Girl trouble

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Thomas' pov.
I watched as Y/N and Caley (my girlfriend) fight. My eyes filled with worry as I tried to take sides. My best friend or my girl friend? They was fighting because I had gotten Caley a golden necklace but I got Y/N the same one.
"Stop it!" I said. Y/N glanced at me as Caley took a punch. She dropped the necklace she was holding and held her cheek.
"Why the hell would you, Tom?" She asked, tears glossing her eyes, "I thought we had something special that no one else had..." her voice cracked. The saddest thing you'll ever hear is someones voice crack, signaling they're on the verge of tears but trying to stay strong. I squeezed my eyes shut as I heard her start to sob.
"Y/N..." I opened my eyes, "Don't cry."
"Thomas... I-I... can you take me home please?"
"No." Casey said, "Hes my boyfriend."
"I KNOW THAT!" She yelled at Casey, "I just want a ride home!"
"Alright, get on the bike." I said, standing up and grabbing my keys. Y/N walked outside. As we heard the doors close, Casey said something to me; "Tom, you dont love Y/N, right?"
I hesitated before shaking my head.
"Good." She kissed my cheek. After he walked into the kitchen, I saw something gold: the necklace-Y/Ns. I picked it up before walking outside. As we got on, she wrapped her arms around my waist.
"Oh wait," I stood up making her let go.
I walked behind her, "Face forward." She sighed and did my order before I put the necklace on.
"We do have something special but stop fighting with my girlfriend." I said. She kept silent the rest of the ride even though I asked if she was okay like twice. She just nodded. As she got off the bike to enter hers, I smiled at her. She fake smiled back.
"What's wrong?" I asked. She hesitated.
"I'm gonna tell you this because I trust you. You're the only one I trust so dont... dont..."
"I get it. Carry on."
"Its just... I was here before her You always take her side and... it would be nice to know you still care about me and need me in your life." She blurted out. I was so confused.
"I don't always take her side."
"Yes you do! In the fight oh Y/N stop hurting my girlfriend," I mimicked, "Oh Y/N stop the fight, oh dont matter I'll let Casey punch you. Probably cause you damage but you know, doesnt effect you because your already damaged!"
"I didn't say that."
"But you meant it."
"Look, Y/N... I don't wanna fight. I'll tell her to stop the fights too when I get back home. But, I do need you in my life and I'm suprised and so proud you still stayed through all the fights. You were strong since fight 1 and I need you to stay like that, okay? I do care. Alot actually. Oh and is your cheek... alright?" I asked.
She sniffled and nodded, grinning. I laughed.
"So you wont keep ditching me?"
"I never did."
"You did."
"Fine. I wont ditch you from now on."
"Thank you." She smiled. I hugged her.
"Oh and that golden necklace, they arent the same." I held the heart on the end of her necklace in my hands. "Hers doesnt open."
I unbuckled her heart from her necklace and opened it.
Y/Ns pov.
There was a picture. It wasnt like those 'put a picture of you amd a picture of him' in. This one had a folded picture in. Tom unfolded the picture and took it out. As I watched, I realized the picture. After we took it, he said it was his favourite. It was me and him on his motorcycle. I was wearing a huge princess dress and it was quite dramatic. I had my hand on my head and leaning back in his arms since he was holding me, wearing a prince costume. My eyes were closed and his face was serious. It was all in black in white. I smiled, quickly whiping my tears.
"Its... its perfect..." I hugged him. "You are perfect. Thank you, so so so much."
He folded it back up and opened the golden heart again.
"Wait theres a message." I said. He rubbed the back of his neck as I read it.
I love my life because it gave me you. You are perfection in my eyes.
"It comes with the heart.." he said.
I smirked, "I know. I've saw these in the shops. But you can pick one excatly like this but it doesnt have a message."
"Okay, I read the message and wanted the heart."
I laughed, "Thank you. Thomas, you are the perfect one. You're always so sweet, I'm so lucky that I met you."
I squeezed him. He grinned and blushed before I waved and walked inside.
Thomas' pov.
A few days later I was visiting Y/N. I told Caley and she wasnt too happy but agreed. Not if I would care she liked it or not.
When I visited, she was really moody.
