This isn't fair... {Part 3}

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Y/Ns pov.
Of course a week later I got a text from a Sangster. But it wasnt the Sangster I thought it would be...
Y/N Thomas is in the hospital and I didn't want to alarm you but he asked if you would see him because there is a big chance he may not live... So if you have any spare time maybe drop by? Thanks xxx
Wow.. I mean I hate him but this made my heart break...
I didnt text back I knew exactly the hospital he would be at. I got in the car and drove there.
I checked in and they told me the room. I was told to wait outside by Ava who wasnt allowed in either.
"Mum and Dad are talking to him." She smiled then looked down, tears in her eyes.
"Ava... I-"
"Y/N, he cheated... I know..."
"Why didnt you tell me?"
"He didnt tell me... He said she was a friend and that you allowed him to hang with her..." She mumbled. Tasha came out and said we where allowed in as Mark came through the door. I walked in and wires where attatched to him literally everywhere. Tears fell down my cheeks.
"Y/N." He grumbled, "I-I-I'm sorry..."
"Thomas..." I ran over to him. "What did you do...?"
"I... I didn't want to live without you. I knew you wouldnt take me back. So I-" He yawned and glanced at Ava, "Ava, can you excuse us please?"
She nodded and walked out.
"I... I ran onto the road when a van was coming.."
"What the fuck is up with you?!" I whisper/yelled.
"Y/N please forgive me..." His eyes fluttered shut.
"Thomas? Thomas! I forgive you!" I shook him. Suddenly a loud, beeping sound filled the room.
Nurses ran intonthe room pushing me outside. I sobbed outside as his family held it in.
"THIS ISN'T FAIR!" I was yelling repeatedly as everyone else tried to calm me down but I wouldn't budge.
That was the last time I saw Thomas.
That was the last time I saw the love of my life.
I should of just forgave him when I could...
A year later I felt so lonely but I promised when I burned the ring that I'd never get married again. So, I adopted a baby girl and you know her name? Teresa Sangster Y/L/N.
I smiled as she grinned and laughed. She was only a year old.
When she was older she asked about her dad...
"You're dad is Thomas Brodie-Sangster. He was an amazing man and... well he died. So I promised to never marry again. But I had you so I didn't need to."
I'm not telling her she was adopted! Shes mine. She thinks she came from my woom so she thats where she came from.
"oh..." she whispered, "Sorry to-"
"It's okay." I smiled and kissed her cheek, "Alright, goodnight then. I love you."
"Goodnight Mummy, love you too." She grinned and her eyes fluttered shut, reminding me of the last time I saw Thomas. I walked into my bedroom and got changed. Once I got into bed I saw Thomas. A faint outline. It was probably just my imagination but I saw him.
"Well done honey..."
Then he went.
"No Thomas! Thomas!" I yelled trying to hug him. Tears welled in my eyes. There was a knock at the door.
"Mummy? Are you ok?"
"Yeah. I-I'm fine."
"Can I sleep here tonight?"
I smiled gently.
She hugged me and drifted off. Thomas chuckled quietly.
"My family..." I heard. I smiled as I closed my eyes.
"Nite sweetie."
"Nite Tom." I whispered. Maybe it was just my imagination, but I believed he was there. And I'm going to keep believing.

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