First word

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Y/Ns pov.
"Now Tom, are you sure I can trust you? Remember, he isnt a doll."
"Y/N, I'm not stupid. Go have fun babe." He kissed my head. I smiled and said goodbye to our son.
Thomas' pov.
Soon me, Dylan, Ki and their kids sat on the sofa. Ki had a boy, Dylan had a girl, I had a boy. Well, actually the wifes did but yeah. Their wives were shopping and Y/N had to go out with her family.
"Shall we have a competition?"
"Baby race."
"Dude, your sons 5 months, Dylans is 4 months and mines 6 months. They cant run."
"Fine, you little shit-"
I looked at Ki and Dylan.
"Who said that?"
They was laughing and pointed at Jake, my son. I looked at Jake.
"Shit." He repeated. My eyes widened.
Dylans pov.
"Tom, looking a bit pale there buddy. Whats wrong?"
"Y/N.. she'll kill me! I'm gonna die!" His eyes widened.
"What? Why?"
"Dylan, that was his first word. I'm a horrible father."
He was freaking out about it.
"Hey, dont fret."
Thomas' pov.
Soon Jake fell asleep so I placed him in his cot before running downstairs.
"Guys she trusted me! I'm gonna- oh my gosh- I..." I literally started to cry. A grown man crying. Thats when Dylan and Ki really felt for me.
"No, Tom, we'll explain to her." Ki hong patted my leg.
Y/Ns pov.
It was 7pm when I walked in. Thomas had his legs pulled to his chest and was crying.
"Tommy." I said, sitting beside him, "What're you crying for? You're a great dad-"
At the words Thomas burst out into even more tears, getting louder and louder.
"Thomas!" I said, "What happened?"
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry..." He backed up a little.
"What?" I asked.
"Jake said his first word today..."
"Did you get it on tape?!" I asked excitedly.
"You wouldnt want it on tape."
"Why? What was it? Daddy?"
"I invited Ki and Dylan over and we was chatting, yeah?"
"And I may have called Dylan a little shit.. Jakes first word was shit and it was all because of me. I'm so sorry. Y/N, please."
He... how.... my life literally seemed to drown away.
"Well atleast hes still ours." He laughed nervously.
I glared at him.
Thomas' pov.
She looked as if she would murder me. I had to run if I wanted to live.
Ki's pov.
At 8pm I got a call.
"Bro, calm it, we're coming."
I had to ring Dylan and explain.
"Bro, I can but I cant. My baby girls crying-"
"Please dude. Hes sobbing his eyes out."
"Right, okay."
I arrived and he had a bruise on his cheek and a black eye. A small cut was on his lip.
"What the fu-" Dylan started.
"Shush, keep it down." Tom said, tears glossing in his eyes.
"What happened?" I whispered.
"A fight. She punched me."
"One punch? Looks like she battered you."
He rubbed his neck.
"I uhm... I did the same."
"What did you do?"
"Pushed her before kicking her. I slapped her too. Help me.. help my family." He sobbed. I felt so bad. Dylan stayed with him. I walked upstairs. I listened to the door and peered through the open crack. She was holding Jake.
"Shit." Jake was saying.
"No, shush. Dont say that. Trust your daddy to say that. Say daddy. Go on. Da-dd-y."
"Y/N?" I knocked.
"Ki? What're you doing here?" She said. I wouldnt say rudely though.
"Thomas... he's uhm.. hes crying. He didnt mean to."
"But Ki, this guys our first son."
"Y/N, first words may be important but daddy, mommy things like that, they're common. Atleast Jakes first word isnt common for a firstie! Plus, a funny story to tell when he goes to high school."
She laughed.
"Yeah." She smiled down at him, "He looks like his dad so much.." she whispered.
"You still upset about the first word?"
She shook her head.
"Then wanna go down to Thomas?"
Shaking her head, she looked up. Thats when I saw the bruises on her face. A dried nose bleed. She had tears in her eyes.
"Whats up? The fight?" I asked.
"How did-"
"Tom told me. He only told me and Dylan though and we wont tell anyone, I swear."
"I'm just so glad Jake didnt see us fight..."
"Y/N, he was so upset and was literally sobbing when that word came out of his sons mouth. He was upset as you were. But it'll be funny in the future. The only thing you'll regret is that you fought and didnt speak to each other soon enough about it."
