Broken without you

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Y/Ns pov.
My boyfriend broke up with me and I was so upset. I called Thomas. Not picking up. I drove to his house. Wondering if he was okay, I knocked. I used the key he handed me. Nope. No one in. I sighed and locked the door again. Then my mind flashed to something. Telling me to go back to school. Something must be wrong. Why else would my mind tell me to go back to school? I drove to school. The doors were open. I walked in. Nearly my whole class was there, crowding around someone. Oh wait... 2 people. I pushed through. There was some dude fighting Thomas. Tommy had blood around his mouth.
"Thomas?" I asked. He looked at me. He tried to smile, I could tell he was trying to show he was okay. Tears started to roll down his cheeks as he kept his smile strong at me, chin wobbling.
I just stared. "Tom..."
He broke down. He fell to his knees, wrapped himself into a ball. Everyone started to laugh.
"HEY! SHUT UP! GO HOME!" I yelled.
"What're you gonna do?"
"Tell your mother you battered a boy half your size. Good luck at boarding school."
"Ha!" He laughed, "Course you will."
"Do you really think I'm scared of you? You're just a weak bully. Musceles dont mean a single thing. You'll be lonely the rest of your life, You freakin' watch if I dont tell you girlfriend." I hissed.
He stood there.
"If I'm weak, whys he crying?"
Okay uhmm... can someone give me an answer?!
"Hes just emotional. Better than being a bully. Just leave us alone." I said.
"Okay, maybe I'll just go have a cuppa tea!" He teased.
"LEAVE HIM ALONE!" I yelled, "Whats wrong with you? Cant you understand?! The pathetic fights over! Its done! Go home!"
Thats when everyone started clearing out. I kneeled near Thomas.
"Dude, please dont cry." I whispered to my best friend. My chin started wobbling as he carried on. "Dude."
He looked up at me as my voice started cracking.
"I'm sorry." He said, crying still as he wrapped his arms around me.
"Sorry? No, I should have been here. Why didnt you tell me about the fight?"
"I didnt want you to know."
"Just come on, lets go clean you up." I said. I walked to the nurses room.
"Nurse!" Tom said to me. I grinned. He was laughing.
"I cant believe you. Honestly Tom, you have any problems, tell me."
"Only because you stick up to everyone. I can handle my own problems sometimes, y'know."
"Yeah, I know. You're growing up." I said, tapping his nose. He laughed. "What made you come school?"
"I found this creepy but my mind literally told me to come to school."
"Woah. What, you was sitting on the couch?"
"Then where was you?"
"My boyfriend broke up with me so I went to yours because you didnt pick up the phone."
"I'm sorry." He put his arm around my shoulder.
"Its fine. Hes an idiot anyway. Why was you fighting?"
"Teasing again."
" 'cos you got the accent?"
He sighed and nodded.
"I hate my accent."
"What? They're jealous. I love your accent!" I said. He grinned at me.
I found some tape that said FRAGILE. Wierd. I tore some off.
"What are you-"
I put the tape on his mouth. I could sense him smile. He ripped it off and grunted a little. I laughed.
"Hey should we-"
The nurse! She was here?! I grabbed Tommys hand and we ran. I dont think she had time to see our faces. As I got in my car, watching him run to his motorbike and quickly put his helmet on. I saw him wink at me through the window. I grinned. He sped off down the road, me following.
As we arrived at his, Tommy parked up his bike, taking his helmet off. His hair was literally perfection. He was smiling but I could see straight through him. He was either embarressed or broke. Broke rang through my mind.
"Tommy, are you broke?" I blurted out.
"Uhm no, I still have money." He laughed.
"No, as in... are you okay?"
"Yeah," he said, "I'm uh, good."
He opened the door.
"Oh, wait, Thomas, theres a uhm paper." I pointed under his feet. He bent over to pick it up.
As he read it, sadness filled his eyes.
"What?" I asked. He shook his head and walked inside.
He binned it. I sighed and dug my hand in the bin.
"No, Y/N, dont read it!" She shouted. I checked it and pushed him away.
Dear Y/N
(Tommy, dude, please show this her. She wasn't at hers so I figured she'd be here. Thanks mate.)
Y/N, I'm sorry. I dont want to lose you. Please take me back. I was wrong. I need you in my life. I love you.
Jake xxx
Jake was my ex.
"You tried hiding this from me?" I asked.
He kept quiet. I shoved hin away.
"You- you... I HATE YOU! HOW COULD YOU?!" I shrieked. He looked up at me.
"No. Sorry doesnt work. Why? Why'd you wanna make me miserable?"
"I dont want to. Y/N, listen, I want you to be happy. Thats why I did it." He said.
"But he said he'll dump you. I didnt want to tell you because you'll go insecure again. Dude, how long after you take him back do you think it'll take for him to get another girl? He'll cheat again. I-I know he will. So I didnt want you to get back with him just for him to brake your heart again..."
"Again? He wasnt the one who broke it, slint-head."
Tom chuckled, "Glader slang instead of swearing? Clever."
"Oh... I-uhm.. I'm sorry."
Thomas pov.
A few months ago, she asked me out. I told her no because I had a girlfriend. The next day I dumped my girlfriend because I had feeling for Y/N but never told her, I told her that she dumped me. I had to because Y/N got a boyfriend after I dumped my girlfriend. But we didnt let any off it change our friendship.
"Yeah. Thomas, you broke my heart. I havent had a single sad feeling about boys since then. Whats the point?"
