Newt- Hiding Belief

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Y/Ns pov.
"NEWT!" I called. He had been gone all day.
Newts pov.
Frightened, I sat and waited. I was in the woods, thinking and frightened to death. I dont know why. I guess I was frightened of the fact we'll die here. We are obviously stuck here. As I walked by my friends graves, rubbing my fingers on each and remembering each and everyone of them, I heard Y/N calling.
"Newt! Please, Newt, please..." she trailed off, sounding scared and upset. I ran to the voice. As I saw her walking the other way. I pounced on her and I heard her shriek. It filled the glade. Everyone looked over. I turned her around, grinning down at her.
"What the shuck, Newt?!" She yelled. I hugged her.
"Its fine but dont run off, okay? We was all worried about you and for a moment I thought you were in the maze."
"Then why didnt you come get me?" I pouted.
"Because Minho went."
"But my girlfriend couldnt...?"
"I'm not a runner."
"So?! My life could have ended!"
"Well I am sorry! Its your fault! You ran off, not me! I did offer to come in the maze with Minho but no one let me!"
"I ran off to think!"
"Well why not just think here?"
"Because its calming in the woods!"
"Then go back in there and calm down." She hissed, pushing me off.
She rolled her eyes and jogged to the maze door.
"What are you doing?"
"Waiting for Minho. I always do this."
Y/Ns pov.
When Minho came out, I hugged him. Hes literally my best friend. He smiled.
"So you found Newt?"
"More like he found me." I laughed. He chuckled and shuffled my hair.
"So whadya find in the maze?"
"Sleeping griever." Thomas said.
"Definately asleep?"
"Yup. We think we found a way out."
"Thats pathetic, we're stuck here and you all know it." Newt said.
"Newt!" I said. "We have a chance of escaping."
"How likely will it work? The creators wont just put us here for fun, theres something out in the world we shouldnt see."
"What if its a test to escape?" Thomas said.
"Newt, somethings happening in the world- I dont care what it is, I just wanna see the outside world."
"Newt, you probably have a younger sister or brother! Dont you want to see them?"
"Well they obviously didnt want to see me, why do you think we're here?" He said.
"They probably didnt know! Maybe they tried keeping us safe. Dont you wanna take that chance? We'll die here soon, the grievers will catch us."
"Well I have nothing to live for anyway. Living is more painful than death." He said.
His words stung.
"Nothing to live for?" I asked weakly, "So I'm not worth it? Then why are we together? Why are you dating me?!" I shouted, anger rising every moment.
"Calm down." Minho said.
I followed his order and cooled down.
"Newt, we uhm... we'll just leave." Thomas said, pulling Minho with him.
I walked after them. Minho sighed.
"No. Go talk to Newt."
"Why thank you!" I yelled sarcastically after them as they walked off. I crossed my arms.
"Look, Y/N, dont take this the wrong way, I love you to pieces but theres no escaping."
"Well Newt, still having hope is better than being a depressed piece of shucking klunk. You obviously dont love me. If you did you'd tell me we would escape, that we would see our family again. That we would all be okay. Dont you think I shucking know that we're stuck? We'll get out, I know we have a chance. They havent built this just for the fun of watching children die, I'll tell you that for nothing. We have a chance and we're meant to do something..." i closed my eyes and thought hard, "My shucking memories are gone. I-I dont remember what. But I do know we're here to escape. This is a test. I'm not dumb. So dont tell me we dont have a chance because we do thats the whole point of this. Maybe if we escape it'll all be over."
"What if its not?!" He yelled.
"Well then we're going to have to deal with it, arent we?!" I shouted, sobs escaping.
"Y/N, no, I'm sorry." He said, going to touch my shoulder. I shoved him back.
"Dont." I walked to Minho, hand rubbing my forehead to calm me down and to cure my painful headache.
I was crying because of Newts words, the fact he didnt believe and wanted to die, the fact all this stupid yelling gave me a headache. Minho wrapped his arms around me.
"Its okay." He said.
I smiled. He treated me perfect. So did Newt... at times.
Newts pov.
Maybe I was a little hard. Maybe we do have a chance... but I dont see us escaping. Maybe I should believe... for her. Frypan called everyone for dinner. Chuck was about to sit near Y/N so I gently knudged him.
"Can I maybe...?"
"Sure." He sighed. I smiled at him before sitting near Y/N. She didnt say anything.
"Sorry, uhm, Y/N. We do have a chance and we will escape. I was being stupid. We will escape and you will meet your parents okay? I'll make sure you do... we both will. I promise. But, for now, you're right. We have to keep believing and looking to escape. Im sorry I was being so moody and made you cry, babe."
She turned her head and kissed me. When she pulled away, she smiled at me.
"I dont care about what you said. Just believe it, okay? We do have a chance. Remember that."
I smiled.
"I know we do."
"You didnt make me cry its just the yelling gave me a headache."
"Do you want a massage?"
"Later, guys. Eat." Alby said. Oh... everyone was listening to our conversation.
After dinner, I went up to her.
"Anyway, Y/N, is your head okay?"
"Yeah." She smiled, "It's better."
"Good." I smiled, carressed her cheek and kissed her forehead.
"Uhm... Newt?"
"Yes darling?"
There was silence. I waited patiently.
"About you uhm... about there being nothing to live for, you didnt mean that right?"
I saw tears glistening in her eyes.
"No, I love you. I obviously want you."
"Yeah, but not just me... you do want to live right? Forget me for a moment."
"For Minho and Thomas too, of course." I said.
"No, but you want to survive right?"
"Nothing. It just... I dont know. I just dont want my husband wanting himself to die."
"Husband?" I asked.
"Huh? Did I say husband? Oh, shuck, I mean boyfriend."
I laughed and raised an eyebrow.
"Off course you do," I laughed, "But, I wouldnt mind if we got married when we escaped."
She giggled. I winked at her and walked off.
Y/Ns pov.
I watched him limp away. I doubt we'll get married. I mean, we will last but the world outside isnt that great. Maybe Newt was right, somethings wrong in the world, thats why they sent us here. And with whatever that is happening, we wont have the chance to marriage...

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