Truth or Dare?? Part 2

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Thomas' pov.
As I opened the car door, Y/N asleep in my arms, I placed her in the car but hit her head on the door. I'm gonna be horrible at romance. She didnt feel it. As I put her belt on and closed the door, I got in my side.
Y/Ns pov.
My head went up and down, awaking me. In the car with Thomas. Luckily I had a taxi drive me here 'cos momma wanted to borrow my car.
"Where are we going?" I yawned, "I need to go home."
I felt wetness underneath me. Wierd. Probably-Hopefully just sweat.
"I'm taking you home, sweetie. You fell asleep on me in Truth or Dare."
"Is it over?"
"Should be."
"Thanks Tom."
"No worries. Are you gonna tell your parents what the cast made us do?"
"No. My mum wont even let me have a boyfriend. You?"
"Nah. Wait not even now?"
"She told me no boys when I was ten and never asked again since."
"Oh. She'll probably hate me if she knew I kissed her baby girl."
"Well uhm thanks Thomas. You really are sweet, y'know?"
The rest of the ride was in silence but I was moaning a little.
"I'm cold."
"It's dark."
"I'm tired."
"How long left?"
He didnt complain once just smiled at me.
"Heres my jacket."
"Dont worry, I'll walk you in, you'll be fine."
"Go sleep, I'll wake you up."
"Only a few minutes."
He answered every single one. I didnt fall asleep though.
He parked up at mine.
"Thanks again. Drive safely." I said, getting out. I looked at the source making me feel wet. It was red... OMG NO NO NO!!! I went red with embarressment as Thomas peered down at it.
"Sorry." I said.
Thomas' pov.
I saw her tears.
I got out the car and hugged her tight as she cried in my arms.
"Dont worry! Its fine, I swear! It'll dry." I smiled, trying to reassure her.
"But it'll stink and stain." She sobbed.
"So? Who cares? Come on, lets get you inside and tucked in."
"Tucked in?"
"Uh huh. Its 11 already so who cares."
"To pay up for starting my period in your car and since I dont want you getting hurt driving in the dark, do you wanna stay and sleep here? We have a spare bedroom." She asked.
"You sure?" I asked.
She nodded.
"Fine." I laughed.
As she explained to her mum and quickly got cleaned up and did that thingy you do helping you when you have that girl problem, I sat in the kitchen.
"Can I leave my keys here?" I asked.
"Ya might wanna put them in your bedroom just incase, honey. So what shooting fun? What did you do?" She asked.
"We played Truth or Dare." I smiled.
"Whaddya pick?"
"What was the dare?"
"To sit close to Y/N and kiss her cheek every few seconds and thats when she fell asleep."
"So thats why your so close?"
"No, we're just friends."
"What did she pick?"
I felt her glare get harder.
"Truth." Y/N stepped in. She lied to her mother but maybe for the greater good. Oh wait, Y/N finished cleaning up. Okay.
"What was it?"
"Do I like playing in Scorch Trials and I said yes."
"Oh okay. Go bed kids, it's late."
Y/N pulled me upstairs.
"Seriously? What happened to shutting it?!" She hissed. I put my hands up in surrender. She sighed and quickly undressed. Woah.
Y/Ns pov.
I forgot about him so when I turned to look at him, he had an amazed gaze on. Amazed and kinda excited.
"Whats up with you?" I asked.
"Nothing." He said and put his face back.
"So get in bed then, lets tuck ya in." He grinned. I followed his orders. I pulled him down and he laid beside me for a minute or to because I asked him to hug me. Then he fell asleep, head tilted on my shoulders. I took off the covers and placed them on both of us. He was still in his work clothes so they were dirty but who cares? I still cuddled into him.
When I woke up, Thomas was still asleep. I smiled and watched. He soon woke up and smiled back at me.
"Wanna re-do the dare?"
"Yours." He smiled sleepily. I thought he was handsome and honestly yes but not in front of my mom. So I locked my door and leaned in, kissing first his forehead. Then his lips. His tongue ,which was also still half asleep, tiredly asked permission and I immediately let it enter. After a few minutes I pulled back and rubbed my nose against his like we were deeply in-love.
"Y/N what are we?"
"No but like... to each other."
"Friends, I guess. Unless you dont wanna be."
"We kissed, We slept together-"
"Accidently." I corrected him.
"Yes but we should date then. I'm gonna ask your mom."
"Better you getting yelled at then me." I muttered.
"What was that?"
As he came back, he grinned widely.
"She said yes!"
I freaked and kissed him. He smiled.
Kaya's pov.
We were all at the set now and Thomas kept winking at Y/N.
"What happened?" I asked Ki.
He shrugged and we went to ask.
"Basically, I invited him in, we slept together accidently,kissed and yup, my mum let him be my boyfriend!" I freaked and Kaya and I jumped in happiness.
"You slept together?!" Ki asked, half suprised and half in shock.
Soon the whole set knew.
"So Y/N you slept with-"
The sixth person.
"YUP! ACCIDENTLY!" I yelled.
I walked up to Thomas. He pecked my cheek as we watched everyone on set.
"We should of kept it a secret." I said.
"More the merrier. Now we can kiss in public too." He said.
"Oh,love, I'm on. See ya." He smiled. He was sweet but was this relationship really gonna last...?

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