New dog? Great, new friend. Part 2

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Y/Ns pov.
Finally they were leaving. They all said goodbye. I said goodbye to Ava and everyone. As they were saying bye to everyone else, Thomas came up to me.
"Bye, Y/N. Nice dog, by the way." He smiled. I smiled and nodded awkwardly before looking down at her.
"You havent spoke since I called you pretty- I wasn't flirting just so you know. I was complimenting you. I thought girls like being told they're pretty. If I was wrong then I'm sorry. You could tell me though and not ignore me." He said, seeming just as awkward as me. I looked up.
"Sorry, Thomas. I was just embarressed. Thank you. And we do like to hear that. See ya." I responded, smiling.
"Embarressed? Why?"
"First of all, no ones called me pretty before-"
"You wasn't embarressed when my mum called it you."
"I mean no one on the opposite gender. Your mum is very sweet by the way."
"Uhm...thanks. Goodnight." He rubbed his neck.
"Goodnight, Tom. Do you wanna say goodbye to Princess?" I asked. He glanced at Princess and grinned before nodding. I handed her to him.
"Come on then Tommy." Tasha said. Everyone was beginning to watch him.
"Wait." He said. "Goodbye, Princess." Princess licked him. He laughed as she tried to crawl up to his shoulder. Shes a small dog if you didnt know. I giggled.
Ava luckily managed to gently grab Princess before she fell of his shoulder.
"Goodnight, Princess. Goodnight, Y/N." She smiled and handed her back.
"Thanks, goodnight." I smiled.
When they left, my dad smiled.
"They are a really good family, Marks a great guy." He said, "And his son Thomas is very sweet, would do anything for anyone else."
Thomas wasnt a jerk, I got that.
"Oh, they'll be here tomorrow too, me and Mark have to work." Dad said.
"No, I told them to bring the family here so we can work in the office in peace and so you can make new friends and dont get lonely." He said.
"Oh can I show Ava and Thomas my video games?!" I asked excitedly.
"Sure. Dont make a mess." My mum said.
I was laughing at night time and giggling.
"Whats up?" My mum said as she came to say goodnight. Should I tell her? Okay.
"Thomas called me pretty! I cant wait until tomorrow." I grinned.
"He did? Oh thats wonderful!" She smiled, "Right, goodnight then."
"Goodnight mum!" I smiled. Princess layed in her bed as mum closed her door.
"Princess, you be good tomorrow okay?" I smiled. She closed her eyes after I said it and fell asleep. I grinned and fell asleep.
When I woke up, I did my hair, teeth, got changed and fed Princess.
Blah blah blah.
5pm slowly came around and I was smiling like crazy. Then the doorbell rang and dad went to get it. Mark didnt come in because him and Dad was off straight away. Tasha walked in, then Ava.
Wheres Thomas?
I kept quiet and smiled. They closed the door. Hes not here. He isnt coming?
Ava sat near me, Tasha and mum started a conversation. With the TV and their conversation, it was loud enough for us to have a private conversation right there.
But no.
"Hey, Ava! Wanna come play video games?" I smiled.
"I dont play them much. Thomas loves them though! I'll call him." She grinned.
"Where is he?" I asked a little too quickly.
"He wanted to chill at home."
"Why?" I asked, trying to sound happy.
"Oh, he said that it was awkward last night and he was gonna chill and watch netflix with our two cats and dog." She said, getting out her phone.
"You have two cats and a dog? Aww!" I smiled. She smiled and dialed Thomas as we walked upstairs.
Ava's pov.
Y/N was really nice. We get along well. I think she likes Thomas though...
Anyway, Thomas picked up the phone.
"What?" He sounded like he was eating.
"Were are you?"
"Uhm... home." He said.
"What? Thomas, were are you? Tell me the truth." I said.
"Fine, I'm out eating with Dylan, Will and Ki." He said.
"Why did you lie to us?!" I hissed.
"Because you wanted me to hang out with Y/N and her dog again!"
"Thomas, it was awkward because you called her pretty and winked.. Shes really cool and wants to play video games! I'm not good at playing them so I wanted you to come play whilst I watch!" I said into the phone. Y/N had excused me and I let myself into the toilet.
"You're on speaker. Ki, do you think there is anything wrong with calling a girl pretty?" Tom asked.
"No. Well, depends how you ask. How did you ask?"
"I said she was pretty and winked."
"No," I said, "You forgot you was staring at her body, not her face."
