The Rizzler

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Boopkins was sitting under a tree, crying and hugging his Umaru Chan plushie when someone approached him. "What the hell are you doing?" Boopkins looked up sadly and said "The party is a few hours and I don't have a talent to show everyone. Three's eyes squinted as he raised an eyebrow. "And how is that a bad thing?" Boopkins took a deep breath and rambled "Well Bob has his rapping, Meggy is an athlete, and JubJub just broke a world record."

Three still didn't make sense of the babbling that the fish was doing. "All this over a stupid party." He sighed and started to walk away, but then the fish grabbed his leg and was crying all over him. "LET GO BOOPKINS!" He struggled with no success. Finally he stopped and said "Will you let go if I help you find a talent." Boopkins immediately let go, and perked up with an excited nod.

Three took him back to the Starbucks in the internet graveyard and started pacing back and forth. "Alright, first off you want to be seen as super cool. Show me your cool side Boopkins!" The fish immediately took out his collection of anime as he thought this would be the perfect time to talk about his favorite subject.

"These are my figurines, body pillows, tv where I watch Cocomelon-" Three just stood there and face palmed himself. "Yeah... you're doomed if you bring that." He tossed all that stuff aside and brought out one of his knuckles. "Try to impress her with something stylish." Boopkins put on some sunglasses and tried to make some flirty talk, but it failed and made the knuckles disintegrate from disappointment.

Three shook his head and said "Okay. Well how about you bring something instead." Boopkins was about to say something, but Three stopped him. "If it has anything to do with anime or Cocomelon then don't bother." Boopkins was disappointed, but curious when Three ran off to grab something. He pulled out his collection of bombs and searched through them. "Nuclear bomb? No. Hydrogen bomb? No. Atomic bomb? No." Then he finally found the perfect one. "Here." He handed Boopkins a bomb-omb and smirked. "This will win the guests over."

Boopkins looked at it with a confused expression. "How?" Three blew it off and said "That's not important." He then examined Boopkins and signified that something else needed to be done. "Next up. You're way too short. Let's do something about that." He summoned Eggdog to help pull Boopkins so they could stretch him to be taller. The final touch was when Three grabbed a suit and tie to dress Boopkins in. "Now you're looking stylish." Boopkins went up to the mirror to see his weird gentlemen body. "Uhhh don't you think this is too formal for the party."

Three shook his head. "No. You actually look like someone who would score at least one date." Mario suddenly popped in and said "Oooo did you say you're going on a date with Smg4?" Three blushed and said "NO! I WAS TALKING TO BOOPKINS!" Mario smugly grinned at him and said "Sureeeee."

"What the hell do you want Mario." He turned to look at Boopkins and said "Are we having a costume party?" Boopkins told Mario "I need to find a talent for the party. Bob is rapping, Meggy is an athlete, JubJub won a world record, and Three is good at rizz." Mario stroked his chin and an idea came to mind. "Mario knows! You can help him make the spaghetti for the party!" Boopkins excitement returned back when he said that. "That's a great idea Mario!" He transformed back into his original form and waved goodbye to Three. "I really learned a lot Three, but I'm going to try to help Mario. See you at the party!"

He ran off with Mario as Three watched them with his arms crossed. "Wait. What happened to my bomb-omb. He turned around to find it been lit. Boopkins and Mario were walking when they heard an explosion sound behind them. "What was that?" Mario shrugged.

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