-"
"Why?" I asked, tears in my eyes.
Dylan came over and span me around making me smile through the tears.
Thomas threw a fist at Dylan.
"Hey! Dont blame him for your smoking problem!"
Everyone looked over. Then Thomas threw a fist at me. Luckily Dylan twirled me towards him so I dodged it.
"You-How dare you?!" I shouted, "Get out. I cant take it. Past 3 years, Thomas! You've been yelling, coming home late and worst of all, you missed our daughters first birthday," I hissed, "because you was drinking and hung out with your mates!"
"What about you? You missed my birthday because you was getting gifts for the baby, You yell and slap me and ignore me! Do you blame me?!"
"Yes. I do. This is our baby. Not your and not mine. Our. Does that not mean anything to you? Oh wait, I forgot, I dont mean anything to you either. You wouldnt even spit in my direction if it wasnt for Teresa." I said before giving Dylan a hug so he could save me. It felt like he did. Felt like I was alone in a whole nother world as I shut my eyes.
"It would help if you actually cared about me, too." I heard Thomas mutter.
"Get out." I sobbed in Dylans chest, loud and clear enough.
"No its my-"
"Fine! Fuck you!"
I pulled away and watched as Thomas gave out daughter a hug.
"I love you." He whispered to her.
"Love you too!" She didnt seem to understand what was going on.
"You dare kiss her with that death stick taste!" I said.
"Shut the hell up." He said.
"You heard." I said.
Teresa started to cry at the fighting. She did understand. I was wrong. Will took Teresa upstairs.
"You okay?" Wes asked.
"Ye-no." I said.
Dylan let go and walked out the door. I think he was following Thomas.
Dylans pov.
"What the hell dude?" I asked.
"Leave me alone. You always always get the ladies and I'm pretty sure my wife is beginning to like you instead of me." He said coldly.
"No! She loves you! She cares about you, she doesnt want to see you die from smoking. She loves Teresa and with you she thinks the familys complete. Everyday she'll text you and text you in shooting asking how it was and if your okay. You never answer so she texts me. You'll always be her number 1! Her only one, in fact. So dude, dont just leave your family on the edge, go back. Thats your family, your responsiblity now, man. Me, Kaya, Wes, Will and Ki hong will always be here to help you! But, not just for your daughters sake or Y/Ns sake, I beg to you, for your and your friends sake, quit smoking. We dont want you hurt."
"You think I can go back?! James probably wants to fire me now, Wes probably wants a new actor. All that awkwardness? Hell no. I'll wait. I wont apologize, either way. She yells at me twenty four freakin' seven-"
"She cares about you!" I said.
"She calls you adorable. She never calls me that-"
"Really? I can think of a few times. On set, when your acting, she says to me that you look adorable in the make up eyeliner look. She says the limps adorable, seriously Tom, she loves you like hell and if you cant see that then the only one getting hurt is you and your family." I said.
"Dylan- me and my- Right now I'm pretty sure I dont have one! She kicked me out for gods sake!" Tears welled in his eyes. He got out a ciggerate but I grabbed it and threw it on the floor.
"Really? Really Tommy?"
He shook his head, crying. Thats when the cast came out, James and Wes following. They all asked him questions and that and he just shook his head and refused to hug or touch anyone.
I walked in.
"Uhm Y/N? Bring Teresa to her dad, hes crying."
"Aww, my booboo! Okay." As Y/N walked slowly, holding Teresa and looking down, she arrived at Thomas. Instead of taking Teresa, he hugged them both and kissed Y/Ns head and rubbed his nose against Teresa's. Teresa laughed and Y/N smiled.
Thomas' pov.
"Babe," i sniffled, "Babe I'm sorry."
"Its okay,just please stop." She said.
"I will. For good. But I need your help."
As Wes took Teresa in, I picked up Y/N.
"I love you baby."
"I love you too, handsome."
"Shall we go inside and watch Tv?"
"How about Nanny Mcphee?"
"Nice suggestion." I smirked. "Admitt it, you just wanna see me when I was young."
"But honestly you looked seven."
"I know loads of people say that but I was 15!"
"You still look 16 now. In the good way." She smiled.
"Why thank you. Come on then."
