Newt- Slammer friend

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Y/Ns pov.
I arrived in the glade a few days ago and basically, I had already caused trouble.
"Why again did you threaten do put Minho in the maze?" A blonde haired british boy asked.
"Why again are you speaking to me when I dont even know you?" I hissed.
"Well, I'm Newt. You are Y/N, right? Or are we speaking about another girl?"
"The only other girl in this glade is Minho." I glared at him.
"Hey!" Minho yelled.
"Stop this right now, you arrived two days ago and act like you own the shucking place!" Alby yelled.
"I'm sorry! It's hard!" I said.
"We've been here two years, missy. How do you think we feel? You'll settle in soon." Gally said.
"Yeah but you're all the same gender!" I shouted, "It's hard being the only girl! I hate this place, I just wanna go home!"
Tears filled my eyes. As everyone mumbled to each other, Newt looked sorry for me.
"I know how you feel about being different. I have a limp and sometimes that gets teased about." I let him rest his hand on my leg, it calmed me.
"Man up, gosh!" Minho said.
"Yeah maybe hes right." I said.
"Settle down!" Alby yelled. Everyone shushed.
"So, why again did you threaten him?" Newt asked calm and gentle.
"I dont know, I'm short tempered okay and his stupid remarks about me dont help." I said.
"Minho, stop picking on the greenie." Someone hissed. I laughed.
"Whats so funny?" Gally asked.
"The fact he believed me."
Everyone laughed.
"Sorry, greenbean." Minho placed a hand on my shoulder.
"Can I go though?"
"Into the maze."
"NO!" Filled the room.
"Only runners." Alby said.
"Then make me a runner."
"Dude, I wanna get out of here just like all of you and you wont let me help."
"You're a girl!" Someone yelled.
"Statin' the obvious again?" I said.
"Hey, I got myself a sass buddy." Minho laughed. I giggled.
"Fine, I dont need to be a runner."
"Why'd you wanna be in the first place?"
"Death, only way to get out apparently." I said.
"No, no no no no no." Newt said as everyone gasped.
"Why?" I said.
"Look, one of us tried that. It didnt work but it was incredibly painful-"
"How'd you know?"
"BECAUSE I WAS THE GLADER!" He yelled, finally loosing his temper. I looked at him shocked, "Thats how I got the limp okay? Climbed half way up those shucking walls and jumped. I hated this place, the maze, the glade, the creators- all of it! But it isnt worth it. Promise me you wont." He said, holding my hand in his, looking as if he was gonna propose.
"Fine. Fine okay? Can I go now?"
"Woah, wait." Alby said.
"We need to decide your job."
"Whadya wanna be? Slicer,Track-Hoe, Bagger, Slopper, Med-Jack, cook or what?"
"Frypan wont let me even touch his pans," I said and Frypan shrugged, "I dont really fancy bagging dead bodies or picking up klunk... I am not slicing animals, there my only friends. Med-Jacks sounds cool."
I really wanted be with Newt.
Get to know more about him.
"Whats your jobs? Who wants me to be with them."
No one said anything.
"Fine." I said.
"Hey, uhm, I'm a track-hoe." Newt said.
Thank you!
"Newt. What? I mean- Track-hoe." I said. Everyone laughed.
"Fine. You're a track-hoe now. We went over the rules on your first day." Alby said.
"She needs a punishment!" Gally spoke up. I glared at him.
"Hey! Come on, leave her alone." Minho said.
"Afraid she does need somethjng to learn. Sleeping in the Slammer tonight."
"Ugh!" I said.
"Hey no! Fine, take me too. Thats not fair. Shes a girl-"
I scoffed and did a little laugh.
"And whats wrong with that?" I said to Newt.
"What? Nothing but- I know how it is to be different, it's hard! Especially with this Shank runnin' around calling us all sissies!"
"But you ain't done nothin wrong."
I watched as he limped over to the table. Woah, he works a limp well. I smirked.
He tried flipping the table.
"Want help?" I asked.
"No." He said. I pushed the table, flipping it almost instantly.
"Right, fine."
That night was so wierd. It was cold and dark in the slammer.