She lifted off the bed. "Thank you Ki."
I hugged her gently.
As she placed Jake in his cot, we walked downstairs. Thomas was nowhere. "
Nowhere boy, I thought to myself, Lol.
"He just ditched us?" She started to cry.
"I'll call him. You lay down."
As I rang Dylan, I heard people speaking in the background.
"Where are you?!" I hissed.
"Shop. We gonna get chocolates, we gonna get teddies, we gonna get flowers, we gonna get movies-"
"Dylan, Dylan?"
"Shut up and hurry up. Deal?"
"Deal." He sighed. I put the phone down.
"Where are they?"
"I cant tell you." I smirked.
There was a knock.
"Y/N, its for you." I said as I text my wife.
Dont worry, I'll be back in a hour. Helping Thomas xxx Tell Dylans wife hes helping too. Ily babe
Y/Ns pov.
It was obviously gonna be Thomas. I opened the door.
"Wheres Thomas?"
"He didnt come with me." I said.
"Great. My husband left me and our son." I said, starting to cry.
I felt arms wrap itself around my waist. I looked down. They were bruised and dried blood was faintly on his wrists.
"Honey, you dont know how incredibly sorry I am and ashamed of myself. I'm the worst father ever." A familiar accent said. I turned around and squeezed him.
"Ki said that it'd be funny. A-a story to tell in high school and that it's better because its a unique first word." I said quietly.
"So you arent mad?"
"No just please never hit me again. I'll maybe slap you playfully now and then but I wont injure you anymore."
"Babe, sh-uck, did I really hurt you?" I looked up. He ran a finger across my bruise.
I say him quickly run and hug the boys.
"Thank you." He said.
"Thanks guys." I smiled, "Have fun! Oh, Ki, I saw a picture of your son and he looks the double off you! Dyl, your daughter looks like a mixture of you and your wife." I smiled. As they left, Thomas looked back at me.
"Honey, I promise. Oh and love, come here." He pulled me over to the couch amd dug deep in his bag.
He was mumbling something.
"Here!" He handed me chocolates. I grinned and kissed him.
"Thanks handsome. I'll put it in the fridge for both of us or do you want it now?"
"Now. Popcorn, too please lovely."
As I made the popcorn, I felt something hit my head. I clutched my head. It was a really bad headache. I couldnt even stand.
"Tom!" I grumbled.
I heard running.
"Whats wrong?"
"My, my head." He looked at me and hugged me, rubbing my forehead.
"Thomas, it hurts when I stand."
"Go rest. I'll make the popcorn." I slightly ran to the sofa. As my head hit that pillow, my headache vanished.
"Sweetie, check the bag!"
I looked through the bag. Baby toys were there.
"Aww such a good father! Always thinking about his son."
"Actually, babe," he ran to me in the living room, "this one," he lifted up the huge teddy holding a heart saying One true love.
"Awwww, I love it! Like I love you." I pecked his cheek.
"What movie-"
Thomas' pov.
Movie. Made me thing of flowers.
"-should we watch?" Y/N asked.
"You decide babe, lemma go get something."
I ran to the car. The door closed behind me, locking me outside the house in the pouring rain. I got the flowers from the boot, locked the car and knocked on the door. Y/N opened, rubbing her head. I held out the flowers. She grinned, took them and kissed me.
"Thank you." As I walked in a shook off, I got out the finished popcorn, headed back to Y/N and put the movie she picked in.
"Wait, what movie?" I asked.
"Uhm... well you bought Nowhere Boy, right?"
"And I've never watched it so, guess what, Paul?"
"Nowhere boy?" He chuckled.
"Yeah." I laughed. The night was perfect. Jake started crying, his daddy brought him down to me and as I rocked him in my arms, Thomas leant over and would help whipe his tears.
"He needs changing." Thomas said, face full of disgust.
"Well, dad, I leave this one to you."
"You have got to be kidding me."
"I always do it. Learn."
That went a mess. The changing was fine but I had to redo his nappy, Thomas put it on sideways.
When he went to put it in the bin, he dropped the nappy and the poo went all over the front yard. I laughed as he screamed as some hit him. I watched him run upstairs as I cleaned up the front. Oh how I loved my crazy little family.

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