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Y/Ns pov.
12am came to soon. lying in his arms was perfect and then 12am came around. Yeah I was excited. But I was upset when the alarm went of and he pulled away to turn it off.
"Happy Birthday." He smiled tiredly and yawned before getting up and going downstairs.
"Just gettin your presents." He said.
I groaned and decided to put Nowhere Boy on. As it started, I pressed pause so I didn't miss anything whilst I was waiting for Sangster. When he did come upstairs, he took my by suprise and squeezed me.
"Happy 15th." Thomas whispered into my ear. I swear he likes me. I mean I like him too!....But he wouldnt like me...
"Here, open them." He smiled interupting my thoughts. I smiled.
"Thank You."
I took out the first one. It was a red velevet box.
"What you gonna do, propose?" I joked. When I opened it there was a ring.
"Like it?!" He asked excitedly.
"Yeah...This is an engagement promise ring, y'know."
"It says here 'Promise engagement ring.'"
"What?" He read it and blushed.
"Sorry... I thought it was a friends promise ring."
"Nah its fine, I love it anyways so I'll still wear it." I winked and slipped it on my finger. He was still blushing.
"Awww this is awesome!" She put the toy thingy music guy on her shelf.
"Oooohhh snacks for the movie! Thanks Tom, you make my birthday the best every year."
Thomas' pov.
She pulled my close and rubbed her nose against mine. My cheeks where still warm and pink from embarressment. I smiled though. She says its called a butterfly kiss but I dont know what it is. Maybe she's right. However she says she does it as a sign of 'Friendship'. When people see us do that in public and we explain they always laugh at me and say 'You've been friend zoned.'
I sighed and pulled away.
"Hey whats up?"
"Nothing. Should we watch the bloody movie or not?" I asked sitting on the bed.
"Okay." She pressed play and ran to me on the bed with the snacks. Y/N cuddled up into my tummy. I smiled.
"Why did you want me to watch it with you?"
"Because you're my best friend of course. You're my brother." She started, "Also because you star in it."
I wrapped my arms around her.
"Cheers." I chuckled.
When this so called naughty scene came on, she jumped and turned around, face dug into my neck. I grinned and patted her back, "Hey you'll do that one day."
"I don't fancy watching others do it though!"
I laughed, "Alright you got a point. Whacha got on your face, look up."
Y/Ns pov.
I looked up and my lips met his.
I pulled away.
"Oh. I uhm..." He looked at Tv and loosened his grip.
"Hey dont act nervous."
"Nevermind. Watch Tv."
We kept the silence and watched the movie.
After that it was like what, 2am?
Then we watched Stig Of the Dump. First time I'd watched it, to be honest with you. I found the end depressing but he was sitting there above me, arms tightly wrapped around my waist. I looked up and our eyes met. Then I smiled and looked down, making me feel so much better.
Then that finished and it was like 4:30am. The Last Legion next.
"Aww you was so cute in that!!!" I pinched his cheeks.
"I still am." He claimed.
"Mmhmm." I smirked. He smirked back and kissed my cheek.
After that it was like 6am. After every film he wished me happy birthday. I couldnt handle it.
"Thomas I uhm... Maybe we should... If it... You..." I rubbed my neck and sighed.
"What is it, love?"
"I... Oh for goodness sake!"
I pulled him down and kissed him.
When we pulled away for breathe, he smirked.
"Why didnt you just say?"
"I'm not good with words." I grinned.
"I love you." He smiled.
"I love you." I jumped on him and squeezed him. I was actually really tired so after that rush of energy I suddenly loosened my grip and fell asleep on his chest.
Thomas' pov.
I smiled. I've always been happy with my life, the acting, music, travelling, the fans, Y/N. Yet now I was fucking jumping for joy I was so happy with my life. I smiled and slipped alittle down the bed, my head hitting the pillow.
"Happy Birthday my sweetie."

Thomas Brodie-Sangster ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now