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Y/Ns pov.
I walked down in my dress.
"No!" I whined to mom.
"You look beautiful!" She said.
"No!" I said.
"Fine! Look scruffy!" She said.
"Course." I scoffed.
I was looking for clothes to wear when my best friend- Thomas- came in.
"Hey!" I smiled.
"Yo!" He smiled back, "What you up too?"
"You look great!" I said, ignoring his question. He was my date to prom but as friends because no-one asked me and the girl he really liked told him no. Good for me- Not him.
"Awww thanks!" He sat beside me on the floor, "So whacha doing?"
Listening this time, I replied "Looking for something to wear."
"What about this?" Picking up the dress I just literally changed from because I now wore my PJs, he examind it.
"I just literally took that off, man." I laughed.
"Well show me! Put it back on!" He said.
"No! Its not special if you see it now anyway!" I pouted.
"If you've ever, ever been my friend, you'll put that on. Your beautiful without it, you know that but I bet you look just as beautiful in that dress. Please." He said, gently, staring in my eyes.
"Fine! Get out, wait downstairs!" I laughed.
"Sure." He smiled, holding my hand for a few seconds and letting them go to wait downstairs.

Thomas' pov.
"Were gonna be late!" I repeated as ten minutes later she didnt come out.
"Forget the stupid specialness!" Rushing upstairs, I saw her crying.
"Y/N?" I asked softly. Creeping towards her, her eyes flashed to me and she embraced me close to her.
"There are so many pretty girls- why cant I be one?" She sobbed. I knew she wasnt joking, she wasnt being stupid or wasting time. She was insecure. I pulled her closer.
"I know this soumds wierd because you're my friend but god damn you are so cute and sexy." I said. She was about to pull away.
"No, let me hold you for a little longer." I said. She relaxed and hugged me.
"It does sound wierd but true coming from you." She whispered. Placing her hair behind her ear, I gently placed a kiss on her cheek.
"Now get changed." I said. She smiled.
"Thanks." She said. I smiled and left.
As I waited downstairs, her mom asked what happened.
"Nothing really." I lied. When she came down in the dress- god damn, save me.

Y/Ns pov.
I dont think he noticed but his mouth fell open and when I reached the bottom step, he rushed and picked me up.
"You look gorgoues." He said, ignoring the fact my nephew was giving us flirty eyes.
"Thanks." I laughed. He gripped my hand.
"You wont get lost right?" He joked.
"Maybe! Might as well hold my hand tightly just incase!" I joked. He laughed.
Thomas' pov.
As we arrived, the boys were all over her! Touching her, trying to feel her, trying to dance with her or kiss her.
"No, go away!" She said as the fifth person asked if she would marry them. He didnt leave.
"Look shes my prom date okay? So back off!" I yelled.
"Your only her friend!" A guy spat, "And a geek."
"OH REALLY?!" Pushing him back, I tripped him up and placed my foot so it was heavily pushing on his chest.
"Shes mine, ya hear?" I hissed.
As we settled, Y/N began to hold my hand.
Then the songs began. Everyone sang along to the fast, more upbeat ones. A few boys stood up and danced alone for a few minutes. Their girls videod.
"Go on." Y/N smiled.
"No." I said. She placed her head on my shoulder.
"Go on."
"No!" I said.
"Fine." She said, anger and sadness tinting in her voice.
"Sweetie, I'm sorry." I said.
"No!" She said.
"No. We're just friends." She hissed.
"Do you wanna dance alone then?" I said.
"Yo! Who hasn't got a date and wants to dance?" She called. Dozens of boys rushed over, most already having dates.
"Sit down." I said.
"Well then, shut up." She said.
She told them to sit back down. Then the slow song came on.
"Wanna dance-"
"Nah." She said, looking down. The girl that turned me down rushed over and pulled me to one side.
"Sorry. Wanna dance? You look great." She said.
Peering back at Y/N, then back at the girl standing infront of me, I didnt see beauty anymore in the girl infront. I saw beauty inside of Y/N.
"No. Sorry." I said before returning to the table. Keeping quiet, I looked down.
"Are you sure you dont want to dance?" I asked.
"What type?" She seemed eager now.
"Slow." I said.
Grabbing my hand, she lead me to the floor.
Soon, a different yet still slow song played. I unbuttoned my three top buttons because it was getting hot and without her looking, she placed her head on my chest where the three buttons were.
She closed her eyes as we danced.
"I'm tired." She yawned.
"Me too. Finished dancing?" I whispered. She nodded, eyes closed.
"Come on then baby." I pulled her to the chair, ignoring what she said earlier about 'babe'. Soon she fell asleep, head on my chest as I sat there, her on my lap and I watched everyone dance and have fun.
"Wanna dance, Tommy? While shes asleep so you can dance and have fun?" A girl asked.
"Nope." I stroked Y/Ns hair and smiled fakely at the girl. She walked off. I placed a gentle kiss on Y/Ns hair.
Prom was finished and everyone was clearing out.
"Darlin' wake up." I said. She woke up soon after I shook her a bit. As she was a bit sleepy still, I had to lead her carefully to the car. As she was about to get out, I told her to get a good nights sleep. She probably wont remember what she said but she did. She said something that I couldnt believe.
"Thank you handsome for being by my side. You let me go sleep sleep and," she yawned, yup I think her sleeps made her drunk, "I love you more than a friend."
Then she fell asleep. I had to carry her inside, a huge smile plastered to my face.
As I placed her in bed, I took her shoes off and pressed my lips against hers.
"I love you. Thank you for an amazing night. I know there wasnt much dancing involed but I loved it." I said.
As I was about to leave, I heard her turn so I looked back.
"Thank you. I love you too." She smiled gently and more awake.
"Have a good sleep." I said as I left. Damn she must of felt the kiss then... No words were said on that kiss that night.

Y/Ns pov.
Course I felt it! Oh my gosh his lips were so soft and tasty!!
The next day I rushed to him and kissed him. He smiled and looked down at me.
"Do you think I'm a geek?" He asked.
"No. Even if you are, who cares? I love you." I giggled. He smiled and roughly kissed me.
"Baby." He smiled.
"What?" I asked.
"Nothing- You're just my baby and ONLY mine." He smirked.

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