"So what did Minho say to you?" Newt asked who decided to keep his distance.
"Not much. Just he told me that " I started to mimick him,"a shucking greenbean like you usually breaks rules and finds themselves in trouble and wees their pants like the sissy they are. Since your the only girl, you'll probably run into the maze wanting to shucking explore but if you act inappropriately you'll find yourself being banished into the maze and you can go shucking explore with the grievers then."
"Woah, hurtful." Newt said, shuffling closer.
"Why does everyone hate me? I guess we all just got off into a rough start."
"No one hates you. They just dont particalury like being yelled at by a greenie whos just arrived. Thats all."
"Newt you say it as if its easy." I laughed.
He chuckled and shuffled closer.
"Its freezin." He said.
"You think? Have you ever been put in here before?"
"Nope." Newt said.
I felt something touch me. Out of fright, I screamed and jumped up.
"Oh, sorry love." He said. I could see his beautiful brown eyes staring up at me and I could just barely see his smile glowing in the dark.
"Oh, uhm its fine." I said, sitting down. He placed his hand on my shoulder.
"You cold?" He asked.
"I dont have a jacket." Newt said.
"Great statement." I said. He laughed and pulled me closer.
I placed my head on his chest and closed my eyes. Thats when Chuck came, light on.
"Hey guys!" He whispered. I opened my eyes. After realizing we had company, I pulled away. Chuck handed us some snacks.
"Thanks Chuck." Newt said.
"Thank you, little guy." I smiled. Chuck's grown on me, he keeps me company. So far, my only friends here are Minho,Newt and Chuck. Maybe Alby but hes the leader, he has to be friends with everyone. Minho the 'sass master' as everyone says, wasnt half bad and was really funny.
Everyone calls Chuck annoying and he can be a little talkative but its better than ignoring me.
After Chuck left, I cuddled back into Newts arms. Then Minho came.
"Ha, thats why you wanted to get down here? To do it with her?" Minho winked in the light shining from his little light he brought.
"Go away." I hissed.
"Minho." Newt groaned and pulled me closer.
"Fine, I'll give you privacy." He laughed and dissapeared.
"What he said isnt true by the way."
"Yeah, I know. My only friends are you, Minho, Chuck and I guess Alby."
"So you havent met the other greenbean,Thomas?"
"Yeah lets keep it like that."
"Oh you should totally meet him!"
I dont think Newt likes Thomas much.
Newts pov.
Thomas is a cool guy but hes gona get the girl. Thats what I'm afraid of.
"Go sleep." I said.
"Good that." She yawned and fell asleep. I pressed my lips gently on her forehead.
"Good that indead."
When I woke up, I noticed that Y/N had a red mark on her cheek in the shape of a hand. I placed my hand there. Shit, it was my hand print. How?
She woke up and I smiled at her.
"Hey, uhm that hand print on your cheek-"
"It's fine, Newt. You move around a little in your sleep. Dont worry, I do too. I kinda kicked you down there by accident." She said.
"Wondered why I had discomfort."
She laughed a little. I smiled and decided now was the time.
I leaned in and placed my lips on hers. She didnt pull back. She kissed back.
Thats when Thomas opened the door. She was gonna look to him but I pulled her into me.
I poked her teeth.
Thomas' pov.
I hope that didnt happen all night. Y/N pretty.
"Newt." I said in a sweet voice. He ignored me."Newtie Patootie."
"What?" He spat, pulling away. Y/N looked up at me and smiled.
"So this is the nee greenie?"
"Yup. And shes mine so back off." He growled.
I saw Y/N blush.
"Yo, I only wanna be her friend."
"Good that."
Y/Ns pov.
Thomas helped me out of the slammer. I held my hand out Newt and he took my hand.
He pecked my lips.
"So, I got a new friend." I laughed to this guy. He shook my hand.
"Nice to meet you. Hope you have a good time at the glade." He smiled.
"Thanks." I smiled. Newt put his arm around me as Thomas walked over.
"Thats Tommy." He said.
"Yeah. I hope he wished me a good time for as long as I live because we'll never escape." I sighed.
"Never give up on hope. We'll escape one day and show those creators a lesson..."

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