Not anymore part 3

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*A year later*
One year strong baby! No late nights, he was back at 5pm or 6pm and always called me to tell/show me were he was going. We had a few fights but whatever,nothing separates us now. Newtons nearly 2 and he knows his father is a good man. We didnt tell him what Tom did to me before. Some things he just cant know. Tom deleted Cales number and everything and everyone elses. The only numbers on his contact were his friends (Dylan, Will, Ki hong, Kaya, Wes, James and so on) me, Ava, his mum and dad and thats about it. It was night time as we clambered into bed, Newton doesnt cry anymore at night. As Tom climbed in, I sighed. We had a fight today because he was showing Newton a violent movie and it made him cry. So we argued again. He glared at me and angrily turned over.
"Dude, come on. You know you shouldnt have shown that Newton. I was right. Not saying that I'm always right because I'm not but Thomas, we both need each other and you know that, too so dont go giving me dirty looks." I said, turning around.
"Yeah but Y/N, I didnt know he would cry!"
"Yes, Tom but theres an age restriction for a reason." I said.
"Alright fine. You win." He huffed. I giggled and turned around, wrapping my arms around him.
"Did that make you upset that I won?" I asked. He turned around and smirked.
"No." He laughed and kissed me, "Because I'm going to win."
"Win what?"
"This!" He jumped on me and we started to playfully fight. As I pushed him off, he pressed down on me so I couldnt push him again. I groaned.
"Fine! You win!" I laughed. He smiled and kissed me.
"Thought so."

Thomas Brodie-Sangster ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now