sickness part 1

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Y/Ns pov.
Thomas text me.
Thomas:Hey coming over today?
He was like my best friend. But not quite. I had my friends I stuck with. Sangster had his...But at the end of the day we where like siblings.
Y/N:No I'm ill. Sorry Thomas.
Thomas: Can I come see you?
Y/N: You're telling me that you don't mind catching a sickness bug?
Thomas: ...I guess.
Y/N: If you're up for it then I guess its okay.
Thomas: Great be there in a few x
Y/N: Alright, thanks xx
I layed there feelings sick but excited. The excitement brought up my breakfast though, all over the floor. I groaned and whiped it up before running to the toilet to puke some more.
Then there was a knock on the front door.
I went to let Thomas in before telling him to wait and locked myself in the toilet. I was sick, all over the seat. Most off it went into it. I locked the door because I didn't want Mr Sangster to over react as he always does. I sat in the corner feeling empty, maybe because I just barfed back up everything I had in me. I sighed and after cleaning the toilet, I was about to unlock the door but Thomas knocked.
"Y/N?" Thomas asked, suspicion hinting in his voice, "What are you doing in there?"
"Nothing." I grumbled, unlocking the door. He jumped back so the door didnt hit him. "Sorry."
"Was you sick? Why did you lock the door? I could have helped you-"
"Thomas I don't want you getting ill, okay?"
"And I don't want you ill alone."
I smiled and walked slowly and cautiously to the sofa, he followed.
"Okay so what do you want to watch? Oh I have chocolate, and crisps and-"
"Thomas, I have the sickness bug, you have the wrong type off ill." I laughed gently before groaning in pain.
"No!" He defended, chuckling a little.
I grinned, laying down on the couch and tiredly placing my head on the cushion.
"Tom I might nap for a while, are you okay here alone? Wake me up if anything happens."
"Sure, Y/N. Just rest." He smiled sweetly before I closed my eyes and went to sleep...

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