I knocked on her bedroom door. I had asked why she was so mad at me and her mum told me about *Cough cough*. I think you get it. She was really uncomfortable with me knowing. I sighed.
"Y/N, you should of told me! Then I can look after my little girl."
"Why would I tell you so you can look after Caley?" I heard.
"I meant you! You're my little girl. Shes my girlfriend. You're my little 'en."
"Go away." She hissed.
"Y/N. Please. I really wanted to see you today. I left Caley and she wanted us to go cinemas."
The door unlocked.
"Hi." She said miserably. I hugged her, slipped off my shoes near her door and put my coat on the floor in her bedroom. Then I pulled her in, put a movie I brought (I wanted to watch it) in her TV.
"What are you doing?" She asked. I got out the chocolates I brought and the popcorn (it was in a plastic bucket) before sitting on her bed near her.
"Here." I handed all the food to her, "We're watching a movie.
"Which one?"
"Inside out."
She smiled and wrapped her arms around me. In the middle of the movie, Caley walked in.
"What are you doing?!" Tears welled in her eyes.
"We're just friends." I said. If she wont believe me, I aint wasting my breathe on her. She never cared about our relationship, she just didnt want to get hurt. She loved seeing me get hurt. You could see it in her eyes. Y/N pulled away.
"Tom we're done!" She threw her necklace. Y/N ducked and luckily I caught it. If that broke, she would be emptying her bank account.
"Fine. You didnt care about us. You just didnt wanna get hurt. You wanted me to get hurt. You wanted the fame. Oh I know you. You didnt care. Not once. So bu-bye." I said. "I'll give this to Ava." I shook the necklace. She burst into tears and ran downstairs. Y/N sent me a glare as if to say that I shouldnt have done that.
She rolled her eyes and laid further away from me.
"Y/N? What did I do?"
"You shouldnt have said that. Maybe I didnt like her but no girl should have that said to them. Especially one that did nothing wrong."
"She would hate on you everyday!" I yelled, "Thats why!"
"Dont yell at me because you didnt care about her." She said.
"I did care but everyday," I took a deep breathe, "she would say nasty things about you, your body, your family. I would always disagree and everyday I would lose interest in her. Because I actually like you."
"You..." she trailed of and just stared at the TV.
"I'll give you time to let this sink in."
After the movie, we finally spoke again.
"If you liked me why did you date those 4 girls?"
"5." I corrected.
"And you kissed every single one."
I kept quiet.
"See Tom? You just want a girlfriend. You dont care who."
"DO YOU THINK I WANTED THEM 5?!" I blurted. She looked scared.
"Yes.." she said.
"At first I did but they all didnt like you. Thats how we ended. Only Emma did but she was so... girly... she was scared to go on my motorcycle, was always painting her nails or dragging me to go shopping with her."
"But she was nice."
"I know, too nice."
"But anyway, you... when did you start liking me?"
"Since we met. But I never had the guts and those girls got in the way so I.. I thought I loved them more but.. I-I dont. And I get that now."
Y/Ns pov.
"But... I... " my heads started to shake, palms sweaty. I grabbed his face. He looked at me, face squished in my hands.
"Wht hare uv toin?" He didnt look worried.
"Not much." I pulled his face towards me. I opened my eyes at the last moment to see his squished face and I couldnt. I burst into laughter and let go. He looked hurt.
"Sorry Tom. I couldnt."
"Well if you cant, I can." He pulled my face towards him and kissed me. Shock hit me like lightening hit Minho in The Scorch Trials. When he pulled away, because I was using him as support, I fell on him.
"Hey." He laughed. I lifted up and stared at the Tv in silence.
"Its the fact you dated so many girls and placed your lips on so many girls and just fell like... like I'm just one of them."
"No. You're special. I've always, and always will, love you." He pecked my cheek, "I promise."
"I just... dont think I can take the chance."
"I... i understand. If you love someone you gotta let them go..." it was quiet. "Y/N please. I cant let you leave. I need you to take the chance. You'll always mean more to me than anyone else in this world. You'll always be my one and only love.."
I peered up at him and smiled gently.
"I promise. Okay?"
He smiled and put his arm around me and kissed my forehead and laughed gently. "I cant believe I waited that long! I love you and this is gonna be great..."

Thomas Brodie-Sangster ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now