The Prank-Newt

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Newts pov.
I ran to Minho.
"The griever..." I panted, "It caught me."
He gasped as he looked up and down me, seeing my arms were gone and blood on me.
It's a prank; my arms were in my top with some leaves covering and the blood was from the dead people in the graveyard, Y/N smothered it on me.
Minho called the med-jacks and everyone, including Alby and Thomas came to see.
Thomas wasnt really my friend. I wasnt his.
He's Y/Ns boyfriend. I'm her best friend. You can see where I'm going, right?
"What happened?" Alby said.
"Newt you didnt go out in the maze, right?" Thomas said. We still cared about each other. I think...
Oops. I'm not aloud to prank about Grievers or the maze because its serious stuff. Alby made it a rule but I didnt know Minho would call Alby.
We didnt think it through, okay?
"Prank!" I took my arms out my top but smiled nervously.
"The blood?" Minho asked.
"Deadies in the grave yard. Used their blood."
There was some eeeewwww and some gasps. Nobody touches the deadies except the med-jacks.
"Sorry shank but you need to be punished for going against one of our shucking rules." Thomas said. He didnt seem sorry.
"What? Y/N was in it too!" I said.
"Dont put this on her!" Thomas grabbed my throat, making it hard to breathe.
Y/Ns pov.
I ran out as Alby seperated them and Thomas went back for more.
"Hey! Leave Newt alone! I was the back bone of the plan okay? I made it all up, he was just the actor." I said.
"Y/N!" Thomas yelled.
"What?" I crossed my arms. Being the only girl is hard, they think if they yell I'll cry and say I'm sorry twenty billion times. Shuck no.
"You're a slint-head." Thomas glared at me.
"So, still gonna punish him? If ya do, you gotta punish me too." I said.
"I'll punish you." Thomas smirked.
Newts pov.
I watched as Thomas took Y/N to the home stead, pressing her against the building. Anger grew as I watched him kiss her and her giggle.
"Guessing I get punished?" I sighed.
"I tell you what, I'll let you off this time. No more pranks though." I heard Alby but watched Tommy. Ever since Y/N, the greenie came up in the box, we've kinda grew less and less close.
"Thanks, Alby." I said and was about to go back to work when Minho pulled me to the dinner table.
"Newt," we was in private, You like her dont you? Look,"
He pointed to them. I watched the now shirtless Tommy smirk at her and kiss her neck. Busting them, Alby told them to cut it out. I smirked.
"See? You like her. I wont tell Thomas." Minho promised.
"Dont tell anyone." I said. He laughed and nodded.
"Good that."
Y/Ns pov.
The next day, I was passing the stairs in the home stead when Newt called me. I looked up at him. He tried rushing down the stairs but instead he fell down.
He screamed as he hit the bottom.
"Newt! MED-JACKS!" I yelled.
"I'm fine." He breathed in pain, clutching his bad leg.
"Hey limpy, no you're not. But you will be soon. I promise okay?" I hugged him. He placed his head on my shoulder, hands still on his limpy leg.
He smiled at me.
I visited him when he got to the Med-Jacks room.
"Hey." I smiled.
"Hey." He smiled gently. Then Thomas burst in.
"Y/N! There you are! Oh Limpy leg, what happened?" He teased.
"Hey only she can call me that." I spat.
"Yeah yeah."
"Tom, Newt fell down the stairs. Give him a hug at the least." Y/N whispered not quiet enough. Thomas rolled him eyes.
I sat up and he hugged me, not patting, SLAPPING my back.
"Ouch! You shucking klunk!" I said.
"Newt!" Y/N said.
"Both of you just get out! I dont need any of you!," I said, "It was better when you didnt come up last month. I just want you to go back down to wherever you came from." I aimed to Y/N. She nodded.
"Good that." She said, voice cracking before turning around.
"What the shuck did you do?" Thomas hissed before following her.
"Babe!" I heard from down the hall. I peered out the window to see Thomas go touch Y/N but Y/N slapped him away and pushed him back before walking away from the home stead door and grabbed... ivy? Minho and Alby went to tell her to stop, Chuck following closely.
She shook her head and went near the box...
Tieing the ivy to a tree, she sat down and dangled her feet down the box first.
"Y/N STOP!" I shouted, banging on the window. Speeding as fast as I can, my limp slowing me down abit, I rushed downstairs and outside. I ran and ran until Thomas grabbed her shoulders as she was about to jump. He pulled her away and threw away the ivy. I stopped.
"What the hell were you thinking?!" He yelled at her.
"Thomas only you like me here. Even you shout at me." She said.
"No, I like you!" Chuck said.
"Shank, we all like you. What made you think we dont?" Minho asked.
"Newt." She whispered.
I limped towards her and hugged her. She tried kicking me away but I hugged her tight. She kicked my limp and Thomas shoved me away from her.
"Shes my girl." He said, "Stop trying to steal her."
"Newt, were was you? You missed dinner!" Alby said.
"I-I... I'm going in the maze." I said.
"To do what? Cause another problem! Just shut up and stay still for once, Newt!" Thomas yelled.
"No. Not causing a problem. I'm solving one." I said before taking off.
"Where are you doing?" Y/N sighed, appearing at the door as I grabbed my weapons and got dressed.
Slinging my top over my head I answered her question.
"Hopefully ending the limp problem. Not causing another this time." I said. I turned around. Everyone here was really close, we didnt mind watching each other changing unless we were eating. We let Y/N watch us too but she doesnt mind much. Most the time she just looks at the floor or our face anyway like everyone else. We cant watch her though, she likes privacy.
"Newt! No! Minho told me what you did to cause that limp, you climbed half way up the shucking wall and jumped. You wanted to die, Newt. There was a reason why you didnt. We need you." She held my hands. I was taller than her by a few inches.
