Rough Terrain

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Meggy is still pushing Tari while she begs not to go, Four is checking the map to make sure they're going the wrong way, and everyone else is following. They come across a narrow ravine which only makes Tari more frightened. Meggy rubs Tari's hand gently and says "Don't worry Tari, we can easily get across." Tari blushes a little and slowly nods. Three looks at the ravine and cracks his knuckles. He easily jumps across and replies back to Four with a smug look "Easy!" Four looks unimpressed as he jumps across and says "Like you're the only one who can jump." Meggy, Mario, and Melony follow until Tari is the only one on left. "Your turn Tari." Tari looks down at the ravine and gulps. "It's so wide..." Four was more focused on the time as they had already wasted so much time.

"Come on Tari, we should be much farther along by now." Meggy tries to help by suggesting to leap on over but the roar's of the dragon combined with the height of the cliff discouraged Tari. "I'm not sure I can." Mario's eyes start to sparkle as he gets an idea. "There's nothing to be afraid of! Mario did it by doing a hop, skip, and jump!" He demonstrates by leaping back over and starts singing a catchy song. "It's not that very far. Just move your body with a hop, skip, and jump!"

Four watches his best friend and replies "We don't have time for this." Mario kept hoping back and forth singing "Hop, skip, and jump!" The attempt actually seemed to work as Tari took a deep breath and got into possition. "O-o-okay. A hop." The others encouraged her as she continued. "A skip-" Her confidence was lost once Four said "Just don't look down." Tari felt her fear come back as she stopped, stuck on the ravine. Three knew he would have to help with this situation and he didn't like it one bit. "Oh for god's sake." He grabbed Tari with Mario's help, and they pulled Tari to the other side, who landed on Three. "I guess I forgot to jump..."

The next obstacle in their path was a fragile domain. Four studied the map and said "Let's keep it down. According to the map we're entering a avalanche zone. One loud noise could cause a huge rockslide." Tari started trembling again as she quivered "An a-ava- an a-ava-" Four shushed her and the six friends quietly walked, carefully noticing the surroundings. A branch from a tree was blocking Three's path so he carefully lifted it up....causing a leaf to head towards Tari. A small touch of the leaf on her head and Tari's eyes widened.

"AVALA-" Meggy put a hand over her mouth as all of them stopped. Her voice was echoing through the mountain, but nothing stirred. They all breathed a huge sigh of relief until the ground started to shake. Four backed up, concerned. Rocks began tumbling down as they all screamed "AVALANCHE!!!" They all started running, but with all those rocks it was like a minefield out there. Mario was screaming "MAMAAAAA!" while moving around in circles till Meggy swooped in to save him. Mario hugged Meggy and screamed "Thank you Meggy! You saved Mario's life!"

"No problem Mario, but can you let go? I need to make sure the others are okay!" Mario nodded as Meggy rushed back in to find the others. Three was not in any danger at all as he was able to dodge and rock that fell near him and use his bombs to blow them up. "I knew these would come in handy!" Four however, was having a tough time as he could not keep up. A rock was about to fall on him as he shouted "Help!" Luckily, Meggy dove in and pushed him out of the way before he could get crushed. When the dust finally settled, they all found a huge pile of dirt and rocks in their way. "Is everyone okay?" Meggy asked, worryingly. Four smiled at her and said "Thanks to you I am." Melony was covered in dirt as she wiped it off, and Mario jumped up and down, excitedly. "Yippee! Let's do it again!" Tari felt bad that she had screwed things up and said "Sorry guys." Meggy tried to make her feel better as she replied "It's okay Tari. It was an accident." Four tried to help as well. "Yeah we'll just-" Realizing they had to climb, he sighed. "...Climb over." 

They all began to climb over the pile of dirt and rocks. Three noticed Tari slipping a few times and rolled his eyes. The pile wasn't even that steep. When making her way down, Tari tripped and fell onto Melony and Meggy at the bottom. As Three helped them, Melony apologized, thinking it was her fault. "Sorry." Three narrowed his eyes at Tari and said "Not your fault." As they continued to walk Three caught up with Four and asked "Still think it was a good idea to bring Ms. Klutz with us?" Four was about to respond, but then realized they had made it to the top. "We're about to find out." They all saw the huge opening to the cave where smoke was pouring out.

"We're here..."

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