It changed the group Part 2

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Y/Ns pov.
Thomas knocked on my door in a suit. I grinned.
"Sooooo, you ready?" He asked. I hugged him tight.
"Thank you." I whispered before pulling him out to the car. Despite the freezing cold blowing through the windows, the ride was pretty cool.
"So, what movie are we watching?" He asked.
"At the cinemas? I dont know. You pick."
"Have you watched... hm... Minions? I know its childish but-"
"No. I'll watch minions with you." I interupted. I have been dying to watch minions. He chuckled and placed his hand on my knee. His adorable smile never moved of his face.
As we arrived, I sat there sipping my pepsi.
"Dont, you'll have to go to the bathroom."
"I already do." I laughed.
When I came back, Tom looked miserable and in a rush, checking his watch again and again.
"Oh! There you are! I'm so so sorry Y/N but I have to go."
I watched him dash out the cinemas. I sighed and sat down to watch the film. Texting Cheryl, I realized that Thomas probably changed his mind. He doesnt like me. I wiped a tear that was coming lose.
It's gonna be fine, I can stay alone. I told myself.
Cheryl must have text Josh because the next day at school, our group was silent.
"Y/N, I-"
"Dont, Tommy."
"But we-"
"No! Shush, okay?"
"Thomas! You ditched me on a date okay? Nothing to say about it."
I felt arms around me and I was up in the air.
"Y/N, I'm so sorry. It was a family emergancy. I'll redo that date-"
"I watched the film."
"Okay, do you wanna come at my house and you can choose the film?"
I kept quiet. I nodded slightly.
"So its a date? One I wont ditch you from?"
"Sure." I smiled.
He placed me on the floor.
"So last night went a bust." Cheryl said.
"Date 2 wins?" Josh said.
As I got in his car after school, he smiled at me.
"Do you wanna get changed?"
"In my PJs would be great."
He laughed.
"Me too."
As he stopped at mine and I came back in a lamb onezie, he drove to his. I spoke to his parents and sister as he got changed. They all knew me.
As he came back, I realized he was wearing a rabbit onezie. I laughed. He grinned and sat on the sofa. We sat there awkwardly like two potatos. Thats when Ava came with the advice. She told me to shuffle up. I followed her orders. I watched as she placed Thomas' arm around me.
"Ava, thanks but I got it."
She smiled and nodded. He wrapped his arms around me.
"What movies are on TV?"
"Hm..." he read them aloud. "The only one we both like on here is Gaurdians of the Galaxy."
"Put that on then."
Luckily it was only starting. As we digged into the popcorn and chocolate and the movie rolled by, he got a call.
"Oh, wait." He checked who was calling. He wouldnt let me see though. "Excuse me." He walked outside and I saw him chat on the phone. Not loud enough to be heard though. I sighed. Again. I thought. Its only half way through the movie and hes ditched me. Again. Why the hell wouldnt he let me see who he was calling?
As he came back inside, he looked at me and the film.
"How long left?"
I clicked select.
"20 minutes, why?"
"Uhm... today was a bad day. Thats all." He rested near me.
"If you dont wanna date me just say." I said.
"Dude, I love you. I do wanna date you but my time tables messed up."
"Well if you do then you'll make time for me."
"I am. Right now."
I smiled and hugged him.
The next day at school, Cheryl and Josh asked how it was.
"Great. I even got see his PJs." I laughed. They giggled. Thomas pushed me playfully.
"Shush!" He laughed.
"Did you kiss?" Josh asked. We kept quiet.
"Well?" Cheryl asked. I shook my head.
"Well then do it. Now!"
Thomas pecked my forehead.
They glared at us.
"Fine." I gave in.
As he pressed his lips to mine it was perfect.
Soon, gym came around.
In the changing room, Cheryl came up to me.
"Come here."
She pulled me out to Thomas.
"Let her see your phone."
"No!" He said.
"Why?" I asked.
"I... I'm aloud secrets."
"Not in a relationship!"
"...Yes...." he said.
"Tom..." I raised an eyebrow. He sighed and handed me his phone.
What I saw broke me.
Hey babe. You okay? Love you. I told you that you couldnt come over yesterday because Y/N was there. You know, my friend. I had to rush her. Its alright though sweetie.
I looked at who he was texting. The name Emma♡ stood out. I kept my head down, trying to take it all in. I clicked on my name. My name was just Y/N☆
Cheryls was Cheryl☆
Josh's was Josh☆
I looked up at him. He rubbed his neck.
I broke down into tears. I pushed him back, gave him his phone and quickly ran away.
When the group got together, me or Cheryl wouldnt say a word to Thomas. I didnt even look at him.
That stupid action he did changed the group. The group I loved, the group I thought would always be there and meant a lot to me. He changed it all. I felt as if we were all drifting apart. The group meant a spec of dirt to me now. Cheryl and Josh meant a lot still. I started to abominate this pathetic group.
"Y/N," Thomas started. I covered my ears. I cant stand him. All those lies! I didnt want to speak to anyone or listen to anyone. I scurried away to sit on a bench and be alone. Pulling my knees to my chest, I stayed strong and just thought. If he didnt love me, why the hell did he say he did and asked me out? He used me, I told myself, Isn't it obvious? He doesnt need to explain. I know exactly what he did. He used me.
"Y/N.." It was Josh. I looked up at him.
"But why would he do this to me?" I asked.
Josh's pov.
Her face was heart braking.
"I-I dont know," I whispered, "I didnt even know he liked Emma. He kept that from all of us. Even his family. Only him and Emma knew. But Y/N, even though he is a jerk and all that, you still need to let him speak so you can move on. You cant move on without hearing what he has to say, can you? He was a jerk. You dont have to be. Come on. He cant try anything, me and Cheryl will protect you."
I took his hand and walked over to Thomas.
"Y/N, I'm so so so so sorry! I didnt mean to hurt your feelings-"
"But you did! How could that not hurt someone?!" I yelled.
"Shush." Josh whispered.
"I know and I was.. I was beyond stupid to let someone like you get hurt. You are perfection in my eyes but I guess a girl got in the way..."
"I am a girl too! All because you have feelings for the popular ones."
We was sitting at the bench, my leg crossed and the other dangling off. He placed a hand on my leg.
"I know. A popular got in the way. I was stupid to let her. You are the popular one in my eyes. Y/N, I honestly feel really bad for letting it interupt our dates and tear us apart but you have to believe me. I love you. I swear. I'll go tell her now."
"Go on then." I followed him. I watched as he told her it all and deleted her contact. He was about to add a heart to mine.
"Tom, I forgave you and told you to tell her you cheated and was lieing. I aint going out with you. I've moved on." I said. You could see the moment his heart broke.
"Sorry Tommy but, you let it happen. You was the one who made the group go into a big dumpster too."
"Nope, that was me." Josh said.
"Not literally!" I laughed, remembering two years ago when Josh lost a shoe and made us all go into the dumpster. I remembered when me and Tom found it at the same time and we both went to grab it when Cheryl pushed us back and grabbed it.
Tom looked down.
"I'm sorry." I said.
"It's okay. I-I need to go."
"Going to get back with Emma?"
"No! I'm never dating again!" He yelled, walking away.
"So." Cheryl sighed.

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