"Y/N, everyone hates me. Thomas especially. I'm sorry for what I said." I said to her, "But I need to die one day. I cant put up with this klunk anymore." I said.
"You dare, Newt and I will, I sware, jump throught the box lift. I heard about the unknown force slicing the kid in half, I dont mind being the next." She said.
"Fine." I said, hugging her. She smiled, kissing my cheek gently. I smiled even though I was a tiny bit suprised.
"I need you, Newt."
"I need you too." I whispered.
"NEWT!" Thonas burst in.
"Wha-" I was interupted by a punch. I went to fight back but Y/N clung hold off me.
"Newt, calm down." She whispered.
I breathed.
"Thomas, I cant do this. I cant! You every day yelling at either me, Newt or Alby because the way he runs things. I cant be with you anymore. We're so different! Me and Newt are so playful and we do jokes! You're so serious and demanding. So rough too!" She yelled.
"You like when I go rough on you." He said, pushing her against the wall. I watched as he kissed her and I could see her softening a bit.
"No." She shoved him away.
"I'm sorry but we're done." She said.
"Well, Limp kid. You won." He shrugged.
Y/Ns pov.
"Won what?" I asked.
"Newt, me and Minho made a contest on who would get the girl first. The winner was aloud to make out with you in public like I did yesterday after the prank." Thomas said.
"YOU- I- UGH!" I ran down the home stead stairs and rushed into the woods, Newts call echoing behind me
"I Forgot Y/N! I sware! You really are my best friend! Please!"
Tears flooded down my cheeks. It was all a lie, a setup!
Newts pov.
"Thomas what the shuck?!" I yelled.
"Shes not mine anymore, I dont have to keep it a secret." He smirked.
"I hate you." I hissed.
I took off towards where Y/N was. Forget the bet, I shucking love that girl. I didnt know what love was until I met her. I guess this is what it's like to have a sister. But you know, creators never sent me one down until now. I couldnt ask either, be to much. Risking another girls life.
I need to know what the real worlds like. Or whats left off it. Forget that! I soon found her and collapsed next to her, regaining breathe. She sobbed like crazy into a log. I pulled her to me.
"Shush, love. I bloody forgot about the bet. I really do love you, sis." I whispered, pressing my lips on her cheeks gently.
"It's not that, I-I know you love me." She sobbed.
"Then what is it?" I said, playing with her hair.
"It means Thomas didnt really love me." She said.
I walked up to Thomas and punched him in the face. Everyone yelled and Alby pushed us away. Thomas had blood drizzling down his face.
"What the shuck?!" Alby yelled.
"You used Y/N! The shucking bet-didn't you actually forget and love her?" I asked.
"No! I just wanted to prove something to you! Of course I loved her but I wouldnt excatly marry her! I knew she would pick you soon." He said.
"So you used your time wisely and made out with her! Ha! I'm gonna shucking kill you!" I yelled.
"Woah woah woah. Weres she now?" Minho asked.
"Woods." I said.
Y/Ns pov.
Minho tapped me.
"They told you about the bet? Two slint heads hey?" He laughed.
"I know you was in it too, shank." I said.
"Yes at first I was. Then you became my sister and I called out. Didnt they tell you?" He asked.
"No. Newt said he forgot." I said.
"I told Thomas and Thomas was suppossed to tell Newt." Minho replied.
"I dont care anymore, Minho. Thomas used me!" I said.
"I know, Newt just got in a fight with him. Now Thomas has a nose bleed." I said.
Minhos pov.
"Newt did that?" she blushed.
"He cares about you. He loves you." I whispered.
"Yeah.. wait Newt fine right?" She asked.
I laughed.
"Lets go check."
I pulled her up and when we arrived, she pounced on Newt and kissed him. I smirked, Thomas looked shocked, suprised and angry all at the same time, Alby looked happy and suprised, Chuck looked Terrified. Meanwhile, Newt looked like he was enjoying although a little suprised at the same time. Y/N looked happy and as if he just cheered her up.
Newts pov.
Damn. I pulled her closer and closer. I was on the floor because she had jumped on me but I was enjoying it. The only gap between us was our clothes. She rubbed herself against me. I couldnt stop smiling as she rolled us around the ground, lips joint, pulling away for a few seconds for breathe.
I placed my hand gently on her butt. She pulled away and breathed heavily on my neck and moaned as I kissed her neck roughly.
Thomas' pov.
"Alby!" I said.
"What? I ship it." He smirked, walking away.
Y/Ns pov.
"Oh my gosh, I love you." I said. He bit into my neck making me jerk up and groan.
"Wait." I stopped and pulled back. "You wanted this. You dont love me, it all lead up to this! The shucking public make out. You win!" I said.
"No, no Y/N please, I do love you. You know I do, love. It didnt lead up to this, I never knew you would kiss me! But I know that today was the best shucking day of my life. Damn, gimme another kiss." He said. I believed him. Gazing into his eyes, understanding, i knew he wasnt lying. He held out his arms. I ran into his arms, squeezing him. He kissed me gently.
"Ewwww! What-and-You-Ugh." Chuck walked off.
Newt laughed and smiled at me.
"You are mine now, okay? Forever. Until the day I die." Newt replied making me laugh.

I thought that was a long time but as soon as we escaped and went through trial 2, we went through trial 3, Death Cure. Sadly, Newt turned into a crank and his eyes cleared, as if he'd gained one last bit of sanity. He asked Thomas to kill him- he had too. Thomas was really sad.
"Do it!" Newt yelled.
"I cant!" Thomas sobbed, me crying too.
"If you've ever been my friend. Please Tommy, Please..."
Wuth his heart falling into black abyss, Thomas pulled the trigger.

And thats the day the love of my shucking life died.

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