"Y/N, remember the day I told you she dumped me?"
"I dumped her."
"I still had feelings for you but I couldnt tell you because.. you started going out with Jake."
"You..." she trailed off. I nodded. As she binned the paper, my heart was picking up all the shattered pieces. But I was missing the glue so I felt the pain of my heart shatter all over again.
"Thomas... I only got with Jake because he said he loved me and I thought I loved him but turns out I was just trying to forget you." She sighed. I grinned.
"Can we just forget about all this? You take him back if you wanna, okay sweetie?" I stroked her cheek, "Lets just watch TV."
She sighed and nodded. As we chilled on the sofa, a few minutes into The Maze Runner which she absoloutely loved and when I came on she would freak and squeeze me (which I loved, dont get me wrong) she spoke up.
"I aint taking him back, you know. Thanks for having my back."
"Thanks for having my back. Through everything." I said.
She smiled and leant her head on my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around her. But then Newt ruined it.
She jumped up, hitting her head on my mouth because I was staring down at her. I groaned, feeling the blood flow again.
"Sorry, Tom." She said.
"Its fine." I said.
She got a tissue and rubbed at my lip.
"Who's better? Me or Newt?"
"Hard one.. You dumby. Even though Newt is crazily adorable- I'm talking about Newt here, not you- that sounded rude but you know- anyway, Newt has that limp and dies and... he tried to kill himself..." I said which ended in a whisper.
"No, it didnt sound rude. I know I'm cute so, yah, you can talk about Newt."
She laughed.
"Who's your favourite TMR character?"
"Well thank you." I said sarcastically. Y/N smiled. Her smile made me grin a little. I clasped my hands on her cheeks and shook her face.
"Lalalalalalala." I said as I shook her.
She giggled.
"Le-et-ggggggg-o!" She said as I shook her. I laughed and pecked her forehead. After that it was quite awkward. Maybe I shouldnt have kissed her... thank gosh I didnt touch her lips.
It was getting late.
"Y/N, maybe I should take you home."
"Wait! Some Dogs Bite only has thirty minutes left."
I sat back, an arm around her shoulder. The ending was sad so get ready for the tears...
28 minutes later, she had wide eyes and stared at the TV.
She hugged me.
"Casey." She mumbled. I smiled.
"It's just a movie-"
"Thats like telling me a book is just a book! That it doesnt hurt-"
"A book is just a book."
Just by saying that, I nearly got a fist in my face. Note; never mess with a fangirl.
"Woah!" I said.
"Sorry." She backed up a little.
"Its finished. Lets get you back."
"I wanna stay here." She pouted.
"Well ya cant."
"Fine. You stay here."
"No. I'm coming."
She sighed. As we got into her car, I told her I would drive. As I drove to hers, she had her head rested on my shoulder. I heard her yawn.
"Mmm." She said. I glanced at her before watching the road. She had closed her eyes.
As i arrived at hers, I walked around to her side before scooping her up in my arms, knudging the door closed. She peered up at me. I laughed and rubbed her forehead. As I knocked on her door, he mother answered.
"Thank you for bringing her, Thomas." She smiled. Then looked at us. "Any new news, Y/N?"
"About what?" She asked.
"Maybe a new boyfriend?"
"Are you and Thomas dating?!" She sighed. I laughed as did Y/N.
"I dont think so." I said.
"Y/N, come on then. You got feet."
"Do you mind if I maybe take her upstairs?"
"Okay, sure."
I smiled at her mum and slipped off my shoes. Running upstairs, I heard her mum.
"Tom, walk please."
"Sorry mum."
She lets me call her that.
"It's okay."
I walked the last step. As I got to her bedroom, I swung her in my arms over her bed.
She laughed.
"Y/N!" I mimicked.
"If you dont put me down-"
"You'll what?" I smirked at her. She pulled my face down.
"I'll hate you for this." She laughed before pressing her lips softly against mine. I kissed back. My arms started to weaken so I dropped her on her bed, her lips parting from mine. Hey!
"So, you hate me?"
"No." She laughed.
I laughed back, "Thank goodness for that." I leaned back on her bed, "I'd be nothin without you."
She pecked my cheek.
"I know."
"Why do you keep kissing me?" I chuckling.
"Says the one who kissed back."
"Okay, you caught me." I pressed my lips gently to her forehead.
"See you tomorrow."
"No, Thomas, wait."
"What?" I said, hovering over her.
"I love you. Do you maybe wanna go out sometime?" She said nervously. I rubbed my lips.
"Uhm...yeah. I'd love too." I smiled at her.
"Goodnight, Thomas."
"Night night, honey."
She grinned.
"Oh and Thomas?"
"You never said you loved me back." She said as I stood at her do.
"Do I have to say it when you know I do?"
She nodded.
"Fine. I love you too, okay?"
"Thank you. Oh and Tom?"
"What?" I said.
"WICKED is good."
I laughed.
"Go to sleep, shuck face."
"See ya, slint head." She grinned.
As I happily walked downstairs, her mum smirked at me.
"I can hear through the floor."
I blushed, "Right. Sorry."
"Sorry for what?"
"The uhmm... the conversation with your daughter."
"Are you kidding? I'd rather have her date you then anyone else."
"Thank you."
"So, you'll be here tomorrow? For her date?"
I walked outside after putting on my shoes.
I walked back inside.
"Can you maybe drop me off?"
She laughed, "Sure."
Part 2 or no?

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