As I carried her inside, I got the DVD and put it in.
"Teresa, daddys on tv!" Y/N said.
"So Thomas." James said. Walking to them, I quietly looked at them and started to speak.
"Please dont fire me-"
"Fire you?! No! You die in The Death Cure anyway and no one plays Newt as good as a Sangster." James said.
"Yes! Thanks Dashner." I said.
"Its just a family fight. We all have one."
As I sat near Y/N, Teresa on my lap, I relaxed.
"Aww its baby Sangster!" My sister said.
Looking at the TV, there I was or there Simon was.
"Great." I said as everyone laughed.
"Dad your on tv! Daddy!" Teresa said. I smiled to myself.
"I know sweetie." I placed my hand on her lap.
Watching Tv, I laughed as Y/N laughed her wierd usual laugh as I came on.
"Do you need a drink?" I asked.
"Yo freako," Her sibling called, "Shut up, we cant hear."
"Laugh on my shoulder." I said. She placed her head on my shoulder and wad out like a light.
"Teresa stand up." I whispered.
"Moms asleep."
"Just for a minute."
As she stood up, I gently carried Y/N upstairs.
"Of to bed already?" Wes asked. I laughed and pointed to Y/N.
"Oh. Carry on."
As I placed her on the bed, her arms which were still wrapped around my neck tightly made me fall on her. From the sudden movement that frit the death out of me, I gained breath.
"Shit." I whispered.
She was asleep but her eyes fluttered. I froze. Then she relaxed. I chuckled lightly and kissed her cheek. I turned around but looked back. I bit my lip. I sighed and got in with her, barefoot and shirtless. I nibbled her cheek, awaking her. She smiled and kissed me cheek under my eye. I smiled and hugged her.
"Oh did I fall asleep? Is everyone downstairs?!" She panicked.
"Ssshh, calm down. Go sleep, I'll sort it out."
"No." She walked downstairs,me following, forgeting about the top just concentrating on Y/N.
"Nanny Mcphee finished-We put Maze Runner on." Kaya said, "Oh and Thomas, weres your shirt?"
"Huh?" I looked down. "Shi-shcabob...." I remembered about Teresa. "Upstairs."
"Okay." Will laughed, "Shishcabob?"
"Shush." I laughed.
Y/Ns pov.
Soon, we all ended up outside. Dylan, Will, Ki hong and Thomas were shirtless and spraying water at each other with water guns. They were all in trunks- Borrowed Tommys. Dylans were a little to small but still fit. Ki hongs and Wills were small too but still fit. I put Teresa in her bathing suit and let Kaya borrow one of mine. Then I put mine on too. I gave Teresa a water gun even though I didnt trust her much with one and gave Kaya one. Wes and James were at the all you can eat buffay we put out. Our families were chatting and watching. Ava borrowed one of my swimsuits and my siblings borrowed mine/Thomas'.
"Tommy!" I giggled as he sprayed me. He laughed and pulled me to him, one arm around me and the other spraying everyone else. I laughed and sprayed upwards. He let go and laughed, chasing me.
"Daddy!" Teresa chased Thomas who was chasing me and she slipped on the grass.
"Fuck, baby girl you okay?" Thomas bent down to her.
"Language." I said but walked up to her.
She laughed but seemed a little bit unsure that she was okay.
"Sweetie, shall we spray daddy for swearing?" I asked. Thomas looked at me in horror.
"Yes!" she laughed. He ran as we chased him. Then Dylan sprayed my back. It was freezing. I looked at him.
"You'll pay, O'Brien." I smirked. I sprayed his face. He screamed. I laughed and he chased me and caught me in a hug. I laughed and sprayed Will who was in my sight. Then Dylan let go as Thomas clenched his teeth, looking at me. I knew what to do. Spraying Dylan in the face, I ran to Thomas.
I knew Dylan was chasing me.
"Thomas!" I shrieked. He caught me and kissed me. I opened his trunks and squirted water down. He screamed and glared at me and jumped around, getting out the water. Everyone laughed as he picked me up. I dropped me water gun and he did too. Sitting down, me on his lap, he lifted my head and kissed me. Ki hong squirted us. Tom glared at him and chased him and sprayed him.
Teresa's pov.

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