"Shut up!" He sounded angry. "Ava, I aint coming. End of."
"Okay but one thing." I said.
"What?" He sighed.
"Why did you lie and say you were staying home when we would of let you of easier if you said you were going out with them?"
It was quiet.
"Thomas, were are you four?"
He sighed, "We're in a bar checking out girls. Why does it matter to you?"
"Oh you are so busted." I ran downtsiars. "MOM, THOMAS IS AT THE BAR CHECKING OUT GIRLS!"
Y/Ns pov.
When I heard this I could of freakin cried. Inicent boy, 'ey?
I walked downstairs. Tasha was on the phone.
"Thomas you better come here, right now. You are grounded!" Tasha yelled on the phone. Hmmm... very nice, they all are but when it comes to something like this I guess they snap.
Thomas' pov.
I put the phone down on mum.
"Ignore them." I said.
"Tom, listen to your mum." Dylan said.
"Yeah, listen to your momma." Will said. Everyone laughed. I rolled my eyes.
"I gotta go see this annoying freak."
"Whats her name?"
"Y/N. She's got this dog we went to see and... honestly shes not annoying or a freak shes just... an awkward turtle like me." I said.
"Hey, no, you can be the awkward camel. I'm the awkward turtle." Dylan said. I playfully rolled my eyes.
"So I gotta go. See ya guys." I stood up and turned around. I got on my motorbike and passed my mums car on the road making me stop and reverse, matching her.
"You are grounded. You can only follow me around for the rest of this month, Mr." She said. I rolled my eyes. "Hey, can I kill Ava?" I asked.
"No!" She said.
"Yeah thought you'd say that." I said. I cant believe Ava busted me!
"So I'll follow you to Y/Ns?"
"Damn right you will."
When I parked up outside hers, Ava waited outside.
She smiled evily and walked inside. She was sweet to everyone but its just that sibling bond I guess.
I sighed and when I walked in, Y/N was lying on the sofa... asleep. I sat near her feet.
"Dad and uhm Y/Ns dad not back yet?" I asked.
"No." Ava said.
"Wake Y/N up and she'll play video games with you if you want." Her mum said. Ava smiled and shook her head.
"I will." I smirked and gently picked up the dog on her chest and placed her on the floor before running my fingers up and down her stomach. I gently stopped and put my hand on her cheek. I guess everyone thought I was gonna kiss her. I kept quiet... I finally smiled after staring into her closed her eyes. I leaned in.. and slapped her cheek before pulling away laughing when she woke up instantly.
"Tom that wasnt nice." Mum said.
"Thomas!" Ava said. Y/N looked at me and grinned.
"You slapped me, didnt you?" She asked.
"Maybe..." I smiled back.
"I thought it was going to be Y/Ns first kiss... I videod it.." her mum sighed.
"Mum." She groaned. I laughed and shrugged
"I havent had my first either. No biggie." I said.
Her mum showed us the video.
"It looked like I was actually gonna kiss you. Sleeping beauty much?" I laughed.
"Well damn right I'm sleepin' beauty." She giggled back. I grinned.
"You keepin that?" I asked her mum.
"No it-"
"Yes." Y/N said.
"Do you wanna?" Her mum questioned. She nodded. "I guess yes then."
"So video games?" She asked.
"Well you dont seem tired." I said. She shook her head, swooped up Princess and ran upstairs. I laughed and glanced at Ava.
"I'll stay here." She winked. I grinned and followed Y/N. As we sat to play one, she asked where Ava was.
"She said she didnt know much so decided to stay down there."
"Oh okay. Oh and Tom, by the way," she bit her lip and placed a hand on my cheek, "I'mma beat yo little ass." She laughed, pulled back and started to play.
"Oh woah, payback huh?"
"Uh huh!!" She said, concerntrating on the game.
"Y'know- Princess!" I yelled. Y/N looked to see Princess who was previously sitting near me tug at my top. She snarled.
"Yeah once she settles in she bites. Dont worry, she wont hurt you. Princess, no!" She pulled Princess of me and I quickly excused myself. I checked my top. Slobbered a little but thats it. I whiped it with a tissue and joined Y/N again. She smiled.
"Hey, Y/N... I was wondering..." I rubbed my neck.
"What? If you could win this game? Or beat me? Then no, Tom, you cant."
"No, Y/N, seriously-"
"What? We arent switching characters-"
"Forget it. Play by yourself." I walked downstairs, angry at the fact I was going to ask her out but she totally ignored me and interupted. Ava asked what happened and I shook my head, refusing to say anything.
