I'm totally not stressing

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Tari was playing on her switch while waiting in the lobby of the relaxing spa. Melony rushed through the door and said "I'm so sorry Tari! I'm usually not this late for our weekly get together!" Tari giggled and said "It's okay! I don't mind."

Melony and Tari felt like they barely ever hung out with each other. Kind of odd since they were both the sweet and sensitive type. Now they had a new routine where once a week in the afternoon, both would meet up at the spa for some quality relaxation. "Usual please." Melony told Karen, who was working at the front desk.

Both of them went back to change into their robes, agreeing that the sauna would be first when Melony had some exciting news to share. "Can you guess what happened to me on the way here?" Tari had a bit of concern in her voice, hoping that something awful hadn't happened. "Is everything okay!"

"Oh it's much better! I was on the way here, sketching when I was stopped by Susan Wojcicki!"


The conversation continued as Melony explained that Susan was looking for some fresh content and was so impressed by her creations that she wanted to get some captures back at Melony's home. "That's wonderful! Congratulations Melony!"

"Thanks! I hope I'm making Axol proud..." That brought her to the second part of her announcement. "But I need a favor. Would you mind showing off my artwork?"

"Me?" Tari didn't know what to say. "Well I'm flattered, but a little surprised why you would pick me out of all of our friends." Melony could understand how this was a lot to take in, however, she knew that Tari was the perfect choice. "You have the grace and elegance that makes me just you in handling my projects." Tari thought as their feet soaked in the bubbling water. The soothing, calm music blended with nerves gave her mixed feelings. "Isn't there someone else more qualified?" Melony shook her head while batting her eyelashes.

Tari gave in and said "If it means that much to you, of course I'll do it." Melony was overjoyed and squealed "Oh thank you so much! Thank you! Thank you!" Even though they had just finished paying and left the spa, Melony felt something on her face. She gasped as a barely noticeable pimple had appeared on her face. Karen was looking at her phone when Melony burst through the door. "I NEED THE USUAL!" Karen threw her head back and mumbled "I really need to think about retiring..."

Back at Melony's apartment, she had invited Smg4, Mario, and Boopkins over to help get everything set up. She asked Four if he knew what made a good atmosphere for the shots. "Well there needs to be some more light so you get good focus." He cranked the brightness up on the light switch. "Don't worry, Mario will clean your floors!" He hit a button on the vacuum he was carrying, but his big nose got stuck inside. "WAAAAAAAHHH!" Boopkins brought up the stack of drawings and said "I went through them and I think Susan will love these."

Melony looked through them and agreed, patting Boopkins on the head for his valiant efforts. "Thank you all for your help. I feel a little nervous about this." Four pulled the vacuum off of Mario's nose while Boopkins replied "Of course! I remember how nervous I was on presenting my fanart." He leaned in close to Mario and Four and said "Can you two keep a secret?"

Both of them gave him a thumbs up and they all huddled close, Boopkins whispering "I first started drawing because I have a crush of Miku." Mario gasped and held his hands over his mouth, cheeks slowly rising as he tried not to spill the secret. "Oh give me a break. Everyone already knows how much you-" Four was interrupted by Mario shaking violently while his face was covered in a violent purple.

Thank goodness Susan had arrived before Mario fainted. He gasped for breaths as Melony went up and said "I would like to start by saying how much this means-" Susan walked past her, not letting the sentence be finished. Lakitu followed behind, turning on his camera when Susan yelled "ACTION!"

Tari scooted into place and introduced in a shaky voice "H-H-Hello...I'm Tari a-and these...are my friend, Melony's drawings." She reached for one and held it up to the camera. Melony was hoping that Susan took notice of her wonderful artistic skills, but she was more focused on the presenter. That movement. That tone. It was just what she was looking for.

After making up her mind, Susan yelled "CUT!" and Lakitu followed her back out. Four whispered to Mario "She hardly filmed anything..." Melony sighed and started to gather up her sketches. "Oh no! I'm so sorry Melony!" Tari tried to comfort her. "It's okay. You tried your best."

Susan turned around and said "It seems I have found the next influencer for YouTube!" Melony gasped and answered "Yay!" Susan instructed them to meet her at the park tomorrow in Mushroom City and left with not another word.

Melony couldn't stop jumping up and down in excitement as Tari was so thankful. "I was so worried I messed things up for you." Since Tari had done such a great job, Melony asked her to help with tomorrow's session as well. What a day it was going to be! She might actually become a famous manga artist!

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