My Deepest Apologies

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Boopkins was shocked to find that Egad's lab was destroyed and that he and Four were fighting. He hadn't even been gone that long. "Uh...what's going on here?" Meggy stopped what he was doing and looked at Boopkins with relief. "Boopkins thank god you're okay!" Was he in danger? "Of course I am Meggy. Why wouldn't I be?" Four rushed right up in front of him to defend the fish. "Because Egad is a mad scientist and cursed us! He was going to hurt you for his experiments!" The nerd and small fish stood in confusion for a few seconds before they started laughing.

"Did those accusations finally get into your head Four? You know that there's no such thing as curses." Four just took a look at his friends and said "Boopkins you can't just stand there and say this isn't a curse." Boopkins ignored him in the kindest way possible, putting down the bag he was carrying. "This isn't a curse." He went up to Egad, who said "If you remember back to when I warned you, this will all make sense." A flashback fades into view when Egad was calling beware. "It was a warning about that blue plant. It's called poison joke." Boopkins explained.

Egad delivered some intel about exactly what that strange flower did. "That flower is a lot like poison oak, but instead its results are like a joke." Meggy looks down to his eyes and asks "What does that mean?"

"It means that this plant just wants a laugh." Meggy was still puzzled. It didn't help that her brain was now the size of a pea. Four realized what had happened instantly. "I think what he means is that when we went in after Boopkins, we ran into the poison joke. All our problems are just little jokes it played on us." Meggy stood up with an irritated expresion. "LITTLE JOKES!? Very funny..."

Three was still on high alert as his stubbornness wouldn't give in that easily. "Okay fine. Even if that little mystery is solved, then what was up with potion!"

"And the chanting?" Tari replied in her deep voice.

"And the creepy weapons?" Melony added, blowing a fistful of hair out of her face.

"Treasures from the mansion of boos. It means I welcome all my visitors." Melony still got a bit of a chill from those lazers and wires. "Not welcoming to me..." Egad continued. "The words I chanted is just how I speak." Four's head was swarming with thoughts as he gestured, "But....the potion?" The Boopkins experiment?" Boopkins spilled out the contents of his bag and pointed to them. "Look here Four. That beaker of water wasn't for me. It was for all these herbal ingredients." Four went up to a table where a book listed the cure for this silly disease. "The remedy for poison joke is actually quite simple. You just have to take a bath."

Four turned back to ask where Egad got this book. "But I went through all my research and couldn't find anything. What book has this natural remedy?" Egad closed the book to show Four the cover. "Here is the book. See? It's a shame you don't have this." Four recognized this as the same book that Bob had showed him earlier. He said with a guilty expression "Actually...I do have this book, but I didn't look inside because the title was so weird." He read the inside cover which had some more insight on what the book was really about.

"Super naturals: Natural remedies and cures that are simply super." Four hung his head. How could he be so foolish? How could he have doubted himself and Boopkins? "I..I'm so sorry Egad. I had the answer the whole time and I didn't even notice." The rest of them felt pretty sorry too as Egad replied with a calm voice "Maybe next time you should not judge a book by it's cover."

Well now that the source of this had turned out to be poison joke... "Egad would you be so kind to mix up another batch of this herbal bath." He nodded, happy to do so, but there was still one problem. "I am missing a herb from the Mushroom Kingdom." Boopkins comes up to say "Whenever he comes to the kingdom, all the shops are mysteriously closed."

"Oh we can certainly help with that. Right guys?" They all agreed and set off back home. All the citizens were enjoying the day till they saw the crazy man with a cloak and what seemed to be his victims. They all rushed inside and locked their doors. The crew and Egad had made it back to Mario's house as Four went up and knocked on the door. Luigi creaked the door open. "Luigi. We need your help."

The friends were at the Mushroom Kingdom spa relaxing in a tub of water. "Dear Smg1 and Smg2, my friends and I learned an important lesson today. Never judge a book by it's cover. Someone may look unusual or scary, but you have to look past that and learn who they are inside. Real friends don't care what your cover is as it's the contents of a person that count. A good friend is something that will last forever. Your faithful meme guardian, Smg4."

The spa manager came up to Egad and said "I would love to get the recipe for this herbal bath. It's simply amazing!" Boopkins then gasped in horror. "WHERE'S MEGGY!?" Everyone freaked out as they searched the water for her until a voice called out "I'm right here." They all found Meggy, back to her normal size while sitting in a cup of water. Melony sunk into the water. "This feels so lovely." Mario came up out of the water and said "Oh my god! Mario felt so horrible not being able to talk!" Three grumbled and covered his hears while Mario was still rambling on. He liked him better when his tongue had forced him to shut up. "It was the worst! Don't you agree Tari?" Tari said in her normal voice "Yes." as the friends spent the rest of the afternoon laughing and enjoying their time being back to normal.

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