Y/Ns pov.
It was so awkward that I decided to stay in my room. I turned off the game and decided to read a book. But Thomas was on my mind. Too much. What was he going to say? I do have a little idea but... nah, he can do way better! I put my book down and played on my phone.
Soon our dads came back and mine called me down to say bye to Thomas.
I sighed and walked downstairs. Thomas looked at me before staring at the floor.
"Goodnight, Y/N." Tom said.
"Wait uhm, Thomas, you was going to say something upstairs and I rudely interupted. I'm sorry. You can tell me now if you want." I said as everyone watched.
"Uhm no. No nevermind." He said.
"You sure?" I asked. He nodded.
"It doesnt matter."
"Can you guys stay for just a little longer please?" I asked Mark. I needed to get that thing out of Thomas.
"We gotta go, sorry sweetie." Mark replied.
"But- we have cookies! And-and- we're ordering Pizza!" I said.
"We are?" My mum asked.
"Please mum!" I begged.
She glanced at Tasha.
"Come on, it'll be good to have the kids meet a new friend." Tasha said. He sighed and smiled.
"I guess you win."
Thomas groaned and sat down. I sat near him.
"Please tell me." I said.
"It doesnt matter!" He said.
"Please just tell me."
He looked up and broke into a whisper.
"Look, I'm gonna do something stupid which I wont actually do just so I can get out here. I'll regret it and you'll regret helping me-"
"Uh huh. Your helping. Now come on, play along. I'm already grounded." He took his top of and woah...
"Thomas put your top back on." Tasha said.
"No." He replied before pulling my lips to his. He kissed me. Fireworks- no. It was so magical I saw Donald duck jumping around. I felt like Minnie and Thomas was Mickey. But he probably doesnt feel that way. Anyway, I noticed he hadnt pulled away yet. I pulled away and he gave me the secret play along look. He grabbed my hand.
"Y/N and me are just gonna... head upstairs."
"To do what?" Ava asked.
"Oh nothing much..." he had an evil smirk on.
"Thomas! You naughty boy! We must really go, Thomas no dinner tonight." Mark said.
"Same with you Y/N. No Pizza." Mum said.
I felt like a lost puppy. I felt alone as soon as Toms hand unconnected with mine. It was all apart of his plan. He smirked and waved before being kicked out by his family.
"Night Y/N!" I heard before he left.
Thomas' pov
"What did I raise?!" Mum yelled.
"I wasnt actually gonna do it. It was a plan! I made Y/N play along! You can starve me but it wouldnt be fair to starve her, she did nothing wrong!" I yelled.
"Oh I'll tell her mum to let her eat. I'll tell her it all but you are starving for the night."
Y/Ns pov.
My dad was still a tad pissed at me.
"Dad, please ask Mark, I need Tommys number." I begged.
"Fine. Dont try anything."
Thomas' pov.
Dad got a call. After, he grinned at me.
"That was Y/Ns dad, Y/N wants your number."
I rubbed my neck and blushed. Ava laughed.
"Dont get your hopes up." Ava said.
"She likes me. I know she does."
My dad texted him my number.
Y/Ns pov.
My dad texted me a number. I called it.
"Hello?" I asked.
"Hey Y/N!" Thomas. He sounded excited. I laughed.
"Knew I wanted your number?"
"Uh huh!" He said. He is so adorable!
"Tom, I uhm... I have to tell you now... I really like you..."
"YES YES YESSSSS! IN YO FACE AVA!" He screamed. I giggled nervously.
"So?" I asked.
"So, my lady, whens our first date?"
"You like me too?! Oh and smooth move." I laughed.
"Why thank you and of course I like you too."
"Aahh! Thomas!!!!" I totally freaked.
"Is that what you was gonna ask? When I interupted?"
"....Yeah...." He mumbled.
"Wait it didnt matter?"
"I thought you would say no so I chickened out." He grumbled.
"Tom, I would always say yes."
"I know that now! So when do you want our first date?"
"Whenever your free." I smiled.
"Oh, tonight at 6pm?"
"Great. See you."
"See you darling."
I giggled uncontrollably and put down the phone. Ooh, that was rude. I did an ooh face at the phone as if it was badly injured as I thought about picking it back up and calling him again. Nah. I turned around.
"You? Tom? Date?" Mum asked.
"Uh huh!"

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