1 | Unicorn Dolls (R.G. x J.I.)

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Pairings: Regina George x Janis Imi'Ike p1.


"You can't feel comfortable around her, ever! Remember our plan, right, Caddy?" I remind her for a hundred times today because if I was her I would never hangout with Regina George. Not in hell, that bitch ruined my life. It would be fun to ruin hers too, that's the only reason I agreed when Cady tells us that Regina offers her a seat at the Plastics table for a week.

"It-it's Cady, Janis..." Cady smiles at me awkwardly and I roll my eyes. "I'll call you Cady when you tell me you understand." I try to seek reassurance from her while grabbing her arms to face her. "Yes, I do understand. Regina George is not a friend. I get it, we'll just hangout for the evening." She grabs her bag firmly.

"Good, Cady." Damien agrees with me by nodding. " And that will be all girl." He says.

"And that will be all." Repeated Cady before we spotted Regina's presence from the stairs, walking towards us.

"What're you doing with this Pyrolez?" She says hugging her figure with the two hennas standing beside her like fools, following her around wherever she goes. "Oh hey, Damien!" Says Karen, waving like a puppy. "Hey gi-" Damien grabs me by my arm when I seem to be offended and try to attack Regina.

"Excuse me, bitch?" I say irritated, stepping forward before Cady get in between of us when we were battling eyes with each other.

"Grr... God, I think she might bite girls." She insults me again, smirking and licking her bottom lip as she looks down at me, considering my height, it couldn't be another way around.

"Oh fuck you!" I say trying to get to her but Cady is blocking my way. "Regina, hi! Nothing... I was just borrowing Janis's notes for French class. I'm bit bad at it you see." Cady indeed borrowed my notebook and she takes it out and show it to Regina. Regina chuckles slightly ignoring Cady and has her predator eyes glued at me the whole time. "Not that you can teach her French, Regina. You suck."

"Whatever, get in loser. And please, keep that notebook away from my room later. Don't wanna let emo disease breaks loose for us girls." She switches her eyes to Cady and walks away to her jeep.

"What a bitch, and what's wrong with my makeup?" I mutter, looking at Damien and Cady. "I think you look great by the way." Gretchen says, I forgot her and Karen were still there waiting for Cady.

"Thanks, I guess?" Damien hummed a yes and wink at Karen. "See you later girl." He waves back at the excited girl. Yea, Karen is obviously one of the dumbest girls I've ever met, but undoubtedly she is the nicest amongst us all too.

"Hurry up, or I'll leave you in 3 secs." I can hear Regina sighs from where we stand.

I walk away, not saying anything to Cady because it might give a clue to the two plastics that Cady is befriending me and Damien. As I listening to her jeep driving away from school, I say goodbye to Damien as we part ways and go home.

I bring my skateboard today with me when I come to school, and I skate home passing a bunch of stupid teenagers hanging and making out at the benches and trees around the school park.

What even a grossier sight to see than looking at Regina George. As bitchy as she is, I can't deny, she's a sight to sore eyes.


I park my lovely jeep that I got for my last year's birthday in front of the main entrance of my house so that the girls won't need to walk a long way to my house. I might look like a bitch as they and experience at school, it's not my fault I don't like pleasing other people. But I do take care of my girls in my own ways.

I get out from my jeep after I shut the engine and the girls wait by the car for the amazed girl. "Yes, thank you. My house is great, get out from the car now baby." I say, sighing at the end of my sentence cuz I don't like waiting. "I'm sorry Regina, your house is so beautiful. It's my first time seeing a house this big." She gets out of the car, hopping down from it and I actually notice how cute she looks while doing it.

But not as cute as Janis's expression when she was mad at me just now. Technically, she made me mad first by hanging out with the new girl. Has Cady caught her attention? I can't allow that, can I?

She thinks I despise her, and actually I do think she hates me for the shit I pulled few years ago.

It's not my fault that I freak out a bit when we kissed. She was my best friend, and I never thought kissing her would feel that nice. I didn't want to admit it back then but I really liked the kiss but coming out seemed like a huge deal back then as a young girl I was.

And everybody knew I liked that gross boy back then, I couldn't just dump him and date Janis right away because of that one kiss.

It wasn't just a kiss.

I blurted the wrong thing when I freaked out kissing her and it really hurt her, but I didn't know better or how to apologise to her.

I still regret doing it to her back then, but making fun of her was the only thing that could get her attention back at me when she decided to ignore me for a few weeks after that stupid game.

Eventually, I couldn't stop teasing her though I know she hates me for it, but either way, I got her eyes on me. And that's enough.

After we got to my room, I told Gretchen to get the heels I plan to give to Cady. But then I heard a sound that seeming to me, a bunch of boxes fell to the ground.

I sigh when I get up from my bed and Karen follows me to the changing room.

"Have you gotten her the heels yet, Gretchen?" I place a hand on my hip, I'm tired from school and I'm not in the mood to handle these mess she made.

"We are so sorry, Regina. We will clean this up." I let those three clean the things that got scattered out from the boxes for awhile until my eyes caught a glimpse of an old gift of mine sitting nicely in front of Karen and she's ready to grab it to entertain her curiousity.

"Wait, isn't this Sister Liz?" Karen says while turning the toasted rainbow unicorn doll around. "Who's Sister Liz?" Cady asks and I start feeling annoyed. "It's Regina's old doll. She used to bring it around school and had everyone saying hi to it every morning. It was oddly cute and funny. Wait why are you still keeping her, Regina?" I'm feeling embarrassed when they start spilling my secrets to the new girl.

"Oh my God, can't you guys stop? I do not claim that story, shut up." I roll my eyes. "She is cute. Just like a donkey that used to hangout with me back in..." Everyone looks at Cady disgusted and that includes me and the awkward silence in the atmosphere. "My Lord.." Gretchen mutters under her breath.

I couldn't stop them even if I wanted to, they saw it. "I'm gonna keep this cute little toasted unicorn in this box and we can all be okay again, okay?" And that's that. "Yea, just put it back in the box Karen, I'll throw the unnecessary boxes out on weekends." I act like I don't care about the doll I got together with Janis. But actually I am going to hide it somewhere they can't find next time around.

Sister Liz is such a cute name, everyone just misunderstood it means an obsessed lesbian and because of that shit, Janis hates me.

But she gives me her attention regardless, thus I don't bother explaining to her when I realise that's the only way I could get her to connect with me once more.

And for extra note, I didn't give her that name Pyrolez - everyone else did because she accidentally lit my bag on fire, and also Sissy Liz. I was sad about it for awhile of course, but she is still safe here with me.

RATHER BE MEAN | Regina George X Janis Imi'Ike ( and others )Where stories live. Discover now