Ending The Feud

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Once again Meggy and Three were neck and neck with each other. Both of them try to inch in front, but the other manages to over take them for a few seconds. They both see the finish line in sight as Three decides it's time to really start playing dirty now. He starts shoving Meggy, to which she repeats the same thing back.

"Quit it Three!"

"You quit it!"

"You started it!"

"And now I'm going to finish it!" Three called as he started to inch ahead. Meggy stops him by pulling him back. "No you won't!" She then finds the same man she pulled back had done the same to her. "Yes I will!"

Meggy goes to pull him again, but accidentally pulls off his glove. When Three notices, he clenches his fist and makes up his mind. "THAT'S IT! ALL BETS ARE OFF!" He is about to create a portal to teleport himself to the finish line when Meggy stops him. "Oh no you don't!" She tackles him and they both shove each other as the lead shifts between the two.







They fall over the tape that signified the end of the race. They both let go and dusted themselves off. "I WON!" Meggy points at herself and gets into his face. "NO I WON!" Three gets back into her face as they bicker once again. "I WON!" One of the racers came up to them and says "You tied for last place morons."

"LAST!?" Meggy gasps. "Then who the heck won!?" Asked Three. Suddenly they turn to find someone walking up to them with a first place medal around their neck. "You won!?" Four shakes his head and says "I actually got fifth place, but that's actually pretty good since I've never run a race before."

"What! How is that possible?" Meggy and Three were still confused on how and when that slowpoke past them. "You were so slow and looked at the scenery." Four nods and explained how he did it. "Exactly. I was pacing myself just like this article said. Then at the end when all the other racers got worn out..."

He pointed to a bunch of tired people that looked like they were about to collapse of exhaustion. "I sprinted to the finish." Three looked insulted as he turned to Meggy. "Can you believe this!? Four beat us!"

"Well it was quite easy with you guys bickering like that." Four said as he crossed his arms. Three felt grumpy about this as he never liked to be shown up by his ex-rival like that. Meggy felt a little remorseful as she looked disappointed. "You're right Four. We weren't very good sports were we?"

"Sounds like an important lesson to us." The three of them turn to find Smg1 and Smg2 behind them. "What are you guys doing here?" Meggy questioned. They replied "Fall is one of our favorite seasons so we thought to come down and watch the race."

"Sorry you guys had to see us acting like that." The two smiled and reassured both of them "It's alright. Anybody can get swept up in competition, especially you two." They had a point. Meggy always enjoyed showing off her skills and Three just loves to win.

"Even if we fight from time to time, friends are always more important." Four stated as the other two meme guardians nodded. "You know, there are still a lot of leaves still covering the trees." Meggy gets a gleam in her eye as she says "I'm sure we could help with that. What do you say Three?" He still looks ticked off, but sighs and turns around.

"I could use a stretch anyway." The two sprinted off as the guardians watched the friends, enjoying each other's company.

Meanwhile in another part of the forest...

Bob gets up from his excruciating pain. "OH GOD. NOW I'M GOING TO DIE IN THE WILD." He turns and see a fat Italian standing over him. "Mario's come to help!" He starts running off yelling "NEVER MIND! I CHOOSE DEATH!" to then get eaten by a bear. "What did Mario do?" Mario looks to the camera confused.

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