Helping out

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I was driving by when I saw someone. I parked up. As I got out, there was a guy crying on the street.
"Whats wrong?" I asked. He looked up. My eyes met his chocolaty brown ones which were reddish from crying.
"My girlfriend dumped me and since I had a huge fight with my parents and lived with my girlfriend, I dont have a home." He mumbled.
"Look, I dont know you. But, I know that I cant leave you here. Wanna come with me? We'll go get ice cream and you can eat away the pain. I'll help you get back on your feet! You can sleep on my couch! If thats okay."
"Thank you." He smiled. I held my hand out. He gripped it. As I let him in my car, there was something about him. I felt as if trusting him would be easy.
He told me everything about him.
"So, Thomas," I said after we exchanged names and details, "Why was you crying?"
"Because I never thought she would back stab me like that." He said queitly. It was obviously a touchy subject so I let it drop.
"Sorry." I said.
As we arrived at ice cream, I told him I'd pay. As we started to eat,he was laughing and smiling.
"Who would want to make someone so sad? You seem like a real good guy." I smiled.
"Thank you." He blushed, "You seem really nice,too. Thank you ever so much for taking me in."
British. I grinned.
As we settled at home, it was time to sleep.
"You need anything,just call,okay?" I said. He nodded.
"Yes?" I asked as he chilled on my couch, "I uhm... can I borrow some sweat pants?"
"To sleep in."
"Wanna t-shirt? I have some baggy ones."
"No thanks." He said politely. I smiled. As I turned around, he got changed. When I turned around, I looked at him. He was shirtless with my sweats on. I giggled.
"You look adorable." I laughed. He chuckled.
"Thank you. You look pretty cute too."
I grinned as a blush crept to my cheeks.
"Thank you." I whispered.
"Can I put TV on?" He asked.
"Tom, I would say yes but I really want you getting sleep. Have sweet dreams, okay?" I said. He sighed and nodded.
"I gotta go work in the morning." I said.
"Me too."
Apparently hes back from work an hour later than me but we leave at the same time. I smiled.
I gave him the blankets.
"Tuck me in please." He smirked. I laughed.
He pecked my forehead.
"Thank you." He smiled.
As I went to bed, I smiled. I knew something was wrong but I knew I could trust him. Everything would be great.
In the morning, Thomas was leaning over me, brand new clothes on. I screamed as I saw him but then realization set in. I sighed.
"Don't scare me." I said. He chuckled.
"Y/N, can I tell you something?" He asked.
"Yeah, Tom?" I yawned.
"That story was fake."
"My girlfriend, the fight, everything. My parents and I are fine. I'm a famous actor. My friends and I did this challenge on whos nice enough to take me in for the night. Everyone ignored me except you."
Shock struck me.
"I-you... you lied?"
"Yeah but for the greater good. I've always been single. Anyway, Y/N, I wanna be your friend."
"Great so now you'll ditch me and leave me with your number?" I sighed.
"Yep! Call me!"
Years later.
Thomas is literally my best friend. I laughed as he poked me. And again.
"Y/N!" He laughed.
"What?" I finally spoke to him.
"I need to go to that store!"
"I dont know, I forgot. The one you buy your sweat pants from."
I laughed, "I'll take you, later."
"Thank you." He pecked my cheek. He always does that.
Dylan, Ki Hong, Will and Kaya (his friends) started to chant something. I finally got to grasp the word long enough to hear.
Date, date, date, date
Was Ki Hong and Kaya.
Kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss
Was Dylan.
Kiss, date, kiss, date
Thats Will, blendin' in with the crowd. Thomas faced me.
"Honestly, I've been wanting to date you for a long time now. What about you?"
"Ever since I took you in and saw hpw happy you was."
"Was that the reason you took me in?"
"No. Its the reason you were in need."
"Right." He said before smashing his lips onto mine.

Thomas Brodie-Sangster ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now